Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (Valentine's Special [2])

Twins Birthday (Valentine's Special [2])

4While trying to think of what to do next, he sat next to her. He felt a stirring in his loins but he was a gentleman who was taught better than to take advantage of a woman.     

However, Layla was making it very hard for him especially when she reached over to touch his crotch.     

Maybe it was due to the fact that he barely paid attention to his sexual needs, his thing hardened almost immediately.     

"You want me..." Layla murmured when she felt the hardened piece of meat.     

She stared at him in eyes and when she saw the desire in him, she sat up and slowly moved to kiss him.     

His lips were hard at first but it slowly softened as she teased and nibbled on it. When he felt her taking his hand and placing it over her breast, he growled.     

He had never felt such a sensation before. Caressing the soft mound, he heard her soft moan before he felt her unzipping his pants.     

When he felt her warm hand on his thing, he could no longer hold himself back.     

Ripping the tiny black dress off her, he pushed her down on the bed and sat astride her.     

As his eyes trailed down her tanned body, he murmured, "You are beautiful..."     

"Clothes..." Layla pouted as she tried to unbutton his shirt.     

Lt General Duanmu chuckled before he tore his shirt off.     


The buttons from the shirt popped out and he threw the shirt to the ground.     

Layla wrestled him until she was on top of him.     

"How can I be naked while you are clothed?" teased Layla as she lowered down to his crotch area.     

"Layla... Are you sure about this?"     

Layla recited the Gettysburg address and once she was done, she said, "I'm not that drunk to not know what we are about to do..."     

Pulling his pants off, she stared at his massive member.     

She had only accidentally seen DX's and Phillip's when they were still young and they looked nothing like Lt. General Duanmu's.     

When she touched the tip and saw it jerked, she felt so fascinated by it.     

To see a real life adult d*ck was a first experience for her.     

"Lt. General Duanmu..."     

"Call me Wei Wu..."     

"Wei Wu... Please let me know if I'm hurting you, alright?"     

Lt. General Duanmu did not know whether to laugh or cry. At the way his member was standing at attention, even if she was hurting it, it would still welcome her.     

When she pulled down the foreskin gently and licked the tip, his body buckled involuntarily.     

That night, Lt. General Duanmu had fun for the first time in his life.     


Perhaps it was due to his training, Lt. General Duanmu felt someone watching him and shifted his eyes over.     

When he saw Layla, he nodded at her. It had been so long since he last saw her but she was still as beautiful as before.     

"No...She's much more beautiful now..." thought Lt. General Duanmu before turning his attention back to the person he was talking to.     

Their one night stand resulted in Quinn and even though Layla told him about it, they both agreed that Quinn would be happier growing up outside the army.     

Thinking about his sons who grew up in a strict household, he was glad that he made the decision. The boys, while perfect as they were, was raised the same way as their father.     

Their grandfather was a stern man and no mistakes were allowed whether in training or in life. Looking at Duanmu Shao Wu who was standing next to him with his back straight while being expressionless, Lt. General Duanmu wondered when was the last time he heard him or his brother laughed.     

At least, Quinn would not be subjected to the same life. He wanted his only daughter to be happy and to be able to enjoy her life fully.     

"Where's the little tyke now..." thought Lt. General Wei Wu as he glanced around the place.     

After a while, he excused himself and told his eldest son to talk to the man while he headed towards Layla.     

"Hey, it has been a long time..." Layla said with a smile.     

"Indeed. How's Judge?" asked Lt. General Duanmu.     

It turned out that the woman who stole Layla's girlfriend did it because she did not believe that the girlfriend deserved Layla.     

Even though it took them a while, but Layla and Judge eventually got together. Lt. General Duanmu was genuinely happy for them when he heard the news that the two got married.     

"She's fine. She would have come with me but it is the busy season for her," Layla smiled as she thought about her partner who was waiting for their return.     

Looking at the man, Layla added, "She loves Quinn more than anything. So don't worry too much about her."     

"I know. She's a good woman."     

"How about you? Have you found anyone yet?'     

Lt. General Duanmu smiled, "No. But I'm not looking. For now, I just want to take care of my brother and my sons."     

"How's Wei Yang doing?" asked Layla.     

Lt General Duanmu turned to look at his brother who was sitting with his youngest son at a bench underneath a tree before saying,     

"His body is getting weaker. The doctor said it would do him good to come out and socialize a little. That's why we decided to attend the twins birthday this year."     

Layla nodded. Everyone knew about the unfortunate 'accident' that befell Duanmu Wei Yang when he was just a little boy.     

For more than 20 years, he was stuck in a body that he could barely move and needed constant supervision.     

"I hope that you'd be able to find the culprit one day..." said Layla as the two of them watched Duanmu Wei Yang.     

Suddenly thought of something, Lt. General Duanmu said, "Oh, thanks for letting me meet with Quinn..."     

Layla smiled, "Since it was your first request to meet Quinn, I have to give you some face."     

When he heard her, Lt. General Duanmu frowned and asked, "I requested for it? I have never requested for it. Didn't you send me a message telling me to meet you at the ice cream place?"     

This time, it was Layla's turn to look confused. "Wait. I have never sent you any messages this year."     

She took out her phone and showed her the message that came from his number. As he read the message, Lt. General Duanmu frowned, "I've definitely never sent you that message. I was in training during that time and phones were prohibited."     

"A trap?" Layla asked as she glanced around the place.     

"Possibly...Did you tell anyone about it?"     

"Only Judge knows about us. Even my dad knows nothing about it," said Layla in a hushed tone.     

"Don't worry too much about it. Whoever it was, he or she would show up sooner or later," said Lt. General Duanmu. However, he made a mental note to get it checked out. If someone hacked into his phone, it might be dangerous.     

After they bid their goodbyes, Layla gave Judge a call. When Judge picked up the phone, she heard typing in the background and deduced that Judge was busy working on a case. Even if Judge was extremely busy, she would drop her work immediately to pick up Layla and Quinn's call.     

"Hey, love of my life...How's the party? Is Quinn having fun there? Did you warn the boys that they are not to have any bad thoughts about my baby girl?"     

Layla smiled when she heard Judge's voice. Even though they argued often, Judge's voice always comforted her whenever they were apart.     

"Guess who I just met..."     

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