Be My Strength

Lyle is such a jerk

Lyle is such a jerk

4In the meantime, Jack was still battling with his own emotions. He was lying down on his bed and looking at a drawing when he heard the knob being turned.      3

When he saw Lyle walking in with a can of his favorite soda, he quickly turned away from the door. He hid the drawing underneath his pillow before he asked gruffly, "Can't you knock?"     

"It's my room too..." murmured Lyle. He went over to Jack's bed and tried to offer him the soda but Jack shrugged him off rudely.     

"Hey...What is upsetting you, Jack?" asked Lyle as he placed the drink aside.     

When his brother continued to ignore him, he sighed and asked, "Is this about my Mummy? What's your problem with her, Jack? Can't you tell me?"     

Jack shook his head and murmured, "Go away..."     


The younger twin groaned, "Go and talk to YOUR Mummy and leave me alone."     

Lyle sat down next to him and said, "Jack, you are my brother...Can you talk to me, please?"     


"Are you angry at me?"     

"No sh*it, Sherlock!"     

Annoyed by Jack's continuous rude responses, Lyle climbed onto the bed. Sitting astride his brother, he forced Jack to look at him as he said sternly, "Du Qing Yu! Talk to me!"     

Jack glared at his brother. When he remembered the scene he saw earlier, he got angry.     

Even though he was weaker than his older brother, he still managed to use all his strength to push Lyle away from him.     

When Lyle glared back at him from the floor, Jack snapped, "You are my brother first! He is my father! Who does she think she is?! Who gives her the right to take my family away?!"     

"What? She's not taking me and dad away!"     

"She's your mummy! She's dad's woman!" yelled Jack angrily. Grabbing his brother's collar, he yelled, "Then what is she to me? What am I to her? WHAT AM I TO YOU?!"     

He had memories of when Lyle returned home. No matter what he did, Little Lyle barely talked to him. The latter would just sit quietly at a corner while waiting for their father to return.     

Whenever their father returned from work, Little Lyle would often run to him to ask about his, "Mummy".     

Jack was angry at Lyle then and he was angry at him now. It felt as if no matter what he did, Lyle would always place the woman above him.     

Lyle got up from the floor. Since they never talked about it, he did not know that Jack had an issue with Kai Xin. In a softer voice, he said, "Jack...I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but if she's with dad, she's OUR mother now...Not just mine... You'd still be my annoying twin brother...Nothing much would change..."     

Jack laughed rudely, "Do you think that I care about her being my mother? She's such a cruel woman! She pushed Auntie Song off the stairs!"     

Angered by his accusation, Lyle pushed Jack back onto the bed and snarled, "She didn't do it! You shut your mouth!"     

Eager for a fight, Jack snickered, "Everyone saw it! It's in the news! Stop lying to yourself! She's the same as those women that grandmother introduced to dad! I hate her and I want her out of the house!"     

"I'm warning you, Du Qing Yu!" snapped Lyle as his fingers curled tightly into fists. He was seeing red and based on past experiences, he knew that he was about to burst.     

Even if he was used to beating Jack up in martial arts class, he did not want to hit his younger brother out of anger.     

Despite Jack's stupidity, he loved him more than anything in the world.     

"Du Qing Yu. I'm telling you this. She's pregnant with our little brother or sister! If you dare to mess with her...If anything happens to her...I'll end things with you!" warned Lyle before he slammed the door on his way out.     

Jack glared at the door as tears welled up in his eyes.     

Even though Lyle was mean to him every now and then, he was fine with it because he knew that his older brother was just messing with him.     

However, Lyle's tone earlier scared him. Lyle rarely raised his voice and Jack was deeply affected by it. Pulling out the drawing that he hid earlier, he stared at it until a tear dropped on the paper. Wiping it away, he cried quietly, "Mama..."     

The drawing was a lifelike portrait of a woman with long dark brownish hair and brown eyes. She was beautiful but there was an emptiness in her eyes as if she was not completely there.     

"Mama...Lyle is such a jerk..." murmured Jack as he touched the face of his mother's portrait. He learned painting because he wanted to see his own mother. He was afraid that if he did not do so, he might forget about her one day.     

His father did not save any photos of her and because of Lyle, Jack did not dare to ask for it either.     

Instead, he tried his best to remember her and when he started to learn painting, he would draw her to the best of her ability.     

The drawing he was holding was the latest portrait he drew of her. It was based on his last memory of his mother.     

He knew that if Lyle saw it, he would be upset. Even though everyone tried to keep it from him, he knew from listening that their biological mother did something really bad to Lyle.     

That was why he kept her portrait hidden. As much as their biological mother was bad to Lyle, she loved him.     

As he touched the drawing of his mother, he thought about Kai Xin and how she was about to steal his family away. At that moment, he hated her so much that he wished for her and her child to be gone.     

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