Be My Strength

I want to hug her!

I want to hug her!

1A boy's frantic cry caused Callum and Kai Xin to rush over.     

The moment he woke up, Lyle went to check on Kai Xin and when the guard told him that she was not in the room, he panicked. He was afraid that she would leave him again.     

When he saw her standing with Callum at the bottom of the stairs, he immediately ran down. If Callum did not carry him up, he would have run straight into Kai Xin.     

"What are you doing? I want to hug her!" snapped Lyle as he glared at Callum. He struggled against Callum's grip but the latter was a lot stronger than him.     

Leaning down, Callum smirked as he whispered, "You'll hurt your little brother..."     


Lyle looked at Kai Xin and his eyes traveled down to her belly before asking in a whispery voice, "Is it true?"     

She smiled warmly at him as she opened up her arms, "Come..."     

He went forward and after a split second of hesitation, he hugged her gently as if he was afraid that he would hurt her. Looking up, he asked, "I'm going to have another brother?"     

"We don't know the gender yet..." answered Kai Xin patiently. When she looked up the stairs, she saw Jack watching them with conflicted expression.     

He ran out when he heard his brother's scream. However, when he saw his brother's hugging Kai Xin, he froze as he was unsure of what he should do.     

To him, Kai Xin was a weird woman who crossdressed as a man to get his father's attention. Somehow, along the way, she became the 'Mummy' that Lyle had been waiting for.     

"Jack, what are you doing there? Come and meet your future mother..." teased Callum.     

Looking away from Kai Xin, Jack explained, "I heard Lyle screaming...If there's nothing else, I would be in my room."     

Without waiting for any responses, he headed back into his room. He did not understand his own feelings.     

He was fine with saying all those things to his father but when faced with the true appearance of Kai Xin, he felt both upset and angry. As he laid down on his bed, Jack sighed loudly. He knew that he was a hypocrite but he was unable to accept her.     


"Is he ok?" asked Kai Xin worriedly as they stood at the end of the stairs.     

"He'll be fine, mummy...I'll talk to Jack," said Lyle. Before he ran back into the room, he looked at Callum and warned, "Don't you dare to bully her when I'm not around..."     

Callum felt incredulous and shouted, "Since when did I bully her? Have you met your father?! He would have skin me alive!"     


Meanwhile, DX was sitting inside the VIP Room while Song Qiao was still unconscious. The sound of the keyboard click-clacking was heard throughout the entire night.     

Sleeping on the couch next to him was Han Ye. Once Director Song left, they started working on minimizing the damage. By morning, Han Ye was so exhausted that he disregarded all propriety and fell asleep.     

DX continued to reply to the emails that he received from the shareholders. At the same time, he sent out emails to every entertainment business that was under Du Conglomerate and warned them of the consequences of talking about his woman.     


When he heard his name, he set the laptop aside and walked to Song Qiao.     

In a soft and caring voice, he asked, "Are you alright? Are you in any pain?"     

"XiAn! My leg! How's my leg!" asked Song Qiao nervously before she pulled the blanket aside. Her leg was in a cast and her face paled when she thought about the consequences.     

"Don't get too upset. Phillip said that you merely broke your leg. There might be some light scarring but otherwise, you should be fine after two to three months. However, you'd have to wear a cast up until then..."     

Song Qiao sighed in relief upon hearing him. She would rather die than be an invalid. Her plan was to get everyone's sympathy as she slowly turned them against Kai Xin. She was sure that her father would be doing something to help her achieve her goal as well.     

"My dad? Is he here?" asked Song Qiao.     

"Director Song just left...I told him that I'd stay here with you..."     

"Alright," said Song Qiao. She took DX's hand and smiled at him before adding, "Don't blame her... It was an accident."     

DX hated it when she touched him but for Kai Xin's sake, he kept a smile on the entire time as he said, "Don't think too much about it. Just rest for now..."     

He needed her to shut her mouth for now. DX stayed in the room with her until she finished her breakfast and he even comforted her so that she would take her medicines properly. By the time the medicines kicked in, it was almost noon.     

Waking up Han Ye, DX said in a hushed voice, "I'm going home for now. If she wakes up or if anyone asks, tell them that I went back to change."     

Han Ye nodded, "What about the reporters outside? Should I call a helicopter for you?"     

Glancing at his watch, he shook his head, "That would take too much time. I'll deal with them."     

As expected by Han Ye, the moment DX stepped out of the hospital, he was swarmed by the reporters all the way to his car.     

Even though he looked scary from the lack of sleep and the messy state, the reporters still bombarded him with questions.     

"President Du, is it true that the mysterious woman from last night is a Miss Zhen Kai Xin?"     

"President Du, we have it that Ms. Zhen pushed Ms. Song down the stairs out of rage. Is it wise for you to have such a woman around?"     

"President Du, I'm sure your shareholders are curious about the woman you are currently seeing. What do you have to say?"     

Before he entered the car, DX glared at the reporters who took a step back from him. Even though they knew that DX would not harm them openly, they could not help but be afraid of the man.     

"We- We just want to report the truth...sir..." said one of the reporters.     

In a calm voice, DX said, "My Kai Xin would never do such a thing. That's all I have to say."     


As soon as he arrived home, he ran straight to the room where he arranged for the medical checkup to be done in.     

Dr. Phillip and Callum were waiting inside the room. When he opened the door, they merely nodded at DX in acknowledgment.     

When he saw her sitting on the bed while staring at the sonogram machine, he walked towards her slowly and stood behind her.     

Dr. Phillip grinned and on behalf of DX, he asked, "What are you thinking of, Ms. Zhen?"     

"Nothing...Just wondering if I'm really pregnant, would the baby looks like me or Du XiAn..."     

Leaning over, he whispered, "I'd prefer her to look like you..."     

Startled by his voice, Kai Xin turned around and she broke into a smile when she saw his face. As he hugged her from the back, he whispered, "Are you scared?"     

Grabbing the back of his shirt, she nodded, "A little...I'm afraid that you won't be able to come..."     

"Silly woman..."     

Turning to Dr. Phillip, he said, "We can start now...Get out of here, Callum."     

Callum pouted as he protested against the injustice, "I want to see my little niece or nephew!"     

Ignoring his protest, DX pointed at the door and said, "You'll find out later. Get out!"     

Knowing that he had no say in this, Callum groaned and cursed as he dragged himself out of the room.     

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