Be My Strength

Would you consider dating him though?

Would you consider dating him though?

3....     3

Meanwhile, Ghost wanted to discuss with Phantom on their next move and so, he went for a drink at AVENGE. Since the bar was opened for business, he had to wait in the usual room.     

While he was making his way through the crowd, a woman came to him and hugged his arm. She rubbed her breast against him as she said seductively, "Sir...Would you like to spend a night with me?"     

Ghost smiled at her before pulling his hand away. He tried to walk away but she hugged him from behind and said, "I heard that you are the best...Come on, sir..."     

Then, in a low voice, she whispered to his ear, "Your mother said you should do as you are told..."     

Turning around, he smiled at her before whispering back, "You can tell that b*tch that she has nothing on me..."     

He was done being a useless rich heir. Ever since he found out about his mother's demise, he had been showing his face at his grandfather's company. His intention was to openly challenge those who had been trying to put him down and to eventually take over the whole company.     

His grandfather, loving as he was, had yet to pass the company over to him. He knew that his grandfather was afraid that he might ruin the company. Grandfather Luo preferred to hand the company over to someone who might be more capable and with the shares they had, it would ensure that his heirs would never be hungry.     

To get his stake in the company, Ghost had to prove to his grandfather that he was capable enough to handle the company. Now that there was nothing that could be used to threaten him, he was going to show the world what he could do.     

In the past month, he managed to secure a billion-dollar contract with one of the largest shipping company in the world. The contract would help to save up to tens of billions for the Luo Family's trading business.     

The executive directors of the Luo Corporation were eyeing for this deal and they had spent months trying to negotiate a deal with the owner of the shipping company. However, it took Ghost less than a month to get it. So, when he reported back to the directors, they were so thoroughly impressed by it that some of them called his grandfather to praise him.     

Since his father was busy with his campaign, he could not be bothered about him. However, he knew that his appearance was making Mrs. Luo uncomfortable. She started to force Luo Yin to take up more responsibilities at the company as well.     

He turned away from the woman and went to his room. He knew that his stepmother was going to use this to tell his grandfather that he was still the useless playb*y and that he was too into women to be reliable.     

"There's no way I'm giving any of them the control of my life ever again..." thought Ghost as he glared at the woman who was making a call. He had no doubt that she was calling back to report about him.     

While he was waiting for Phantom to finish talking to the bartender and the manager of the bar, Callum called.     

"Hey, where are you?" asked Callum over the phone. He could hear the music from the background and guessed that Ghost was in either a bar or a club.     

"In a bar," replied Ghost with a dismissive tone.     

By now, Callum was used to Ghost's coldness and it barely affected his enthusiasm as he asked excitedly, "Cool! Can I come? It has been a while since I last drank at a bar."     

When he heard the question, Ghost shut him down immediately with a clear, "No! I'm hanging up."     

He had just got off the phone with Callum when Phantom rolled into the room with two cans of beers in his lap. Since Ghost and Kai Xin were busy with their own lives, they had not been visiting as often as before. As a result, Phantom forgot to stock up the fridge in the room.     

"I see that you've been hanging out with my boss quite often lately," said Phantom with a smirk as he passed Ghost a can of beer.     

Callum used to come into the office late but somehow for the past few weeks, he had been working harder and more responsible than usual. When Phantom talked to him, Callum said that he had to work harder to provide for his "wife".     

"He won't stop bothering me," said Ghost before he popped the tab open.     

"You could ignore his calls, but you still pick it up whenever he calls you...Like a doting waifu..." teased Phantom.     

Ignoring the last part, Ghost said, "That's just to get a chance to listen to everything that went on in that house. He's quite talkative. Daisy has been quiet lately so I've to rely on him to find out what is happening there."     

"Talkative?" Phantom looked at him curiously. He then pointed out, "I guess he's only talkative when he's around you. I mean, other than work-related matters, he barely talks to anyone in the office."     

Ghost frowned. Given how stupid Callum acted around him, he found it hard to believe that the guy could actually stop talking for more than 15 minutes.     

Lately, Callum had been more annoying than usual and he kept looking for excuses to touch Ghost's damaged hand. Whenever Ghost told him off, Callum would just smile at him and dismissed it as a joke.     

"Would you consider dating him though?" asked Phantom as he turned on the video console. It had been a while since they played video games. Since Ghost was here, he wanted to play a couple of rounds with him.     

"Don't even joke about it," snapped Ghost. However, he could not help but feel bad when those words left his mouth. Even though he treated the man coldly, Callum had been nothing but nice to him.     

He kept asking if Ghost had eaten and whether he was feeling well. Ghost did not know how to deal with him. To be honest, he had no qualms about dating a man. To him, there was no difference between a woman and a man. It was the idea of being with someone that scared the sh*t out of him.     

"G, why don't you give him a chance? He's not a bad guy, and if you are with him, then you won't have to worry about your father or your stepmother doing anything to you...Luo Yin-"     

Ghost interrupted him by saying tersely, "I don't need his protection."     

Passing one of the consoles to Ghost, Phantom pointed out, "Your grandfather can't protect you forever."     

"I still don't need his protection."     

"Are you afraid that bad things would happen to him?" asked Phantom while he kept his eyes on the screen.     

When Ghost did not answer, Phantom took a quick glance at him and knew that he hit the jackpot. Looking back at the screen, he waited for a few seconds before saying, "Correct me if I'm wrong..."     

Before he continued, he pressed the 'START' button and waited for the game to begin.     

"When Du XiAn first approached Daisy, you told me that he is the only one who would be able to fully protect Daisy. On Du XiAn's birthday, you fed her aphrodisiacs and replaced her birth control pills with placebo pills. I thought you wanted Du XiAn to impregnate her but you said that you placed her there because you wanted either Du XiAn or Shenlong Xun to impregnate her..."     

"...That's because you do not believe in the feelings that Du XiAn had towards Daisy. So you want to have a backup plan. Shenlong Xun. If she was impregnated by either of them, both of them would be even more protective of her. Even after they found out that they were part of your plan, they would never abandon her. As the mother of their child, they would protect her from those who would want to get rid of her..."     

Phantom stopped to aim for a headshot before continuing, "...If you have the confidence that they can protect her, then why don't you have the confidence that Shenlong Xun has the capability to protect himself? Stop telling yourself that you are protecting him by staying away because you are just lying to yourself."     

"Stop," murmured Ghost as he moved his avatar around. He was running around seeking for new enemies while Phantom's avatar covered him from a high building.     

Phantom waited until Ghost killed another enemy that was hiding in a barn before continuing, "G, you did everything you could to protect her. You felt responsible because of what Luo Yin did. Admit it. Even if you tell yourself otherwise, from the start, you've never had the intention of using her. You just don't have the confidence that you can protect her."     

"Stop," said Ghost. He was annoyed by Phantom's incessant talking when all he wanted to do was to find the position of their enemies.     

"G, I know that you think that you are too damaged to love anyone...but you are not."     

That was the part that blew his fuse. Ghost threw the console down on the floor and grabbed Phantom's arms as he shouted, "SHUT UP!"     

When he saw Phantom's concerned face, Ghost released him before cursing loudly. He then turned around as he snapped, "Do you think that I want to watch her in another man's arms? So what if I love her? Love can't protect her! Do you think that those bastards would let her live? Luo Yin would do worse things to her if he finds out about my feelings towards her! And that mother of his! If Daisy is pregnant with my child today, do you think that she would let her off?"     

Phantom sighed and placed his console aside before saying, "No matter what is the reason behind your actions, Daisy would no longer be yours. She has completely fallen for Du XiAn...I don't want to see you keep hurting yourself...You need to move on from the guilt..."     

"I can't move on, alright!" yelled Ghost before he kicked the couch to vent his frustration.     

"What happened to Daisy...It's not your fault...You can't decide on who your parents or siblings are...but you can decide on your own future...G, if you like my boss, then stop being stubborn and be with him," said Phantom with a sad smile as he knew that he would never ever have a family.     

He did not want Ghost to continue to blame himself when the only connection the latter had to the r*pe was because of his relation to Luo Yin.     

If anything, the one who should be blamed was him.     

After all...He was the one who directly placed her there in the room.     


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