Be My Strength

That's not really wise

That's not really wise

2When Callum arrived at Ghost's house to pick him up, he was stunned when he saw Ghost walking down the stairs in a jet black slim fit three-piece suit with a silver tie clip. He was only joking when he told Ghost to dress up and so, he was pleasantly surprised that the man actually put on an effort despite him saying no previously.      0

Grandfather Luo was standing at the top of the stairs with a smile on his face while Butler Douglas watched on.     

From the bottom of the stairs, Callum bowed politely to Grandfather Luo before saying loudly, "I might keep him out until late at night."     

"It's fine! You are a good boy! Go out and enjoy! Don't forget to help my Guang Ying find a girlfriend!" said Grandfather Luo happily. He hoped that Ghost would bring back a girlfriend as soon as possible. Hopefully before the God of Death claimed his life.     

"A girlfriend?" thought Butler Douglas as he watched Ghost and Callum entering the car. He knew that those two were more than just friends but for Ghost's sake, he did not say anything to Grandfather Luo.     

Once they were out of the gate, Callum asked questioningly, "A girlfriend?"     

"You try and tell your grandfather that you are going out on a date with a guy and see what he would say," said Ghost annoyingly. Ever since he told his grandfather that he was going out with Callum, he had to deal with his overly excited grandfather for the entire day. Somehow, Grandfather Luo thought that Ghost had a girl that he liked and he kept pestering him for an answer.     

Before he could even leave the house, Ghost was already tired from the incessant questions from his well-meaning grandfather.     

With a smirk, Callum pointed out, "You said date..."     

When Ghost glared at him, Callum immediately dropped the smirk.     

After a while, he took a quick glance at Ghost's hair before saying, "I like your hair by the way. Why did you dye it back to grey?"     

"I need to make a statement," said Ghost as he stared out of the window.     

"What statement?" asked Callum.     

When Ghost did not answer, Callum did not press on. He knew the pain that Ghost went through before and he also knew that the man next to him kept a lot of things locked up in his heart. All he could do was to wait patiently for him to open up.     

The driver who followed him the other day, Wang Yu, sent him all the reports that he and his friends sent to Mrs. Luo before. In addition, Callum went through Ghost's medical reports and school histories.     

Glancing at Ghost's left hand, Callum felt a slight pain in his own left hand. Upon further research, he managed to make the connection between Ghost's accident and Luo Yin being transferred mid-term.     

He went through his old yearbook and when he saw Luo Yin's photo, it triggered his memory of talking to Young Luo Yin about the 'grey-haired girl'. After a little talk with Ghost's old classmates, he found out that Luo Yin used to bully his older brother and that he would make sure that everybody did the same thing as him.     

According to Ghost's old classmates, they were too afraid of Luo Yin to say no, and thus, they would pretend that Ghost was invisible so that they would not have to actively bully him. It angered Callum to know that Luo Yin could be so cruel towards his own older brother and he wished that he knew Ghost back then.     

Callum knew that he played a role in Ghost's "accident". Based on Luo Yin's temperament, he knew that it was because he was searching for Ghost that Luo Yin acted cruelly. He researched all the way back to Ghost's first year with the Luo Family.     

During the first year, Ghost was doing fine in his studies. He constantly beat Luo Yin who was the top of the class and he managed to maintain his position as No.1 easily. It was around the second term of the year, when he was around 11 years old, that his results deteriorated so badly that he went from the top of the class to the bottom of the barrel. Callum also found out that Ghost's hair turned grey after a terrible fever.     

He had a feeling that the Luo Family had something to do with it but no matter how he searched, he could not find anything. To help him expedite the matter, he had asked his cousin, Shenlong Yuan, to help.     

He knew that Mrs. Luo's family had some connections with the underground world. If she did anything under the table, it was only a matter of time before Shenlong Yuan came back to him.     

"Where are we going?" asked Ghost after a few minutes of them entering the city center.     

Callum took a quick glance at him before smiling. He made the left turn before saying, "The Casino!"     

He took out his debit card and placed it on Ghost's hand before saying, "Let's go and spend all my savings! The pin number is 1305, your birthday. I know that you are rich but I want to give you something."     

Ghost looked at the card then turned his gaze back to Callum. As he raised an eyebrow at him, Ghost murmured, "That's not really wise..."     

"Aww...Are you worrying about my financial health? Little Guang Ying, you are falling for me, aren't you?" teased Callum. He tried to reach over to pat Ghost's head but Callum slapped his hand away.     

"Why don't you just go and get yourself killed!" snapped Ghost.     

"You would be sad if I die though..." said Callum. When he saw Ghost glaring at him, he laughed before adding, "It's fine! It's fine! That's just one of my saving accounts. I still have plenty of money left in my other accounts."     

Ghost decided that the wise thing to do was to keep his mouth shut. No matter what he said, he knew that Callum was going to come up with another stupid retort.     

When they arrived at Imperial Casino, they were immediately greeted by the Head Manager.     

"Mr. Shenlong, nice to see you here again..." said Head Manager Wing before he offered his hand.     

Shaking Head Manager Wing's hand, Callum said, "Yeah. Head Manager Wing, this is my friend, Mr. Luo. We are going to the high roller room. Please get us something to snack on and some drinks as well."     

Without waiting for the man to reply, Callum walked into the casino. He led Ghost towards the high roller room.     

"You came here often?" asked Ghost before he took a flute of champagne from a staff who greeted them inside the room.     

"Once a month. Just to relax..." said Callum. He then leaned in closer to Ghost and whispered, "Don't worry, my cute wife...I'm just a social gambler...No matter what, your husband won't let you get hungry."     

Callum was surprised when Ghost smiled at him. However, he regretted letting his guard down because he was soon punched in the stomach by the man.     

As he bowled over slightly, he grinned, "I deserved that..."     

Ignoring him, Ghost went to the tables and observed the players. He used to visit casinos every now and then but he would make sure that he lost the money that he brought with him. There were always too many eyes on him. This time around, he decided to enjoy himself instead of faking it.     

Using Callum's card, he exchanged $250,000 worth of chips and joined a table of poker.     

When Callum came back with a platter of finger sandwiches, he gasped, "Wow, Guang Ying! $250,000? Is that enough? They usually play with at least $500,000 worth of chips. Don't hold back on me!" said Callum. He tried to tell the staff to change more but Ghost stopped him.     

"This is enough for me to get their money," said Ghost as he glanced at the other players who were aggravated by his words.     

Callum shrugged. Placing the plate of sandwiches on the table along with a can of soda, he said, "Alright then. Anything you want. I'd be watching you from behind."     

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