Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (14)

Twins Birthday (14)

2Luo Yin smiled and patted Ghost's cheek as his last warning before walking away as if nothing had happened.     

After he had left, Ghost closed his eyes as he rubbed his sore left hand.     

"I saw that. Are you alright?"     

When he heard Phantom's question, Ghost glanced around to make sure that no one was watching. He pressed his earpiece in before muttering, "Just hurt like a bi*tch."     

"The hackers are about to break through my code. I have to leave before they could trace my whereabouts. Don't worry about Daisy. I checked on the live feed earlier. She's with Du XiAn and after that little show, I don't think that he would let her out of his sight now."     

Ghost glanced at the nearest camera and nodded. Not long later, the line went dead and he removed his earpiece before placing it into his pocket.     

After a while, he turned around and was about to head back to his grandfather, when a figure jumped out in front of him.     

He was startled and took a step back before he bumped into Callum who was standing an inch away from him.     

"Are you sure you are not my Goddess?" asked Callum as he stared at Ghost with eyes filled with suspicions.     

Ghost groaned inwardly but he maintained a calm facade as he replied, "I can't be your Goddess. I'm a man."     

Callum narrowed his eyes at Ghost. He had seen him a couple of times at various parties but he never paid any attention to him.     

When he was younger, Callum thought that Ghost was a weakling who needed his grandfather's protection constantly. Thus, he had never bothered to go and talk to him.     

However, that scene earlier was eerily similar to the pianist from before and he swore that he saw a resemblance between the two.     

Ghost felt a sudden sharp pain going through his left hand and he winced before grabbing it with his right hand.     

"What's wrong?" asked Callum.     

"Nothing. Just an old injury..." Ghost gritted as he tried to calm himself down. The sharp pain was kind of unpredictable.     

It would often hit out of nowhere and it made Ghost felt as if someone was hammering down on his hand over and over again.     

He turned away from Callum as beads of sweat started to form on his forehead.     

"Hey... Are you sure you are OK?" asked Callum. His voice was filled with concern as he walked over to look at Ghost's hand.     

From his prior research with Han Ye on the Luo Family, he found out that Ghost broke his hand during a freak accident that occurred in his youth.     

He recalled that the accident happened around the time when he saw that pianist.     

When he realized the proximity of the timeline, Callum could not get rid of the weird feeling that was bubbling in his heart.     

"Old Mo, please get the staff to boil some hot water..." said Callum. He then grabbed Ghost's right arm and dragged him along.     

"Where are we going?" Ghost tried to shrug him off but Callum was stronger than him.     

"To get you some help..." murmured Callum as he continued to drag the unwilling Ghost into the kitchen. He forced Ghost to sit on a chair before pouring out freshly boiled water into a huge bowl. He then rummaged around the cabinets.     

"What are you doing?" asked Ghost weakly before another wave of pain hit him. He was unable to hide the pain anymore as his left hand was trembling uncontrollably by now.     

Callum ignored him as he mixed some cold water and herbs into the bowl. Once the temperature was warm enough, he brought it over and placed it in front of Ghost.     

"What's this?" asked Ghost as he stared at the bowl.     

"It's good for old injuries..." said Callum. He took Ghost's hand and placed it inside the bowl.     

"Hot!" Ghost cried out and tried to remove his hand but Callum forced him to keep it in.     

"The heat will relieve the pain by stimulating the blood flow..." said Callum as he kept his hand on Ghost's wrist to prevent him from pulling it out.     

After about a minute, he reached into the bowl and massaged Ghost's left hand.     

"How did you know about this remedy?" asked Ghost. The pain was subsiding and he felt much more comfortable.     

"When I was a kid, I broke my leg once. Every now and then, that area would feel kind of sore. Back then, Du XiAn used to massage for me whenever I felt uncomfortable..."     

"You are close to him even when you are not real siblings..." murmured Ghost.     

"Well..." Callum looked up at him before saying, "...Sharing the same blood doesn't necessarily make you brothers."     

Ghost had to agree. After all, he was a living example of that statement. Callum's words made him thought about Phantom.     

"Yes... Sharing the same blood doesn't necessarily make you brothers..." thought Ghost. Phantom was much more of a brother than Luo Yin ever was.     

"We are done..." said Callum as he took Ghost's hand out before patting it dry with a clean towel.     

With a boyish grin, he asked, "Are you feeling better now?"     

Ghost nodded. He blushed slightly when he met Callum's eyes before quickly shifting his eyes to the side as he thought worriedly, "Why is he looking at me as if I'm a piece of meat?!"     

"Are you sure you are a real man?" asked Callum again as he narrowed his eyes at Ghost.     

When he heard that question again, Ghost sighed.     

He grabbed Callum's hand and placed it on his chest before asking, "Are you convinced now?"     

Callum patted his chest before saying with a frown, "That doesn't prove anything. Maybe you didn't grow well. Or that you are wearing one of those high-quality binders..."     

Ghost blinked. He was at a loss.     

He then grabbed Callum's hand and placed it on his crotch before asking gruffly, "What do you think now?"     

After a second, Callum went wide-eyed and immediately pulled his hand away. Looking at his palm, he was sure he felt something bumpy.     

"Oh my..." someone gasped.     

When they heard it, Callum and Ghost turned. They saw Layla, Quinn, and Lyle watching them with curiosity.     

The trio came in to grab something to drink only to see Callum grabbing Ghost in the forbidden zone.     

"I've always thought that it's weird for you to keep sleeping with your brother's girlfriends. I can see why now...You were in denial..." said Layla with a smirk.     

Placing a hand on his shoulder, she sighed dramatically, "Luckily, the Shenlong bloodline can still continue without you."     

Callum shrugged her hand off before glaring at Ghost accusingly, "Look what you've done!"     

Ghost shrugged as if to say that Callum brought it upon himself.     

"Uncle Callum...I don't mind it if you like guys, but can you please keep your activities within the confinement of your room?" Lyle tutted.     

He then turned to Quinn and said sternly, "Never ever grope people in public and don't ever let anyone do it to you..."     

After a second, he added, "...In public or in private!"     

Quinn made a disgusted face at him. She glanced at Callum disapprovingly before saying to Ghost, "If it were me, I'd kill the person who dares to humiliate me in such a manner."     

"I didn't do it!" Callum snapped as he tried to defend his honor but his reputation was damaged by then.     

Ghost could not help himself as he smirked at Callum's helplessness as the latter tried to convince his family that they were mistaken.     

"Well, isn't this cozy?"     

They turned and saw DX standing in the hallway while carrying Kai Xin in his arms.     

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