Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (Valentine's Special [1])

Twins Birthday (Valentine's Special [1])

1Layla was socializing with some of the guests when she saw him.     

Duanmu Wei Wu.     

The only man she had ever been with and the father of her only child.     

"He's still as rigid as before..." Layla thought with a soft chuckle as she watched Lt. General Duanmu talked to one of the guests while his eldest son stood next to him.     


9 years ago, Layla had just broken up with her girlfriend who cheated on her with her current partner, the Judge. It was during Valentine's Day when she walked in on them in the house she bought for said girlfriend.     

After throwing a fuss and kicking those two out of the house, she went to the bar and saw Lt General Duanmu sitting there by himself.     

As he was normally a low profile guy, most people did not recognize him when he was in his civilian clothing.     

However, for Layla who had idolized him for most of her life, she recognized him almost immediately.     

When Lt. General Duanmu saw Layla, he recognized her as Judge Rong's daughter and nodded at her in acknowledgment.     

"He's looking at me..." thought Layla before her face turned red. She picked up her glass of champagne before sauntering towards him.     

"Good evening, Ms. Rong. Are you here by yourself?" asked Lt. General Duanmu.     

"Yeah..," Layla replied before taking the seat next to him.     

She noticed that women were shooting her daggers when they saw her sitting down next to the dashing looking Lt. General Duanmu.     

Unable to help herself, she laughed at those women. If they knew his true identity, they would have jumped him right from the start.     

"What's so funny?" asked Lt. General Duanmu when he heard her.     

With a nonchalant wave, Layla smirked while she answered his question, "Dumb women who were too slow."     

He did not understand her but he did not pressed the matter. Nodding at her alcohol of choice, he asked, "Are you celebrating something today?"     

Layla lifted her glass of champagne at him and smiled, "Yeah. I'm celebrating the fact that I found out the truth about my girlfriend before I married her."     

When Lt. General Duanmu stared at her without saying anything else, Layla stared back at him with a grin, "What? I can't have a girlfriend?"     

"No. I'm just surprised that you'd look so upset when you are celebrating," said Lt. General Duanmu bluntly.     

He had met Layla a couple of times over the years. The only daughter of Judge Rong, she was heavily doted on by her father ever since her mother passed away.     

Even though he did not follow the entertainment news, his late wife did and he recalled her telling him that Layla was a little unconventional.     

Instead of rejecting her, Judge Rong continued to stand by her side.     

With her father's protection, Layla managed to stand with her back straight. Of course, the fact that she was best friend with the heirs from two top family prevented others from talking about her openly.     

Layla stared at him for a second before asking, "What are you doing here then? I'm surprised that the famous Lt. General Duanmu actually visits a bar instead of drinking at some fancier establishment."     

He looked away from her and picked up his glass whiskey. While staring at the people who were dancing without any inhibition, he said, "It's the anniversary of my wife's death."     

Layla who was sipping her champagne froze. She recalled that Lt. General Duanmu's wife passed away from sickness three years ago. Given the standing of the Duanmu Family, the death of his wife was heavily covered by the news stations.     

"I'm sorry..."     

"Don't be," said Lt General Duanmu. He downed the whiskey and signaled the bartender for another glass before admitting, "I'm here not because I'm sad. I'm here so that my sons thought that I'm mourning their mother."     

Perhaps it was the alcohol speaking, but Layla asked, "Don't you love your wife?"     

Lt. General Duanmu did not answer. He was unable to answer the question because he was unsure of his feeling towards his late wife.     

His late wife was the daughter of his father's best friend and they grew up together. He was fond of her but when he was told to marry her, he did not find joy in it and he did it to obey his father's command.     

Even after she gave birth to his children, his love towards her was that of a man who respected a woman and not those between lovers.     

While he was genuinely upset when she passed away, his emotion was triggered by the fact that the world lost a fine woman than the loss of his wife.     

Layla watched as two young couple danced on the dance floor. When she saw Lt. General Duanmu's guilty face, she grabbed his hand and pulled him up.     

"Let's dance!"     

"It's inappropriate!"     

She took out a pair of sunglasses and a mask from her bag and placed it on him.     

"No one can recognize you now! Let's dance!"     

Even though his movement was rigid, Lt General Duanmu thoroughly enjoyed that night.     

All his life, he was expected to be proper and to follow protocols. He was never allowed to have fun like the other kids.     

With what happened to his younger brother, his father was even stricter towards him because he was the only heir left to lead the Duanmu Family.     

The dance with Layla was the first time he danced without any reservation. There was no one to judge him or watched his every action. Somehow, for the first time in his life, he felt free.     

After about an hour, those two walked out of the bar. Layla was so tipsy that she could barely walk in a straight line.     

Lt. General Duanmu heard a soft chuckle and before he knew it, she suddenly jumped onto him. Even though he was surprised by her action, he caught her just the same.     

Staring at his face, Layla smiled like a maiden in love, "You know...*hiccup* I've had a crush *hiccup* on you for a long, long, looooong time."     

Listening to her declaration, he smiled underneath the mask, "You like girls..."     

"Well, yeah... But that *hiccup* doesn't mean that I can't like boys too..." said Layla before she burst out in laughter. Even if she liked girls, she was curious about what it was like to be with a guy. Out of her two best friends, one was a cold idiot who slept with anyone who threw herself at him while the other was an idiot that preferred one night stands.     

She wondered if Lt. General Duanmu was different from her friends. Layla was moving around so much that Lt. General Duanmu nearly dropped her.     

Hugging him tightly, she suddenly whispered, "Want to have sex?"     

Her request stopped the man in track as he stared at her. Lt General Duanmu had never met such a bold woman before and he was too shocked by her request to actually reply to her.     

Layla looked at him, she added, "Come on. Just once. It's Valentine's Day and *hiccup* we are both alone. Don't you want to be wild just for once?"     

Seeing the beautiful woman in his arms, Lt General Duanmu was unable to reject the temptation.     

After all, he was a man and it had been more than three years since he had any sexual relations with anyone.     

He took her to a high-end hotel and got the best room for her.     

After he placed her on the bed, he had second thoughts and wanted to leave but she caught his sleeves.     

With a flushed face, she said, "Stay...Please..."     

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