Be My Strength

You are only as strong as your weakest link

You are only as strong as your weakest link

3"Enough about her. How's our baby lately?" asked DX before he resumed eating.      4

Kai Xin smiled and rubbed her belly lovingly as she said, "She's strong. Actually, she gave me a light kick earlier when I was talking to Song Qiao."     

"Of course! She's our daughter. She's eager to protect her mummy from dangers," said DX with a serious tone as he reached over to place a hand on her stomach.     

When he felt a soft nudge, he smiled. He knew that his daughter was going to be a little hellion like her mother. Over the last couple of weeks, through his conversations with An Qi Yan and Kai An, he was surprised to hear how much trouble Kai Xin used to cause when she was younger.     

From being stuck on a tree after climbing it on a dare, to jumping off from a waterfall with her friends despite her mother's warning.     

DX frowned as he looked at Kai Xin and thought, "I might need to place more bodyguards on the kid's side..."     

Kai Xin slapped DX's hand away and pointed out, "You are going to turn into those idiotic fathers who fawn over everything their daughters do, aren't you?"     

"No, I'm not!" said DX.     

"What about the ringtone?" asked Kai Xin as she grinned at him.     

During their last checkup, when they heard the baby's strong heartbeat, DX was so excited that he had Dr. Phillip recorded it and sent it to him.     

When she made fun of him, he merely grunted and said, "This way, even when I'm away, I can still hear her cute heartbeats."     

DX sighed, "Ok, fine! I'm going to be one of those idiotic fathers...What am I supposed to do?"     

She reached over and patted him on the shoulder as she said seriously, "Don't worry. You can be her idiotic father as much as you want. I'll just be the mean mum who makes sure that she grows up to be a kind woman."     

He took her hand and placed a kiss on her wrist before saying, "You don't have to be the mean mum. No matter how much I dote on her, I won't let her grow up to be twisted."     


While he drove her home, he said, "Don't take the cab next time. Just call the driver I assigned to you."     

"Don't blame him. I figured it would take him forever to arrive and I want to catch you before you go off for lunch," said Kai Xin as she placed a hand on his thigh.     

"You'd have called me. At least wait for me to pick you up," said DX.     

"Where's the surprise in that?"     

He sighed, "Anyway, call the driver next time. I don't want you to be in any kind of danger."     

Giving him a wry look, she scoffed, "As if I'd be in danger from a mere cab driver. Don't think that I didn't notice the men you placed around me...Including that "clerk" in my firm."     

When he heard her, DX froze for a second before asking, "When?"     

The men he placed around her were handpicked by him and each and every one of them were highly qualified.     

Some of them had been around her for a couple of years and they had assimilated into the roles and "lives" that he assigned for them.     

It should be impossible for her to find out.     

Kai Xin chuckled, "Probably since the first day he joined us. DX, as you said, I'm pretty good at observing people. I've already identified 8 of them including the receptionist at my apartment. Honestly, I'm impressed by your effort."     

With a groan, he placed a hand at the back of her head and murmured, "I wish you are as dumb as a potato. It would make my life easier."     

She laughed, "Yeah, it would. Too bad, you are stuck with me~"     

He chuckled at her smugness. At the same time, he was already thinking about replacing some of the people he placed around her.     


That night, Song Qiao went to Ye Tian to vent out her frustration.     

After they did their usual deeds, she laid on the bed as he spooned her. Once the euphoria from earlier went off, she started to talk about what happened earlier in the afternoon.     

"Qiao Qiao...Can't you just enjoy my presence without talking about another man?" asked Ye Tian before he sat up to take a look at his phone. He found her to be getting more and more annoying each day.     

"Xiao Tian!" snapped Song Qiao as she sat up as well.     

She grabbed his phone and when he turned to her, she said, "I can't swallow this anger! I thought that as long as they are not married, I'd still have my chance...But I'm wrong! That b*tch has trapped him!"     

"What are you talking about?"     

"She's pregnant!" snapped Song Qiao. When she saw Kai Xin and Mrs. Smith talking earlier, she told one of the people her father planted in the company to listen in to the conversation.     

When the woman reverted back to her, she was furious and she blamed Kai Xin. In her mind, she was sure that it was Kai Xin who trapped DX by getting herself pregnant.     

In fact, she honestly thought that it was only because of the pregnancy that DX chose Kai Xin over her.     

Otherwise, why she would lose to a common woman who slept around with so many men before?     

"Oh..." Ye Tian scratched his chin as he thought about the revelation. He had not expected this to happen.     

Glancing at Song Qiao, he asked curiously, "What do you intend to do?"     

The Song Qiao he knew would never give up. The woman was crazy about President Du and he knew that it would only be a matter of time before she did something.     

Song Qiao thought about it for a moment before an evil smile appeared on her face.     

As she pushed Ye Tian back onto the bed, she kissed him at the side of his neck which she learned was his sensitive spot.     

As he fondled her breast, he asked softly, "My dearest Qiao Qiao...Looks like you have a plan of your own."     

As she looked into his eyes, she whispered, "You are only as strong as your weakest link...and I happened to know about their weakest link."     


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