Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (18)

Twins Birthday (18)

0"Hey, can I sit here?"      1

When she heard the voice, Alyssa turned around and saw Jiang Cheng holding a glass of water and a slice of cake.     

"Are you going to talk to me now, Mr. Jiang?" asked Alyssa before she turned away from him.     

Wrapping her arms around herself, she tried to be as brave as possible so that she would not break down in front of this man.     

"Since when did I become so sentimental over a man..." Alyssa thought to herself.     

She had always reminded herself on what a man could do to someone like her. Getting entangled with a man was never in her life plan.     

All her life, she had one goal. To save enough money and then give birth to a child who would love her back. Despite what everyone thought of her, she was not a greedy person. All she wanted was one person who would love her back.     

When she heard Jiang Cheng set the cake and water down on the table, she was confused.     

"He was clearly angry at me earlier. Why is he doing this now?" thought Alyssa.     

When she did not hear anything else, she thought that he had left.     

Disappointed, she turned around only to bumped straight into a broad chest. Alyssa tried to take a step back but Jiang Cheng wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.     

"It's a little cold...Stay like this for now..." murmured Jiang Cheng as he gently rubbed her back to warm her up.     

As she tried to wriggle out from his embrace, Alyssa hissed, "Mr. Jiang, what are you doing?"     

Jiang Cheng knew that he deserved everything. However, he did not let her go. Holding her tighter, he said, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten angry. That was totally out of line. Please forgive me... "     

He glanced down at her and kissed her lips before saying, "...Alright?"     

Alyssa's eyes were still red from the tears earlier and when he saw that, he felt guilty and kissed the top of her head before apologizing again.     

When she felt the warmth of his body, she was unable to stay mad at him any longer. Grabbing the back of his shirt, she mumbled, "You jerk! How could you do that to me!"     

Jiang Cheng sighed, "Alyssa, I'm really sorry... I should have talked to you instead of letting my imagination run wild."     

Nodding against his chest, Alyssa mumbled, "Yeah, you should. You big idiot..."     

When he heard the tone of his voice, Jiang Cheng knew that her anger had dissipated. With a soft smile, he said, "I love you..."     

Alyssa went wide-eyed when she heard his declaration. It was the first time he said it to her and she was stunned by it.     

When he saw her reddened cheeks, Jiang Cheng smiled even wider as he asked, "I love you, Alyssa Min. Would you accept my love?"     

Alyssa blinked as she thought, "Did he just said that he loves me? Am I dreaming?"     

When he saw the lack of response from her, Jiang Cheng frowned and waved his hand in front of her face.     

However, there was still no response.     

"Hey, let the lady go!" yelled a man.     

Jiang Cheng turned and saw Leon Choon running towards him. The man grabbed Alyssa and tried to pull her away but Jiang Cheng grabbed her other arm in time.     

"Let her go, you bastard! What are you doing to my Ally!" growled Leon Choon.     

He looked at Alyssa and asked gently, "Ally, are you alright? Did he hurt you? Tell me! I'll break his arms!"     

Remembering the scene from earlier, Jiang Cheng snapped, "Do. Not. Touch. Her!"     

When she heard Jiang Cheng's voice, Alyssa got out of her trance.     

She was confused by the turn of events. As she stared at Leon Choon who was standing next to her, she frowned and asked, "What are you doing here?"     

"I was worried about you when you ran off just like that! That man..." said Leon Choon. He glared at Jiang Cheng before he continued, "...Did he do anything to you?"     

Jiang Cheng saw that Leon Choon was gripping Alyssa's hand with too much force. Even if she did not say it, he could tell that she was hurting from it.     

With one pull, he managed to get her away from the man.     

"You! Release the lady!" snapped Leon Choon once he realized that he lost the grip.     

"I'm her boyfriend," Jiang Cheng declared while he stood protectively in front of Alyssa. Glaring at Leon Choon, he added, "Who the f*ck are you?"     

"Boyfriend? Ally?" Leon Choon sputtered. He then looked at Alyssa for confirmation.     

"He said he's my boyfriend..." thought Alyssa as she stared at Jiang Cheng's back. She felt a fluttery feeling in her stomach. It was a sensation that she had never felt before.     

She had boyfriends before but she never felt this way for any of them.     

"Ally! Stop zoning out! Is it true? Is he really your boyfriend?" asked Leon Choon while he kept his eyes on Jiang Cheng. He did not believe that Alyssa would choose a poor servant over him.     

While she kept her eyes glued on Jiang Cheng, Alyssa nodded slowly. All her life, the men around her always demanded one thing or another.     

More often than not, they were after her body. She was like a doll that was to be played with and then discarded.     

Only Jiang Cheng had treated her like a proper lady.     

"Yeah..." Alyssa finally spoke up. Looking at Leon Choon, she smiled, "Leon...This is my boyfriend, Jiang Cheng."     

Even though he was the one who said it first, Jiang Cheng was startled to hear Alyssa admitting to it.     

A half-smile slowly formed on his face while he tried his best to look as mean as possible.     

When he heard her, Leon Choon sighed in frustration. He had hoped for another chance with Alyssa.     

When she agreed to be his date, he had actually wanted to use this chance to properly woo her.     

"Looks like I'm too late..." thought Leon Choon. He stood up straight and said, "A gentleman should know when to back down."     

Offering his hand to Jiang Cheng, he added, "I think we started off at the wrong foot. I'm Leon Choon, and you are?"     

Jiang Cheng looked at Alyssa and when she nodded, he shook the man's hand before saying, "Jiang Cheng."     

"Well, Jiang Cheng. If Alyssa admits that you are her boyfriend, then you must be one heck of a guy," said Leon Choon.     

Chuckling, he then added, "I'm so much richer and better looking than you...If she still chooses you, then she must really like you."     

He glanced at Alyssa and a thousand regrets formed in his heart. If he had remained faithful to her...If he had more willpower...She would have been his wife by now.     

Leon Choon thought wryly, "You never know what you've got until you lost that person."     

Looking at Jiang Cheng, he reached over to pat him on the shoulder before saying, "Take care of my Ally. She's a good woman."     

"Of course," Jiang Cheng replied. He took her hand and gave it a soft squeeze before adding on, "She's my queen."     

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