Be My Strength

A banana?

A banana?

0The next couple of days passed by peacefully. However, to further the strength of his hold on the company before the next Board of Directors meeting, DX had to work a lot harder to convince the majority of the directors to vote for him.      1

As a result, he had to stay apart from his beloved woman for almost two weeks.     

At first, he wanted to take Kai Xin along with him but due to the pregnancy, Dr. Phillip advised him to leave her at home. The latter did not want them to take any risks. The other reason was that he refused to follow them as they flew between countries every two to three days.     

The last time DX asked Dr. Phillip to come along, the man put his feet down and said, "I'm not going to miss out on my nephews' growth just because you can't bear to stay away from your wife!"     

Despite their unwillingness, Kai Xin and DX knew that it would be best for her to stay back. Even if he booked the best flights and the best hotel, the constant travel would undoubtedly place her in a stressful situation.     

When DX finally agreed with Dr. Phillip and told Kai Xin to stay at home, it annoyed her at first. However, she soon found a silver lining. With DX away, she could go out and meet with her friends without him fussing over her every move. Furthermore, it was a lot easier to deal with Han Ye when DX was not around.     

They were still keeping the pregnancy a secret, so she would wear oversized sweaters to hide the bulging belly. However, it would be hard for her to keep it a secret any longer. "I'm eating myself fat" could only work so many times.     

"Where's your hubby this time?" asked Jane before she sipped on her mocha frappuccino. They were hanging out at Cafe X when Kai Xin received a call from DX. She had just ended the call with him when Jane shot her the question.     

"New York," answered Kai Xin.     

Jane looked at her watch and did some quick mental arithmetics before asking, "Shouldn't he be asleep by now? It's way past midnight there."     

"That's why he just received a thorough scolding from me," said Kai Xin with a grin.     

Even though he was away in a country with a major time difference, he made sure to call her every day just to check on her. Even if it was only for 5 minutes, the call was beneficial for both of them and the man refused to sleep until he said something to the baby.     

With a jealous expression, Jane groaned, "Awww, I've never seen such a protective man. You are making every poor single woman - like me - jealous."     

Kai Xin raised a brow at her as she asked, "Talking about a poor single woman...How was your last date? Didn't you go out with that Dr. Sam recently? He's quite cute. Are you not going to give the poor fella a chance?"     

Jane placed her forehead down on the table before groaning loudly, "I can't take him seriously at all. It's like dating your brother. I like hanging out with him but there are no sparks at all…"     

She looked at the glass of apple juice in front of Kai Xin before asking, "Aren't you going to drink the apple juice? There's no ice in it."     

Kai Xin hesitated as she looked at the glass of apple juice with a swirly pink straw resting inside. The past few weeks, whenever she hung out with her friends, she would order canned drinks or juice boxes but Jane, being a doctor, refused to let her order it because it was unhealthy.     

Instead, when Kai Xin went to answer the call from DX, she ordered a freshly squeezed juice for her.     

As she watched Kai Xin twirl the straw around with a conflicted expression on her face, Jane quickly reassured her by saying, "Don't worry about it. James prepared it for you and I stared at him like a hawk as he did it…He didn't put anything in it, not even sugar. If it's too tart, get your boyfriend to fire him. I want to see that kid grovel for his job back."     

Kai Xin laughed before taking a sip of the fruit juice. Once she tasted the first sip, she said, "Alright. The taste is fine. I like it fine."     

"How are the boys?"     

"The same...They are at school now...Lyle sticks closely to me most of the time and Jack still prefers to stay a distance away. I think he's still uncomfortable with me."     

DX and Kai Xin both understood that Jack was going to take more time to warm up to the idea of having another person in his life. They had been sending Jack to counseling sessions with Dr. Phillip and the man said that there was nothing to worry about.     

He advised them that Jack was fine and that his behavior was appropriate for a boy his age.     

After a while, Kai Xin smiled at Jane as she said, "At least he's not cursing me or anything…Last week, when he thought that no one was looking, he placed a banana on the snack platter that my mum prepared for me. He thought he was on stealth mode but she totally saw him."     

"A banana?" Jane cocked her head as she wondered why.     

"I complained about being constipated after breakfast. I guess he overheard it when my brother joked about the baby having to deal with the smell…" explained Kai Xin before she burst out in laughter.     

Despite how he behaved towards her, at least he was no longer hostile towards his unborn sister. It was a major step given how he behaved when he first learned of her existence.     

Jane laughed at the story. Once they calmed down, Jane grinned, "Don't you think that Jack is a little tsundere?"     

"Now that you mention it...He's totally a little tsun!" replied Kai Xin after she gave it a thought. Given that Lyle was quieter in nature, she had expected the older twin to be the tsundere one but it looked like Jack was more likely to grow up to be one.     

As they were chatting, they suddenly heard someone said with an amusing tone, "Hey look, isn't this Little Kai Xin?"     

When she heard the voice, Kai Xin froze. She would recognize the charming voice anyway...and the fear that it brought with it.     

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