Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (11)

Twins Birthday (11)

2While he jogged towards his mother who was talking to Mr. Ye and Grandfather Luo, he barked an order to Head Manager Han, "Keep an eye on their whereabouts at all time and report everything back to me without any delay!"     0

"Mother..." said DX as calmly as he could. He smiled and greeted Mr. Ye and Grandfather Luo, "Uncle Xuan Yuan...President Luo..."     

Grandfather Luo laughed, "XiAn, your mother was complaining to us about your little stunt earlier. Where did you find such an interesting girl? If she has any sister, do let me know. I think my grandson, Guang Ying would like someone like that."     

DX gave him a half-smile before saying, "Please excuse me. May I speak to my mother privately for a moment?"     

"Go ahead," said Mr. Ye before he walked ahead with Grandfather Luo.     

Once they were gone, DX could not help but raised his voice slightly when he asked his mother,     

"Mother, are you the one who invited the Ye Family and the Luo Family?"     

"Of course I did! What in the world do you think you are doing? How could you forget to invite them? No matter what he did in the past, Xuan Yuan is still your biological uncle. I told you before to leave your work matter at work!"     

"Maybe I didn't forget!" DX replied tersely before walking off.     

As she watched him walked back into the mansion, Old Madam Du tutted at her son's behavior, "What is wrong with that kid!"     

When Head Manager Han was trying to locate the three, he noticed that something was wrong with the live feed.     

He was watching the live feed when he saw a short interference. It was less than one second but it caught his attention.     

After that, it did not take him long to realize that the videos were playing in a loop.     

Without any hesitation, he reported back to DX, "President Du, I believe someone is hacking into our system."     

"Didn't we just upgrade the system? Can you track down the hacker?"     

"He must be at a professional level! I have told the hackers about it. They are trying to pin down the location now...President Du, I saw Luo Yin earlier. He's chatting with someone in the East Wing. I lost track of Luo Guang Ying when he entered the mansion. The timing is too much of a coincidence. I think he is connected with the hacker..."     

DX nodded. He had expected that. "Ye Tian?"     

"He was at the staircase earlier watching the bellboy clean up when I last saw him..."     

DX sighed in relief, "At least she's safe in the bedroom..."     

When he heard DX, Head Manager Han looked away from the screens and said, "President Du, if you are talking about Ms. Zhen...I saw her walking towards the South Wing earlier..."     

DX cursed, "When?"     

Head Manager Han glanced at his watch before replying, "About 25 minutes ago..."     

DX immediately hung up the phone and ran all the way back into the mansion.     


Ghost pressed on the earpiece he was wearing as he glanced around and looked at the people who were discussing about the woman who shocked everyone with her bold actions.     

"Daisy...You little devil..." thought Ghost with a wry grin.     


When he heard Phantom's panicked voice coming from the earpiece, he asked softly, "What?"     

"Ye Tian is walking towards Daisy's direction."     

Ghost froze for a second before placing down his glass of champagne. As he smiled at the people who were looking at him, he mumbled, "I'm going over now. Lead me."     


"I'll be right back..." said Kai Xin before she left Alyssa to get her something to drink.     

Along the way, she bumped into Jiang Cheng who was seeking for Alyssa. She stopped him to take a quick look.     

"Aren't you the bellboy from Hotel W?"     

Jiang Cheng nodded and asked, "I'm sorry, miss. But have we met before?"     

Kai Xin removed her mask briefly. Once he recognized her, she put on the mask again.     

"Ms. Zhen! I should have known!" Jiang Cheng smiled as he shook his head. He worried for her over nothing. All the rumors about President Du were caused by the very same woman before him.     

"You are...Jiang Cheng, right?" asked Kai Xin.     

When he nodded, she continued, "Are you going out with Alyssa?"     

Jiang Cheng went wide-eyed when he heard her question. He did not expect anyone to know about his relationship with Alyssa. After all, they were pretty discreet about it.     

When he looked at her, he knew that he would be unable to lie his way out. Thus, with a sigh, he answered honestly, "Ms. Zhen, I have no idea what we are. It's a...little complicated..."     

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Kai Xin.     

He shook his head, "It's private...and I don't know how Alyssa would feel about it."     

"Well, it's up to you...but Jiang Cheng...Alyssa...Even though she is mean and acted as if she does not need anyone, in reality, she's quite fragile...Do you know about her childhood?"     

When he nodded tersely, she continued, "...She has been alone for most of her life...Talk to her and try to understand her point of view...Don't lash out at her because of a misunderstanding..."     

Like a child who had been admonished, Jiang Cheng looked at his feet before asking guiltily, "Ms. Zhen, do you know where Alyssa went? I was looking for her..."     

Kai Xin told him and before he left, she added, "Bring her something to drink and freshen up...and tell her that I hope we can go back to being friends after this..."     

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