Be My Strength

Special Chapter 1

Special Chapter 1

3While Kai Xin was at the twins' birthday party, An Qi Yan went out on a date with Sima Erden. They went to the beach to get some fresh air.     

"Erden, do you still remember the last time we came to the beach?" asked An Qi Yan as she twirled around him like a young maiden.     

Sima Erden smiled as his eyes followed the movement of her aura.     

"Of course I do. That was the last time I see your face..." replied Sima Erden with a wistful smile.     

An Qi Yan smiled wryly. Both of them remembered that trip. Against her parents' arrangement for her to meet a potential future husband, they escaped for a moment and went to the next town with the intention to visit the graves of Sima Erden's parents.     

Once they were done paying their respects, they hung out around the area and it was then that they found out that there was a fair by the beach. Since Sima Erden had never been to a beach before, they decided to go for a visit.     

Sima Erden remembered the face of An Qi Yan as she played with the games at the fair. Even though his eyesight was at its' worst by then, he would exchange everything he had now just to see her smiling face again.     


"Erden! Erden!"     

Sima Erden watched as An Qi Yan ran towards him with a bouquet of daisy. She took his hand as she explained, "I won this bouquet from the vendor! I'm going to give it to you!"     

Taking the flowers, Sima Erden laughed softly as he pretended to admire them. With a gentle smile, he pointed out to her, "You know. Guys are the ones who should give girls flowers."     

"Yeah...but you are so dense! It would take you forever before you know what I want..." said An Qi Yan shyly before she dragged him through the crowds.     

Holding the flowers close to his chest, Sima Erden asked, "Where are we going?"     

"To get a better seat by the beach! The vendor said there would be a fireworks show and I really want to see it."     

"Fireworks..." thought Sima Erden sadly. Ever since they met, he had been trying to escape watching fireworks with her. Every time she invited him to a fireworks show, he would find an excuse to reject her.     

Pulling her to a stop, he asked nervously, "Haven't you seen enough fireworks by now?"     

Thinking that he was upset, An Qi Yan pouted, "I have never seen one with you. Would it kills you to watch a fireworks show with me?"     

"No... If it's what you want, then so be it..." said Sima Erden as he faked a smile for her.     

They found a seat underneath a huge tree. Kids were running around while the adults were chatting merrily as they waited for the fireworks. The area was bustling with life.     

An Qi Yan sighed contently as she rested her head on his shoulder. Having been raised by traditional parents, she was always afraid to be this intimate with him back at home. Her parents disapproved of him and they made it very clear that they would never accept him.     

Their disapproval coupled with his own disability often made Sima Erden himself to feel as if he was unworthy of her.     

It took them many years before Sima Erden finally acted on his feeling.     

"Erden... Isn't it nice if we can move to a place with a beach in the future?" asked An Qi Yan shyly.     


She sighed, "You always say yeah to all my suggestions..."     

"Even if I say no...With your temper, you would never listen to me..."     

An Qi Yan chuckled. He was right. She could be pretty obstinate. Perhaps it was the effect of being in a place where no one recognized them, but from out of nowhere, she took Sima Erden's hand and kissed it.     

When she saw him staring at her for her brazen display of affection, her face turned red with embarrassment. Burying her face in her hands, she mumbled, "I'm sorry. I did not mean to... I was... I was just getting a little light headed."     

"An Qi Yan..."     

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