Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (26)

Twins Birthday (26)


On the other side of the mansion, the Nakamura sisters were chatting with Grandfather Luo, Luo Yin, and Ye Tian. Once they parted from the three, they decided to head back into the mansion. It was getting late and they wanted to talk to someone from the Du Family before they leave.     

That was when they saw Duanmu Wei Yang who was being pushed around by his young nephew. He looked thinner and much more fragile compared to the last time they met.     

"Naomi..." Rin said wistfully as she glanced at Duanmu Wei Yang.     

"Don't, Rin," Naomi said sadly as she looked away.     

When they were younger, Rin told her that on the day of Duanmu Wei Yang's accident, she saw Little Ye Tian and Little Luo Yin running down the stairs. That day, Rin who was only 7 years old lost her way after she snuck out of her class and visited her sister at a different building. While on the way back, she missed a turn and ended up in a wrong building.     

As she was trying to get back to her own classroom, she saw Little Ye Tian and Little Luo Yin running down the stairs in the opposite building in a hurry. When she got home that day, her parents were discussing the matter during dinner. That was when she found out about the accident that had befallen Little Duanmu Wei Yang.     

"Naomi...What if it was them?" asked Rin. She was unable to take her eyes away from the poor man who was trapped in his own body for almost 20 years. When her parents took her to visit the boy not long after the accident, Little Rin broke down crying. Except for Little Naomi, no one knew why.     

"What if it's not? Rin, you were seven and you saw them from such a distance. What if it wasn't them and we told the Duanmu about it? Do you think that the Duanmu would just sit by and do nothing? They would want revenge. Even if they know that you might be wrong about it, they would go after Ye Tian and Luo Yin despite their young age. What if they turned out to be innocent? Would you want the burden of knowing that your words destroyed their families?"     

Rin sighed. She knew that her older sister was right. Words had more power than one thought. Who knew what would have happened if she told her parents and the Duanmu about what she saw...A military family going up against a political family. The ones that would suffer would be the innocent citizens.     

When they were near the mansion, they heard someone shouting excitedly and some of the guests were running into the mansion.     

"What happened?" Naomi asked one of the guests.     

"Hey! Have you heard? Someone pushed Song Qiao down the stairs!!!" said the guest as she looked at her phone.     

Rin gasped, "What? Who could have done such a cruel thing?"     

The woman glanced at the direction of the main entrance while she said impatiently, "Who else? That woman from earlier of course! I'm going there now!"     

"K? It's impossible! He - No! She's not that kind of person!" said Naomi as she worried for her friend. Even though they barely knew each other, she had a feeling that 'K' was an upright person. She did not know how, but not long after President Du's birthday, the scandal surrounding the Shangguan Family broke out and her father immediately canceled the talk of engagement.     

He was relieved that the news came out before they announced it to everyone. Otherwise, the reputation of the Nakamura family would be affected as well.     

Naomi and Rin both knew that K had something to do with what happened to the Shangguan Family.     

"Naomi..." Rin looked at her sister with fearful eyes.     

"Let's go and have a look. K would never do such a thing. We can only trust her for now."     

By the time they arrived, the place was packed full of people who had their cameras out.     


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