Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (10)

Twins Birthday (10)

1Kai Xin waited in DX's bedroom while Han Ye went out to get something done.      2

As she knew that DX was busy handling something urgent, she felt that someone should help him handle the guests.     

After all, the party was still going on.     

Since she was unable to help him, she forced Han Ye to go and be a good host on behalf of his boss.     

After about 15 minutes of pacing around in the room, she felt bored.     

Taking out the letter from her bag, she looked at it before taking a quick scan around the room. When she saw his desk, she went over and placed the letter right in the middle of it.     

"I hope he reads it..." thought Kai Xin as she stared at the letter.     

She had thought about giving it to him straight but she chickened out at the last minute.     

She trusted him but when it was about a member of his family, she was unable to convince herself that he would choose her over his family.     


Suddenly, she heard a loud crash and headed outside to take a look. She saw Alyssa and Jiang Cheng standing in a field of shattered glass.     

"She's here?" thought Kai Xin as she slowly descended the steps.     

"Jiang Cheng..." Alyssa called out softly. When she tried to talk to him earlier, he was dismissive towards her and he kept ignoring her.     

Refused to let the misunderstanding widened, she chased after him.     

"Jiang Cheng! There's nothing between me and Leon!"     

When he continued to ignore her, she pulled him back so abruptly causing him to stumble and thus, resulted in their current predicaments.     

"DON'T MOVE!" Jiang Cheng yelled at her loudly when he saw that she was about to take a step towards him.     

Even though she was wearing heels, he did not want to take the risk that she might hurt herself.     

He was still angry with what he saw earlier but he felt protective towards her at the same time. She had enough scars to last her for a lifetime.     

"Jiang Cheng, listen to me..." Alyssa pleaded.     

Jiang Cheng shifted his eyes away from her and murmured, "Miss Min...Please...Just go away..."     

Choked on her tears, Alyssa turned and ran off.     

Kai Xin looked at Jiang Cheng who looked conflicted as he watched Alyssa walking off.     

"Are they together?" she thought before walking towards the direction that Alyssa went to.     

Even though their relationship was rocky, Kai Xin could not help but be worried about her. After all, they used to play together.     

She kept an eye out as she walked around the huge mansion.     

Eventually, she found Alyssa standing at the porch as she watched the children eating their cake and chatting happily with each other.     

After a while, Kai Xin went forward and asked, "Do you think that those kids would grow up to be like us one day?"     

Startled, Alyssa turned around quickly. She was surprised to see Kai Xin standing behind her.     

However, she quickly regained her composure and turned her gaze back to the children before asking, "What are you doing here, Kai Xin?"     

"How did you recognize me?" Kai Xin asked. She was genuinely curious. Even though they were friends, that was a long time ago.     

As adults, they barely talked to each other and whenever they talked, it was filled with barbed comments.     

When she heard the question, Alyssa sighed, "I would recognize you even if you turned to dust..."     


Kai Xin stood beside her and as they both kept their eyes on the children, she asked softly, "What happened to us?"     

Without looking at her, Alyssa shrugged, "Life..."     

She was about to turn around and leave when Kai Xin grabbed her arm. Frowning, she asked, "What are you doing?"     

Kai Xin stared at her. She did not loosen her grip on Alyssa because she wanted to settle the mystery once and for all.     

"You have been nothing but mean to me ever since the day we bumped into each other in college. Why? What have I done to you? What have I done to deserve this treatment?"     

"Let go," warned Alyssa as she narrowed her eyes at her. She tried to pull her hand away but Kai Xin had a death grip on her.     

"No!" snapped Kai Xin. They stared at each other for a long time before Kai Xin hissed, "I'm not letting go until you tell me the reason why you punish me for a crime that I know nothing about!"     

Overwhelmed by everything that happened earlier with Jiang Cheng, Alyssa snapped.     

"You want to know the reason? Fine! I will tell you!" said Alyssa. She barked out a burst of laughter before glaring at Kai Xin, "It's because I hate you!"     

When she heard that, Kai Xin was a little hurt. However, she remained calm as she asked, "Why? What have I done?"     

"Because you are an idiot!" yelled Alyssa. Tears were welling in her eyes as she shouted, "You always rush forward without thinking about the consequences!"     

Kai Xin was taken aback and with a confused look, she asked, "What?"     

"I hate you! I hate you!" Alyssa cried as she finally told her everything that had been bothering her for the past 20 years.     

She poked Kai Xin harshly with her forefinger as she cried, "You shouldn't have come that day! Why did you come?! Why did you try to save me?"     

Kai Xin frowned. She felt confused now more than ever. "Alyssa? I don't understand."     

"Of course you don't, you idiot!" Alyssa murmured as she wiped the tears that trailed down her cheeks in frustration.     

"Are you angry at me... because I saved your life?"     

"No, you idiot!" Alyssa snapped.     

When she saw the confused look on Kai Xin's face, she sighed, "I hate you because you made me watched you die...You shouldn't have saved me that day...Why were you so stupid? He was so much bigger than you..."     

Kai Xin shifted her eyes to the side and murmured softly, "You were in danger... and I can't think straight..."     

"I hate that you died trying to save me. I hate that I froze when you were in danger. I hate that you made me realized how much of a coward I am..." cried Alyssa as she sat down on the chair with her face buried inside her hands.     

Kai Xin blinked as she finally understood the reason behind Alyssa's resentment.     

It was not her that Alyssa hated. It was the circumstances they were placed in that many years ago.     

Feeling helpless, Kai Xin knelt down and hugged Alyssa before saying softly, "You are my friend... How could I just sit by and do nothing?"     

"You died! I thought that you would be gone forever like my mother..." Alyssa sobbed. She glanced up at Kai Xin and added, "I thought he would take you away as well..."     

"Who? Your father?"     

Alyssa nodded tearfully. "He beat her up so badly...In the end, she chose to take her life. I couldn't do anything for her... and I couldn't do anything for you..."     

"You were a kid, Alyssa. No one blamed you for it."     

"You were a kid too! But why could you do it and I couldn't?" asked Alyssa as she sniffed. All these years, she had never stopped blaming herself for that moment of hesitation.     

The scene often replayed itself in her head, tormenting her by reminding her of her own weakness.     

She kept thinking that if she was brave enough to do something back then, Kai Xin would not have to go through such an ordeal.     

Kai Xin smiled gently. She patted Alyssa's back as she pointed out the truth.     

"Because I wasn't the one who had to spend the first 10 years of my life getting pummeled by my father almost every day..."     

When Alyssa looked at her, Kai Xin added, "...I didn't have to worry about being hungry; I didn't have to worry about whether or not I would see the sun tomorrow..."     

She took Alyssa's hand and said, "Circumstances play a role in a person's development... If I were at your position... I doubt I would be able to do anything as well... So, please stop blaming yourself...I have never blamed you for it. Neither did anyone else..."     

"Then why did you leave without saying goodbye?" asked Alyssa as she wiped her tears away with the bottom of her palms.     

After they found her father's body, she was placed in foster care for a few days. Before she was transferred to the orphanage, her foster mother took her to see Kai Xin.     

However, Kai Xin's grandmother told her that Kai Xin had left the city with Kai An and their mother.     

Alyssa was hurt by it as she thought that Kai Xin, Kai An, and An Qi Yan blamed her for everything and that was why they left without saying a word.     

Kai Xin frowned and she said clearly, "It's not because of you, Alyssa...I didn't have the time to say goodbye. I wanted to! Really! The day I was discharged, my mother took everything and we moved to a new city."     

She rubbed the tears off Alyssa's cheeks and said, "Not a day went by where I did not think about you... I used to think about whether you have enough to eat and whether you have new friends... Alyssa, if our finances at that time had permitted it, my mother would have adopted you and take you along with us..."     


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