Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (21)

Twins Birthday (21)

3As per DX's order, Callum kept an eye on Ghost the entire time.      1

Since he was a little tired and because he had to continue keeping an eye on the surveillance cameras, he took Ghost to his bedroom where he can rest while doing his job.     

"Nice system..." said Ghost as he checked out the supercomputers and the numerous screens in the room that was showing everything that happened outside and within certain parts of the house.     

Without Phantom's interference, the live feed was on time and Ghost saw Luo Yin standing next to their grandfather as they chatted with the President.     

Turning around to face Callum, he pointed out, "You must be the one who contributed to 90% of the electricity bill here..."     

"It's fine. Du XiAn has a lot of money anyway," said Callum as he went to the fridge to get some drinks.     

Ghost nodded.     

"Would you like a can of beer or a bottle of fruit juice?" asked Callum as he looked at the stuff he had inside the fridge.     

Ghost sat on the couch before replying, "Beer."     

"Great," said Callum. With a can of beer in each of his hands, he turned around and smirked, "...cause there are only beers here."     

When he threw it at Ghost, the latter caught it deftly before popping the tab and drank half of it in one gulp.     

Pulling a chair up, Callum sat opposite Ghost as he continued to stare at the latter. When he saw Ghost earlier, he was absolutely sure that he was his Goddess.     

"But Goddess is a girl...How could I make such a mistake?" thought Callum as he shook his head slowly.     

Uncomfortable with being stared at, Ghost felt the hair on his arms standing up as he thought worriedly, "Would I be eaten by him before Du XiAn get rid of me?"     

After a while, he snapped, "Stop staring at me!"     

Callum glanced away for a second before asking, "What have you done? Why would Du XiAn wants to meet you?"     

Ghost scoffed, "Why don't you ask him?"     

While Ghost was talking, Callum's gaze accidentally landed on his left hand and he felt the inexplicable tug in his heart again.     

"Did I miss something?" thought Callum.     

When Ghost noticed where the man's eyes were at, he slipped his left hand into the pocket and asked curtly,     

"How long do you guys intend to keep me here? I'm pretty sure this is against the law, or does the legal system here means nothing to Du XiAn?"     

With a shrug, Callum turned around to face the screens before answering him, "You heard the man earlier. I have to keep an eye on you until he calls for you."     

Ghost sighed before downing the rest of the beer. After downing two more cans of beer, he yawned loudly before climbing onto the king size bed.     

Since he was unable to do anything, he might as well just enjoy his time as a captive.     

He considered fighting his way out but based on his knowledge on Callum, he knew that the latter was stronger than him.     

When Callum was changing out of his party clothes into a simple black muscle shirt, Ghost could not help but peek at his perfectly sculpted body.     

"Low IQ, but blessed with a dangerous body... I guess God is fair to him after all..." thought Ghost before he turned around.     

He touched his own flat stomach and sighed in defeat. Even though he was pretty muscular as well, he knew that his body was not as well-defined as Callum's.     

He decided to close his eyes and rest for a moment until the time for the interrogation process.     

"After all, I might need a lot of energy to deal with Du XiAn later..." thought Ghost.     

When he heard Callum climbing onto the bed next to him, he did not think much of it. After all, the bed was big enough for two of them.     

However, even with his eyes closed, he had an uneasy feeling that he was being watched by the other man.     

Callum had plenty of scandals, none of which involved a man. Yet, Ghost did not want to risk it.     

Somewhat afraid for the purity of his chrysanthemum, he pulled the blanket higher.     

Not long later, he heard the sound of light snoring coming from behind him. With a quick peek, he sighed in relief once he confirmed that Callum was asleep.     

He waited for another 5 minutes before making an attempt to escape.     

However, just as he was about to get down from the bed, a strong muscular thigh crossed over his abdomen and pinned him down onto the bed.     

Ghost tried to kick him off but Callum was indeed much stronger than him. Angered, he snapped, "Release me!"     

"Sleeping, can't move," murmured Callum with his eyes closed. He had no idea why he did what he did, but he had no intention of letting Ghost go.     

Even though he preferred the soft body of a woman, but if Ghost was indeed his Goddess, Callum had a feeling that he would not lack any capability to continue his stellar performance in bed.     

After all, his thing had been tingling for a while now.     

"If he's my Goddess...I guess I can just fatten him up a little..." thought Callum with a half-grin as he continued to pretend to sleep.     

After struggling for almost 15 minutes, Ghost gave up. Callum was obviously awake and had no intention of letting him go.     

Bored, he decided to start a conversation. When he was researching on everyone who might be of use, his research on Ghost was incomplete.     

As one of the heirs to the powerful Shenlong House, Ghost often wondered why did Callum remain with the Du Family instead of going back to his own.     

He turned his body around only to find Callum's face inches apart from him. Embarrassed at the proximity between them, he grabbed a pillow and wedged it between their faces before asking softly, "Why didn't you go home?"     

When he heard the question, Callum opened his eyes and he immediately frowned at the sight of the pillow. He tried to grab it with the intention to throw it aside but Ghost stopped him.     

"I don't want to see your ugly face."     

"Am I really ugly?" asked Callum with a hurt tone.     

When Callum did not say anything else, Ghost thought that he hurt the man's feelings but when he pulled the pillow away, he was faced with a grinning Callum.     


Callum laughed when he saw the irritated look on Ghost's face, "Come on! If you are going to hurt me, at least use a different method. My face is considered as one of the best in the world."     

"F*uck you!" snapped Ghost before turning away angrily. To think that he was about to console the idiot!     

Feeling mischievous, Callum leaned closer to his ear before whispering, "Why don't you show me how?"     

Flustered, Ghost scrambled out of the bed before yelling at him, "Stop that!"     

He stormed over to the couch. With his arms folded, he sat down angrily as he glared at Callum who was laughing uncontrollably.     

"Come on! That is only a joke, my little Guang Ying."     

Ghost cursed and shifted his eyes away from him. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the screens and noticed that Layla was talking to Lt. General Duanmu.     

"Oh. They finally meet up..." thought Ghost as he took a quick glance at the rest of the screens.     

Since he had enough fun teasing Ghost, Callum decided to let him go for now. After he calmed down, he said, "As regard to your question earlier...This is my home."     

Without looking at him, Ghost asked, "What about the Shenlong House? Aren't you going back to them?"     

Just the mention of Shenlong House caused a dull throbbing ache coursing through his right leg.     

Sitting up, Callum massaged his right leg as he snorted, "F*ck the Shenlong House. Who needs them?"     

Before Ghost could ask another question, Callum jumped out of the bed and went to sit next to Ghost.     

With a grin, he asked, "Don't you want to be more comfortable? Like with me...on the bed?"     

With a low groan, Ghost pleaded, "Can you PLEASE leave me alone? I won't run! Just stay far FAR away from me!"     

When he saw Ghost's exasperated look, Callum smiled, "Hey, you were the one who made me touch you earlier. You should be responsible for me now that you have ruined my reputation..."     

Unable to talk any sense into the man, Ghost tried to walk away but Callum grabbed his hand and pulled him down.     

Callum had merely intended to tease him but a miscalculation caused Ghost to fall straight onto his laps.     

When Ghost's soft grey hair brushed against his arm coupled with the sudden hardening of a bodily part upon the contact with someone's backside, Callum gulped.     

The moment he felt something hard, Ghost tried to scramble off from his laps but Callum flipped him over and pinned him down onto the couch.     

As he stared into his eyes, the image of his Goddess from years before flashed before his eyes.     

Even if he was confused by the turn of events, by now, he was sure that the person before him was the Goddess that he had been searching for.     

"Goddess...You are my Goddess, aren't you?" asked Callum softly as he gently brushed Ghost's bangs away.     

"Y-You touched me earlier!" snapped Ghost as he shifted his eyes away from Callum's burning gaze.     

To his embarrassment, he felt the heat rushing to his face as he stuttered, "Y-You tell me! How can I be a Goddess! I'm a man for God's sake!"     

"You are definitely her! I dont know how but I'm sure of it!"     

Ghost was saved from answering by the sound of the door violently flung open.     

When DX saw the scene, he frowned, "I told you to keep an eye on him. What the hell do you think you are doing?"     

Once he heard the annoyed tone in his sworn brother's voice, Ghost quickly stood up. As he scratched the back of his head, he murmured, "I was just teasing him..."     

DX looked past him to stare at Ghost. After realizing the connection between him and Kai Xin, DX had gone through some old photos that Han Ye found for him.     

It was then he realized that Ghost was the boy he talked to a long time ago. The thing that he wanted to find out now was the intention of the man.     

The two stared at each other for a long time before DX broke the contact.     

Eager to get things done quickly so that he could return to her side, he said tersely, "You. Come with me now!"     

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