Be My Strength

So, what are we watching today?

So, what are we watching today?

4In the evening, Kai An and Ki Hong were hanging out at a Starbucks in one of the fancier malls in Imperial City.     

They were waiting for the Nakamura sisters to arrive. Ever since they met the other day, Kai An had been messaging Naomi Nakamura on a daily basis and he was starting to grow fond of her.     

He liked that she was a gentle and kind person who bore no resemblance to his sister or his mother.     

He had enough of hardheaded, violent women in his life. He was shy about meeting her alone so he dragged Ki Hong along on a double date.     

Ki Hong, who was still slightly upset about being kept in the dark about the relationship between Kai Xin and DX, groaned as he placed his head on the table.     

"Come on! It's been weeks!"     

"Well, easy for you to say! You are not the one who spent his whole life loving a woman who turns out to be the woman of a powerful man! And I'm still angry at you for letting me goad him into a muscle flexing competition!"     

"Well, to be honest...There was no competition, to begin with," said Kai An with a smirk.     

Ki Hong stood up immediately, "You! I'll leave now!"     

Kai An laughed and pulled Ki Hong's shirt to make him sit down, "Come on, bro! It's just for fun..."     

"Fun for you. I kept thinking that he's going to kill me...Urgh" groaned Ki Hong as he planted his face in the palms of his hand.     

With a loud sigh, he added, "I can't believe I told him about the first kiss!"     

A woman suddenly asked, "What first kiss?"     

They turned around and saw the Nakamura sisters standing behind them with drinks on their hands.     

Rin Nakamura giggled as she asked, "Wait~ You took Kai Xin's first kiss? You are dead meat!"     

Like the gentlemen that they were raised to be, they stood up and waited for the women to sit before they sat down again.     

Kai An made Ki Hong changed seats with him so that he could sit next to Naomi Nakamura.     

"So, what are we watching today?" asked Rin Nakamura. According to her sister, Kai An wanted to treat them and had invited all of them for a movie.     

"I don't know. What do you guys want to watch? There's a couple of good movies that are aired currently. We can take a look at what's on when we are there," said Kai An.     

"Fine by us," said Rin Nakamura. She then turned to Ki Hong and asked, "So, the first kiss, huh?"     

"Stop it..." groaned Ki Hong as he placed his head on Kai An's shoulders.     

Based on the one encounter that he had with Rin Nakamura so far, he knew that she would not let this rest until she got her answer.     

As predicted, from Starbucks all the way to the movie theatre, she kept bugging him with, "Come on! Tell me the story! I want to know!"     

Ki Hong glared at Kai An as he asked, "Urgh! Why do you have to invite this pest?"     

"Don't be mean to Rin. She's a girl, Ki Hong," said Kai An before he turned his attention back to Naomi Nakamura. He noticed that she was staring intently at a poster of a horror movie.     

She was wearing light makeup and he could see the light freckles that were dotted across both of her cheeks.     

Usually, he would prefer a clean faced woman but when he saw her freckles, he thought that they were quite adorable on her.     

Suddenly, mischievous thought ran through his mind. With a smile, he asked, "Would you like to watch this?"     

"It's scary..."     

"Don't worry. I'd be there to protect you," said Kai An.     

"But Rin doesn't like horror movies," said Naomi Nakamura as she turned to look at her sister who was circling around Ki Hong as she bugged him for the story.     

"Ki Hong, do you want to watch this?" asked Kai An.     

Ki Hong looked at the poster and shrugged, "I'm fine with it."     

Kai An turned to Rin Nakamura and asked, "Rin? What about you? We can watch something else if you like."     

She looked at the poster and frowned. Usually, she would prefer to watch either comedy or romance based movies. However, she did not want to be a spoilsport so she merely nodded and said, "It's fine. We can watch it."     

Naomi Nakamura was worried but her sister reassured her that she would be fine. After they bought the tickets and snacks, they went into the movie hall.     

Not long after the movie began, Rin Nakamura kept whispering to Ki Hong, "Hey, come on. Tell me about your first kiss."     

"Go away. Watch the movie," said Ki Hong impatiently. She was starting to get on his nerves.     

She sighed and sat quietly. After a few minutes, she whispered to him again.     

"Are you actually here for the movie?" whispered Ki Hong annoyingly.     

"Shhh!" shushed some of the moviegoers around them.     

Ki Hong glared at Rin Nakamura and blamed her for it. Feeling bad, she placed her hands over her mouth and turned to face the screen.     

When they were almost in the middle of the movie, Ki Hong glanced at her and noticed that she was trembling.     

She was covering her mouth tightly with her hand and even though it was dark, he could tell that her face was pale compared to earlier.     

"What's wrong?" whispered Ki Hong. Even though she was annoying, he could not help but be worried about her.     

Rin Nakamura shook her head while keeping her gaze down. Ki Hong looked at the screen which was showing a ghastly and pale ghost and when he turned back to her, he realized why she was being so annoying earlier.     

"She's afraid of ghosts?" thought Ki Hong.     

He took off his jacket and placed it over her head before whispering to her, "There, you can't see anything now."     

He then took her hand and held it as he said in a hushed tone, "I'm here with you. If you are scared, give me a squeeze. The movie is about to end soon but if you can't take it, just let me know."     

She nodded as she clung onto his arm for her dear life.     

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