Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (22)

Twins Birthday (22)

2DX led Ghost to the study room where they first met and Ghost could not help but take a quick look around the room. Even though some of the decorations in the room had changed, the Weiqi board that they played with previously was still there.     4

As he set up the board, DX said seriously, "Let's go for one round. I'm sure with your scheming ability, you would still be able to remember the simple rules of Weiqi."     

Based on the tone of his voice, it was clear to Ghost that he had no say in this matter. DX took the white stones while Ghost took the black stones.     

"Since you are obviously a veteran player, there would be no komi[1]," said DX as he stared at the younger man who was sitting opposite him with a stoic face.     

"I don't need any handicap," replied Ghost before he placed his first stone.     

As DX placed his first stone, he said clearly, "I was going to get rid of you..."     

"Why didn't you?"     

"For some reason, I know that she thinks highly of you and killing you would just upset her," replied DX as he placed another white stone down.     

After five minutes of silence, DX asked, "How long have you known my woman?"     

Placing a stone down to avoid a huge loss, Ghost replied, "Long enough."     

The game was moving at a fast pace and both of them were adamant to 'kill' each other off as soon as possible.     

"Since you buried Zi Han on behalf of her, I can only assume that you know about what happened to her. Did your brother tells you about it?" asked DX while he captured a black stone.     

Hearing his question, Ghost laughed softly before replying him, "President Du, you are not a stupid man. I'm sure you know what the relationship is like between Luo Yin and me. Do you expect me to believe that you did not send someone to spy on us?"     

DX did not give him the satisfaction of an answer. Instead, as he looked at the board, he said, "I know that he was sent away around the time you got into the accident..."     

Crossing his leg, he looked up into Ghost's eyes and added, "...and if I'm correct, that wasn't an accident..."     

Capturing a white stone from DX, Ghost smiled, "Then you shouldn't ask me such a redundant question."     

DX changed his strategy and decided to go aggressive by placing a stone at a corner that Ghost's missed while asking, "What I don't understand is how? You were homeschooled immediately after that while Luo Yin was in Elite High."     

Ghost smirked when he saw an opening. He immediately placed a stone to block an attempt by DX who was trying to lock him in before saying, "My brother and his friends came home to attend a party that year...I merely overhear them while they bragged about it."     


Despite Young Ghost's reluctance to go back to his father's house, he gave in after Grandfather Luo used the 'I'm-about-to-die' tactic on him.     

"Don't worry, Guang Ying. I'm sure that they won't do anything to you," said Grandfather Luo as he glanced at his grandson who was sitting next to him in the car.     

Ever since Grandfather Luo took him back into his house, Young Ghost barely had any contact with the other members of the family. In fact, he barely had any contact with anyone outside the house. The boy was completely detached from the outside world.     

Even though he knew what Young Ghost was afraid of, Grandfather Luo wanted him to try and mingle with the others. There would be a lot of powerful and rich people attending Luo Han's birthday and Grandfather Luo wanted everyone to be clear who his eldest grandson was.     

With Young Ghost's reluctance to attend parties outside of the house, some of them were starting to think that 'Luo Guang Ying' was not a real boy. It would be bad for Young Ghost if Grandfather Luo decided to hand over the company to him.     

"Ye Ye...I don't...I don't know how to handle them..." Young Ghost admitted as he subconsciously massaged his left hand.     

"Guang Ying, your brother and your cousin have learned their lessons by now."     

Young Ghost scoffed as he thought, "And pigs can fly..."     

At Luo Han's mansion, the place was bustling with life as adults mingled and socialized about while the children gathered around while they bragged about their latest toys.     

Young Ghost followed closely behind his grandfather as they moved around talking to the important guests. He noticed his brother and cousin were mingling around with the other rich snobs their age. When Young Luo Yin saw him, he pretended he had a limp left hand as he tried to hold his drink before dropping the glass of drink onto the ground.     

"BASTARD," Young Luo Yin mouthed while his friends laughed.     

Young Ghost averted his gaze. Even though they were standing quite far from him, Young Ghost was afraid that they were able to get to him.     

When he was distracted, he accidentally bumped into one of the staff who was holding a tray filled with food. The bump caused the food to fall onto Young Ghost's shirt. The man, who was wearing a chef hat, apologized as he swept the food off Young Ghost's shirt.     

"It's alright, it's alright..." Young Ghost smiled as he tried to reassure the man. His eyes kept darting to Young Luo Yin's gang who were smirking and laughing at him.     

"Xiao Ying..."     

When he heard his childhood nickname, Young Ghost looked up and his eyes lighted up when he saw the man who used to take care of him.     

"Uncle Yuan..." Young Ghost gasped softly when he saw his Uncle Yuan. He did not expect him to come back to the main house for the party.     

Still maintaining his persona as a staff of the house, Uncle Yuan bowed before whispering quickly, "Toilet tank. Staff. Ground floor."     

Without waiting for a reply, Uncle Yuan smiled politely and apologized to "Young Master Guang Ying" before leaving him alone. While he listened to his grandfather droned on about the market condition, Young Ghost tried to think of a way to excuse himself.     

Not long after his hair turned grey, he found out that his Uncle Yuan had completely altered his appearance and was working for Luo Han as his private chef under a false identity. For the sake of Young Ghost, the man told the boy to pretend as if there were nothing between them.     

The last time he heard from the man was after he lost the full usage of his left hand. Since Young Luo Yin loved his cooking, Luo Han sent him away to cook for Young Luo Yin while he was studying at Elite High School.     

Uncle Yuan infiltrated the Luo Family to figure out a way to find out the whereabouts of Young Ghost's mother, Xia Lin Xing. After what Young Luo Yin did to the poor Young Ghost, Uncle Yuan changed his plan.     

As he walked past Young Luo Yin and his friends, he smiled at them but his heart was full of hatred.     

He recalled clearly as if it was yesterday when the two bastards chased Young Ghost down. Even though he was there, he was unable to help without giving away his identity.     

While Young Ghost was being pinned down by Young Luo Yin and Young Ye Tian, and even though the boy knew what was about to happen to him, he stopped Uncle Yuan from coming to his rescue by crying out loud, "NO! NO!!!!!GO AWAY!"     

He did not want his Uncle Yuan to blow his identity. To save his mother, Young Ghost was going to need as many help as possible.     


The screams erupting from Young Ghost scared the maids and butlers who stood by and do nothing. They wanted to help but they knew the consequences of stepping in. To offend Young Luo Yin would caused them their bowl of rice[2].     

Unable to bear with the screams, Uncle Yuan ran out and at the same time, Luo Han and Mrs. Luo arrived home. He immediately told them what was happening while he prayed that nothing major happend to Young Ghost.     

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Luo Han yelled as he rushed into the house. When he saw the bloody scene, he was horrified. There was blood all over the new Persian carpet that he paid $15 million dollars for. Glaring at Young Luo Yin, he had the mind to get rid of him.     

When Young Luo Yin heard his father's loud voice, he raised his head up and when he saw the furious look on his father, he panicked and dropped the blood covered hammer. He had not expected his parents to come home so early!     

Dragging his youngest son away from Young Ghost, Luo Han was incredulous as he shouted at him, "ARE YOU CRAZY!"     

"I-I was...He made me angry! It's his fault!" Young Luo Yin stuttered before he ran to his mother.     

When he saw his oldest son who was writhing in pain, Luo Han snapped at Young Luo Yin, "I'll deal with you later!"     

He then looked at his chef and said, "Send the boy to the hospital. If anyone asks, tell them that it was an accident!"     

Uncle Yuan nodded and with hands that quivered, he immediately carried Young Ghost into the car. On the way there, he kept slapping himself for his incompetence as tears filled his eyes.     

"Xiao Ying..." murmured Uncle Yuan as he looked at the boy sitting at the passenger seat. He was bleeding so heavily that his shirt was covered with blood.     

Covering in sweat, Young Ghost shivered and cried as he held his left hand, "Un-Uncle Yuan...I-It hurts...It hurts so badly..."     

"We are reaching soon! Don't worry! The doctors will help you!" said Uncle Yuan as he stared at the red lights while wishing for the damn thing to change color.     

"Uncle Yuan...I-I'm scared..." murmured Young Ghost weakly before he passed out from the pain and the blood loss.     

Punching the steering wheel, Uncle Yuan cursed as he waited for the green lights. The moment it turned green, he stepped on the accelerator. When he arrived at the hospital and after he passed Young Ghost to the doctors, he stood outside the operating theatre with expression of a man who was about to kill.     

With his fists clenched so tightly they trembled, he swore to himself, "Lin Xing...The things they did to you and Xiao Ying...I want them to pay with their blood!"     

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