Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (27)

Twins Birthday (27)

0.....      2

Kai Xin's action of looking over the banister was a big mistake!     

Mina, upon hearing that the country's most popular actor, Skully, was there had brought a posse of fans with her. Their goal was to get as many photos as they could.     

"HELP! HELP!"     

When they heard the loud commotion coming from above, everyone had their cameras out. From where they were standing, they could see a woman being pushed out of a room.     

To their horror, they saw Song Qiao being 'pushed' out of DX's room before she tripped and tumbled down the stairs. Everyone held their breath as they watched Song Qiao rolled down the stairs.     

Luckily, her head was cushioned by a guard who managed to catch her before she banged it against the marble floor. However, a sickeningly loud crack followed right after.     


Song Qiao yelled out loud as she held onto her leg. She had landed wrongly and one of her legs turned the wrong way. Her friends winced when they saw the painful state she was in.     

Everyone watched as Kai Xin leaned over the banister with a horrified expression on her face.     

"Please! Please get her away from me!!!I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" yelled Song Qiao as she cried in pain. She kept pulling the guard's sleeves while she begged him to protect her. Seeing her beautiful face currently contorted from the pain, the guard could not help but feel sorry for her while he glared at Kai Xin.     

A woman gasped loudly as she pointed out, "Isn't that the woman who kissed President Du?"     

"How can she does such an evil thing?" said a man as he shook his head.     

"What an evil woman! What if the guard did not manage to catch Ms. Song in time? If she landed on her head first, this would have been a murder case!" said another woman as she cursed at Kai Xin.     

Kai Xin lifted her head and saw that there was an angry audience watching her. Cameras were clicking wildly but her mind was somewhere else. Clutching her belly, she shook her head and took a step back as she stuttered, "I-I didn't!"     

When she bumped into someone, she was made to turn around and a man's large hand pressed the back of her head against his chest protectively.     

"Don't turn around!" DX hissed as he glared angrily at the people who were taking photos.     

Without meaning to, her hands clutched onto DX's shirt for comfort. She knew she made a mistake by allowing Song Qiao to enter into the room. However, she did not expect the woman to hurt herself like that.     

Without looking up, without him asking, she said in a soft voice, "I'm sorry...I didn't think things thoroughly..."     

DX hugged her tightly as he shielded her face from the cameras that were pointed at her.     

A mob had started to gather around the stairs and he wanted to minimize the exposure as much as possible.     

When he saw the children running in to check out the commotion, he sighed in frustration.     

"How did this happened..." DX thought as he used his body to shield Kai Xin from the accusatory glares.     

The guards were doing their best trying to prevent anyone from going up the stairs but they might be unable to hold them back any longer.     

"Go back into the room..." ordered DX when he saw his mother rushing out. The old woman fainted when she saw the sight of Song Qiao's leg.     

"I didn't do it!" said Kai Xin as her voice threatened to break.     

She did not expect Song Qiao to be crazy enough to do such a thing, and when DX used such a tone on her, she was afraid that he might think badly of her.     

Looking up at him, she pleaded, "I didn't do it! She did it herself!"     

Afraid that her emotions might affect the baby, DX closed his eyes as rubbed her back gently.     

In his usual soft and caring voice, he murmured, "I know! I believe you, Kara...But right now, they won't believe you."     

They could hear people shouting and demanding for justice to be served. When he heard the disrespectful names, DX felt a surge of anger rushing through him.     

He did his best to control his temper as he added, "I don't want you to hear the ugly words. Go inside and wait for me. I'll deal with this."     

Kai Xin wanted to stay. She wanted to defend her own reputation but she knew that he was right.     

Nobody would believe her if she tried to defend herself now. Emotions were running high now and everything she said would just fall into deaf ears.     

After she went into the room, DX turned to face the crowd. All the warmth and caring expressions were gone and replaced by a cold and emotionless face.     

From above the stairs, he saw plenty of familiar faces that were looking up at him. Some were waiting for an explanation while some were curious at what he intended to do.     

When he saw Ghost, he noticed that the man was barely paying any attention to him. Instead, his eyes were focused on the door behind DX. His fists clenched tightly on the handrail. If he had ended the game earlier, this mess would not have happened.     

In a stiff voice, DX ordered, "Han Ye, please send our guests out. Get the staff to help you. Remember, your utmost priority is to make sure that the children are safe."     

Han Ye nodded. Gathering the staff, he delegated them to various tasks.     

As the guards did their best to complete their tasks, Han Ye quietly gathered the children from the orphanage. Tian Le and Caleb wanted to stay back.     

They saw and heard the adults cursing and calling their Mama Zhen unsavory names.     

Tian Le was especially affected by it and if the twins did not hold him back, he would have punched the man who kept cursing at Kai Xin.     

"Young Master Tian Le, you need to be strong for Ms. Zhen. Please soothe Young Master Caleb and take him back with you for now. President Du needs to focus on dealing with the matter and we should not give him anymore troubles..." said Han Ye as he tried to convince the boy.     

Tian Le nodded. He understood the gravity of the matter. No matter what other people said, he believed that Kai Xin would never do such a thing.     

Since he was just a powerless boy, he knew that the only help he could provide for her was to take care of the orphans and shield them from the others.     

Hence, he helped Han Ye to convince the younger children. Holding Caleb's hand, they quietly followed Han Ye to the cars that were waiting for them.     

"President Du, what is the meaning of this? Are you just going to sit by and allow your woman to do get off scotfree?" asked one of the guests angrily. He was a friend of Song Qiao's parents.     

The man was already angry at how Song Qiao was humiliated earlier. When he saw her lying there with her leg broken, he was furious! After all, he had watched the girl grew up alongside his own daughter.     

"I will handle this matter as soon as possible. At the meantime, please give Ms. Song some space and do not crowd around her," replied DX. He walked down the stairs and knelt in front of Song Qiao as he checked out her injury.     

"It pretty bad, President Du..." said the guard nervously as he looked at Song Qiao's leg.     

"I'll take over from here. Get Dr. Phillip and tell him that it's an emergency. I'll bring Ms. Song to Hospital Imperial now. Tell him to meet me there immediately," said DX. In one swoop, he lifted Song Qiao in his arms.     

Even though she was in great pain and covered in a mixture of sweat and tears, Song Qiao smiled weakly at the man.     

She raised her hand and gently caressed DX's face as she said weakly, "It-It's not her fault...I-I didn't know she's inside...P-Please don't blame Ms. Zhen...I must...I must have said the wrong things..."     

DX glanced at her and using a courteous and gentle voice that he had never used on anyone other than Kai Xin before, he said, "It will be fine. Your leg will be fine...I won't let anything happen to you."     

When he passed by Callum, he said in a low voice, "Secure the house. Other than you and Han Ye, no one else is to get near my room. Not even my mother! I want all the guests to be out of Du Mansion in 10 minutes time."     

Callum nodded.     

As their car drove out of the compound, DX could not help but glance worriedly at the mansion. He hoped that Kai Xin would be fine as he thought, "Wait for me, Kara..."     

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