Be My Strength

No freaking way!

No freaking way!

2The next morning, when Kai Xin woke up, the first thing she did was to check the internet.     4

Her face was plastered all over the news and they probably read about her this morning.     

She even had to call her office to inform her boss. They made arrangements for someone to help her with court matters. However, to avoid boredom, Kai Xin told her boss that she would continue to handle all the non-court related work that she could do remotely.     

Once she was done with work-related matters, Kai Xin called Jane to let her know. She knew that it was only a matter of time before the reporters found out who her friends were. However, by the time she called, Jane's hospital was already filled with reporters who tried to get an exclusive interview with her.     

Even though the guards tried their best to stop the reporters, there were still some who managed to sneak into the hospital.     

"It's hellish! I'm like a celebrity around here right now!" whispered Jane as she hid in the office of one of her colleagues.     

"I'm sorry about this, Jane. I'll make it up to you..." said Kai Xin ruefully. She could hear someone saying that they found 'Dr. Jane' near the stairs.     

"Don't worry about it. It's kind of fun," whispered Jane before she ducked down.     

A reporter peeked into the room from the small see-through mirror on the door and sighed before moving on to the next room.     

Feeling guilty over the trouble she caused, Kai Xin tried to cheer her up by saying, "Oh yeah, Jane? You are about to be an aunt..."     

"What?" murmured Jane before she went wide-eyed.     

"NO! NO FREAKING WAY! Is it a boy or a girl?! How old is it?" asked Jane excitedly as she started to think about all the things she was going to teach the little tyke.     

Hearing the excitement in her voice, Kai Xin laughed, "We don't know yet. The doctor is coming later. I'll update you."     

"Don't forget! I expect to be updated immediately!"     

After she hung up the call, Kai Xin sat on her bed quietly. Just as she was about to call her family, she received two messages from Kai An.     

[ (1) We saw the news this morning. Don't worry about us. We know you didn't do it. Your boyfriend sent some guards over last night and he gave us a call this morning. Mum said not to worry about anything and to take care of yourself. She expects a report back ASAP...]     

[ (2) Oh, and she said that she's gonna whack you for getting pregnant out of wedlock but only once her grandchild is safe in her arms...and I'm pretty sure that she threatened your man earlier for impregnating you...]     

Kai Xin chuckled at the image of her mother threatening DX over the phone. So that her mother would not be worried about her, she texted a reply back to Kai An to let him know her whereabouts and that she might be unable to return for a couple of days.     

Feeling parched, she went to the kitchen to get something to drink. All the guests and the extra staff were gone, leaving behind only the core staff and guards.     

Two guards were standing outside her door when she peeked out.     

"Can I go down now?" asked Kai Xin.     

The two guards glanced at each other before nodding. One of them said, "The house is secured but I'll come with you just in case."     

When she saw that the servants were busy cleaning up, she did not bother them. Instead, she limped towards the kitchen to get something to drink.     

After her call with DX last night, Callum came to give her a first aid service and looking at her bandaged foot, she had to say that he was pretty good with it.     

There was a couple of maids working in the kitchen but they were too busy to notice her. It was only when she accidentally dropped a can of soda on the floor that they turned to look at her.     

She could see that they were confused by her appearance and did not know how to deal with her.     

"Erm... I'm just here to get a drink..." said Kai Xin. She glanced at the soda in her hand before exchanging it for a bottle of cold water.     

However, before she closed the fridge, someone took away the bottle and replaced it with a cup of warm water.     

"Cold drinks are bad for you," said Callum before he grabbed a cold bottle of pressed pomegranate juice for himself.     

Even though she was disappointed, she knew that he was right. However, when she watched him drank the entire bottle in one go, she felt slightly jealous.     

Putting the empty bottle aside, Callum asked, "How's your foot?"     

Looking down at her foot, Kai Xin shrugged, "It hurts more than yesterday but nothing that I can't handle."     

When she heard sounds and voices coming from the living room, she looked at Callum questioningly and as he met her eyes, he explained, "The men are bringing in the equipment for your checkup later. Phillip would be here at around 12 p.m. He was in the operation room until 2 a.m. last night."     


"XiAn is still at the hospital. He thought you were still sleeping so he gave me a call earlier. I was to inform you that he would definitely be back for the checkup," said Callum. Passing a banana to her, he added, "Until then, eat well and wait for him..."     

Kai Xin nodded, "Any trouble that crops up at the hospital?"     

Dismissing the guard, Callum walked her out of the kitchen and along the way, he explained, "After the call with my brother, I gave Han Ye a call to ask about Song Qiao's condition. She's fine, but she would be on a wheelchair for the next couple of weeks. The biggest problem is someone else..."     

He looked at her wryly before adding, "Director Song was at the hospital yesterday. When Han Ye arrived, the man was shouting...erm...profanities at XiAn and blaming him for his daughter's misfortune...To be honest, I was surprised that my brother just took it without saying anything back."     

Kai Xin clenched her fists as she thought, "His daughter's misfortune? She bloody did it to herself!"     

"Anyway, Han Ye also said..." Callum was about to continue when he saw the frown lines on Kai Xin's forehead. He decided not to tell her about the fall in the share price of their companies. She was pregnant and DX had warned him not to agitate her in any manner.     

Even though he had to spend the entire night at the hospital, DX had been communicating with the overseas companies to prepare them well. By now, all the companies were prepared for everything that might be thrown at them.     

Callum smiled when he thought about his brother's ability to foresee everything. If it was someone else, Callum was sure that the share price would have plunged further.     

However, unknown to him, Kai Xin knew about the fall. She did a quick search on the status of the company as well as the share price earlier. She had been hanging out with DX long enough to know that once the news spread out, the shares would definitely be the first to take the hit.     

"WHERE IS SHE?!!!"     

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