Be My Strength

I lied earlier

I lied earlier

1Kai An glanced at Ki Hong and Rin Nakamura before sighing quietly. He was waiting for Naomi Nakamura to shiver in fright so that he could comfort her like the gentleman that he was. However...     

He turned his head and sighed inwardly when he saw her. Not only was she not shivering in fright, but she was also sitting up in her seat while she kept her eyes glued to the screen. Whenever the movie showed a gory scene, her eyes would light up.     

"Why is my luck so bad...She's a gorehound..." thought Kai An as he turned back to look at the screen. Every now and then, he would wince whenever the ghost appeared on screen but the woman sitting next to him barely had any reactions.     

After the movie ended, they went to grab supper. When everyone was already seated, Kai An took the order and went to the counter to order the food for everything. As he was paying, Naomi Nakamura appeared next to him and offered to pay.     

"It's fine. I'll pay for it. I said that I would treat everyone tonight," said Kai An as he handed his credit card to the cashier.     

Naomi Nakamura was uncomfortable with the thoughts of having him paying for so many people that she offered to pay for half.     

"Naomi..." said Kai An with a smile. As he took his credit card back from the cashier, he added, "I might not be as rich as your family, but I'm not poor. Don't worry about me. I can still afford this..."     

As they stood at the side while they waited for their order, he added, "I'm not poor. Even if I am, I can't possibly allow the woman that I like to pay for this..."     

When he realized what he had just said, he blushed and shook his head, "I'm sorry! I mean...I like you as a friend...Nothing...Nothing else..."     

Naomi Nakamura smiled, "I like you as a friend too."     

When he heard her reply, Kai An swore that he could hear the sound of his heart breaking into a million pieces.     

"Ah, you idiot..." thought Kai An as he cursed himself.     

After a while, he asked, "So, you like horror movies huh?"     

"Yeah...I find them to be quite interesting..." murmured Naomi Nakamura softly. She had a tinge of red on her face as if she was embarrassed by her preference.     

When he saw her reddened cheeks, he smiled and reached out to brush her cheek softly with the back of his fingers. When he realized what he was doing, he immediately pulled them back and murmured, "It's cute...I'm sorry..."     

She grabbed his hand and said, " it..."     

Kai An looked at her in surprise. She had never acted so brazenly before and even when they were messaging each other, she had always been polite and distant.     

Feeling brave all of a sudden, he took her hand and looked into her eyes before asking, "Naomi...I lied earlier. I like you...Well...Actually, I like you very much. Would you like to go out with me sometimes? Just the two of us..."     

She pulled her hand away from him and smiled sadly as she replied, "Kai An...I like you too...But I'm engaged to another man..."     


"I'm engaged," replied Naomi Nakamura. Before she met Kai An, she had never cared much for love, but now...She found the words to be heavier and harder to say than ever.     

"When? You've never mentioned anything about being engaged...To who?" asked Kai An.     

"It happened a couple of days ago...Luo Yin's mother came to propose on his behalf and my father accepted it."     

Kai An was speechless when he heard her. It had been years since he last saw Luo Yin. Luo Yin was arrogant and Kai An was worried about how he would treat a soft and demure woman like Naomi Nakamura.     

He recalled the memory about the death of the girl from their high school. Even though it was announced that the death of the girl had nothing to do with the boys, Kai An could not help but felt uneasy when he thought about Luo Yin being with the woman he liked.     

Even with his friend, Ye Tian, Kai An knew that he could never completely trust the guy. Ye Tian was too deeply involved with the incident. However, everyone was innocent until they were proven guilty and Kai An did not want to hurt Ye Tian's feelings by alienating him for a crime that he might or might not have committed.     

Trapped between his own feelings and what he was taught, Kai An took precautions when he was hanging out with the guy. Whenever Ye Tian came for a visit, Kai An would do his best to make sure that Kai Xin would not be left alone with him for more than a couple minutes.     

After their tray was full and before he picked it up, Kai An asked, "Do you like him?"     

Naomi Nakamura looked away from him before saying, "He's alright. He's a good man...I guess..."     

However, the tone of her voice told Kai An that she had her own reservations. Before he could ask anything else, she looked at him as she continued, "But Kai An, I don't like him the way I like you..."     

"Then why?"     

With a wry smile, she said, "It's my obligation towards my family...Kai An, right from the beginning, the course of my life has never been mine to decide..."     

As they walked back to the table with a tray filled with food and drinks, both of them were deep in their thoughts.     

When they arrived at their table, they gasped when they found Ki Hong and Rin Nakamura in a compromising position.     

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