Be My Strength

Don't run, you idiot!

Don't run, you idiot!

3...      3

Han Ye went to Imperial Hospital immediately after work. When he was at Wu Yue Xue's ward, he saw a nurse with bob hair that he had never seen before.     

"Who are you?" asked Han Ye suspiciously. He had never seen the nurse around the floor before.     

The nurse turned and bowed politely before saying, "Mr. Han...I'm the new nurse, Chen Ying. Nurse Lee resigned."     

Upon her explanation, Han Ye recalled that Nurse Lee mentioned something about going back to her hometown permanently before. Without thinking too much about it, he said, "Alright...Nurse Chen, is it? You can leave now...I'll take over from here..."     

Nurse Chen nodded and left the room. As he watched her leave, he made a mental note to do a background check on her. By practice, every nurse and doctor who had access to the floor would have to undergo a strict background check.     

However, with the way things were going at the moment, he felt more comfortable with doing a second background check himself.     

Once Nurse Chen left from his sight, Han Ye went to the side of the bed and smiled as he held Wu Yue Xue's hand. With a soft voice, he asked, "Yue Xue, I'm back for another visit...Did you miss me?"     

He waited for a few seconds but there was no response. Without saying anything else, he went to the bathroom and a moment later, he came out with a basin filled with warm water. He then took out a clean washcloth from the cabinet.     

Sitting on the bed, he tied her hair up before using the damp washcloth to wipe her body clean. Once he was done, he placed the basin aside before laying down right next to her.     

As he faced her, he gently caressed her face. With a troubled tone, he murmured, "Yue Xue...How long more do you intend to sleep? I'm getting bored here...If you don't wake up soon, I'm going to go and find a younger girl!"     

When there was no reply, he sighed. He lifted her hand towards his mouth and kissed it gently before chuckling, "As if I'd do that to you...I'm just joking, alright?"     

Placing a kiss on her forehead, he kept telling himself that she would wake up one day. All he had to do was to keep believing and keep waiting patiently. After he repositioned her so that she would be more comfortable, he started telling her about everything that went on with his life.     

Even though there was no response, he kept going until he yawned. Not long later, he fell asleep with her in his embrace.     

Unknown to him, someone was watching him from the outside of the room.     


A couple of days later, Kai Xin was trying to dress for work when she realized that she could not fit into any of her pants anymore.     

"What's wrong?" asked DX as he got out of the bathroom.     

"I'm too fat," said Kai Xin with a pout. She looked at her reflection from the mirror and murmured, "I don't think I can hide the bulge with baggy clothes anymore."     

DX smiled before saying, "It's about time. Just stay at home...Then I don't have to be constantly worried about you."     

In response to his suggestion, she stuck a tongue out at him. Even so, she knew that he was right. Thus, she sighed, "I'll stay home today until I find clothes that fit better..."     

When he was drying his hair with a blow dryer, she hugged him from the back and asked, "By the way, DX..."     


"My case is time-barred...There is nothing you can do about it..." said Kai Xin with a deep sigh. She saw some of the files in the room and it was all related to the three men who had hurt her.     

Placing the blow dryer down, he turned around to face her. As he pulled her into a hug, he said, "I know...It sucks...But we can still get them...I've been sending out my people to get everything they can find on all of them, including their families. Han Ye and I have been compiling everything. It's only a matter of time before we can find something solid. I don't believe that I can't do anything to them."     


He rubbed her back to reassure her as he said, "I know...I'll go through the legal means first...Only after we've exhausted the legal means that I'd do it my way..."     

"I...I know a faster way..." murmured Kai Xin as she hugged him tightly. She had to move quickly or she might be unable to do anything.     


"I'll let you know later..." said Kai Xin. She wanted to talk to Ghost and discussed with him about the matter first. She knew that over the years, Ghost and Phantom kept multiple files on Ye Tian, Luo Yin, and Shangguan Xing.     

They would have better evidence than DX. She knew that if they wanted to succeed, they had to work together.     

After DX left for work, she went to Callum's room to return a game console that Kai An borrowed from him. Her brother was late to work and he left in a hurry. On the way, he texted her and asked her to help him return it.     

When she was at the door, she knocked. Unlike DX, she was uncomfortable going into Callum's room without knocking - especially after the time she walked in on him walking around the room naked.     

Callum was combing his hair when he heard the knocks. Without looking away from the mirror, he shouted, "Come in. It's not locked!"     

Kai Xin went in and when she saw the vain Callum, she laughed, "Seriously, I've never seen you as dapper as today."     

He was wearing a tailored Navy blue three-piece suit with his hair combed back. Even though it was normal for him to wear a suit, most of the time, he would wear them sloppily and he would definitely not be bothered enough to wear a tie. Most of the time, his hair would be left uncombed because he loved how his soft hair moved when there was wind.     

Whenever DX scolded him for his sloppiness, he would say that it was his own personal style. Thus, it baffled Kai Xin to see him looking like a million bucks.     

Callum adjusted his tie before turning around to face her. With a boyish grin on his face, he said, "I've got a date today..."     

Kai Xin smirked. She knew who his date was. Phantom had informed her when he texted her to ask about her wellbeing in the house. Even though she had laughed her socks off then, she was happy for Ghost. After all, he was very important to her and without him, she would never have lasted for so long.     

If he could find someone to love, of course, she would want to see him happy as well. Suddenly, an idea struck her!     

"Are you bringing your date back today?" asked Kai Xin. Since she could not go anywhere without the secret guards reporting back to DX, she could only hope for Ghost to accept her invitation. She was hoping to use this opportunity to introduce Ghost to DX.     


"Afraid?" goaded Kai Xin as she poked him in the arm.     

"Hell, no!"     

"Great! Bring your date back for dinner. Tell him that your sister-in-law invited him and he is not allowed to say no. I'll ask my mum to prepare a feast tonight, so...don't be late~" said Kai Xin happily. Before he could say anything else, she ran out of the room.     

"Don't run, you idiot!" yelled Callum but she was already gone by then. As he sighed, he thought, "I can't believe that woman is about to be a mother..."     

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