Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (29)

Twins Birthday (29)

3"Hey, I'm normal!" defended Kai Xin before she chuckled sadly.      0

"No, you are not normal. You are far from normal. You are strong and smart, and everything but normal. This is a secret and I'm not supposed to tell, but Phantom called you the indestructible Zhen Kai Xin behind your back."     

Kai Xin smiled. She knew that Ghost was lying and that he was trying to make her feel better.     

Wiping off the rest of her tears, she sniffed, "I haven't told Jane or my family about this yet. Other than Dr. Phillip and DX, you are the first to know."     

"What?" asked Ghost. He had his suspicion when she mentioned the doctor's name.     

"I'm pregnant."     

Forcing himself to laugh, Ghost joked, "Well, that makes sense. You are probably getting a quadruple amount of female hormones. You are probably having a baby girl..."     

"I don't think that's how you tell them apart," laughed Kai Xin. She felt better now. Maybe he was right and her emotions were unstable because of the change of hormones.     

"By the way, how's your leg?" asked Ghost.     


"You were limping slightly. Did you hurt yourself?"     

Kai Xin had totally forgotten about her pain. She lifted one of her feet and that was when she noticed the little droplets of fresh blood on the bedsheet and on the floor.     

"I stepped on some shards earlier. It's nothing major."     

Using his laptop, Ghost sent Phantom a message.     

[ Send an anonymous message to Shenlong Xun and tell him to check on Daisy. She hurt her feet. ]     



Kai Xin reclined back onto the bed and took a deep breath before she admitted, "I know that I shouldn't be scared, but I am..."     

As she placed a hand on her belly, she continued, "...This baby...I'm afraid for this child."     


"This world...His world is too scary...and I can't help but think that people would try to harm my child."     


In her state of confusion and anger, she was unable to control her voice as she pointed out, "She threw herself down the stairs! She could've died from that! What is wrong with her?"     

"Daisy, people like Song Qiao are like cockroaches. They don't die easily. I'm sure she had calculated the odds before she did it."     

"Still! How do I trust people not to hurt my child? Those people! They are everywhere! How do I protect my innocent baby from them!" said Kai Xin as she broke down.     

She held her belly protectively as she cried, "I don't... I don't want to lost another one..."     

Ghost stumbled for a moment as he looked for the right things to say.     

When he manipulated the events that led to the pregnancy, he did not expect Kai Xin to have this kind of thoughts.     

He had expected her to move on by now. Cursing himself inwardly, he wished he had paid more attention to her mental well-being.     

After a while, he said,     

"You just do. Just like how you trusted me back then...Your instincts are strong. You need to believe in yourself."     

Holding the toy dog that Kai Xin gifted to him, he continued, "...That child in your belly is his child as well. Du XiAn would protect it and you at all cost! You believe in me, right?"     

"Yes, but-"     

In a firm voice, he interrupted her, "If you believe in me, then you need to believe that I would never have pushed you to him if I don't believe that he can protect you and everyone you hold dear!"     

It hurt him to admit it. As a man, he knew his own shortcomings and he did everything he could to ensure her safety.     

To him, Du XiAn was an ally to their path to revenge and a foe who stood between him and Kai Xin.     

He knew that he was unable to protect her openly. No matter what, he cannot act when his mother's whereabouts were unknown.     

So, when DX appeared in her life, he gave her up. As President of Du Conglomerate, and as a man of legitimate birth, he could provide her with so much more.     

Everything he had done was for her. Even the child in her belly was meant to protect her and be a backup should the relationship between those two fell through.     

"He would never leave you now..." thought Ghost as he smiled wryly.     

Hearing the conviction in his tone of voice, Kai Xin sniffed, "You are right...I'm sorry for being a sniveling whiny woman."     

"You need to be careful. I reckon that Du XiAn would send Dr. Phillip to you soon enough. Also, there might be a storm coming your way soon."     

With the fog in her minds completely cleared, Kai Xin agreed. The Song family would use this as an excuse to keep DX by the woman's side and to protect her, he would do it.     

She needed a plan.     

"Good. Use this time to stabilize your mind and focused on getting fatter. Whatever comes your way, always remember that I'm here for you," said Ghost.     

He knew that the old Kai Xin, the one he fell in love with so many years ago, was back.     


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