Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (2)

Twins Birthday (2)

0Dressed as K, Kai Xin was about to saunter into the compound of the mansion when she was stopped by the security guards.     4

"I'm sorry, but you don't have the clearance to enter."     

She frowned and waved her invitation card at them, "Excuse me?"     

One of the guards took her card. He tore it in half and handed it back to her before saying, "Excuse me, but you don't have the clearance to enter."     

Kai Xin narrowed her eyes at them as she wondered who was behind this mischief.     

"You do realize that I am K, President Du's man. Who told you to do this?"     

The guards glanced at each other before one of them replied,"This is an order from President Du."     

Kai Xin scoffed and thought, "What a bad lie."     

She turned around walked away. She could force her way through but what would it proved to those who wanted to keep her out.     

Just as she was about to make a call, a Rolls-Royce stopped in front of her and an imposing man got out of the car.     

"Lt General Duanmu?"     

"What happened?" asked Lt General Duanmu as he glanced at the invitation card that was torn in half.     

"Someone was trying to prevent me from entering the mansion."     

"Don't they know that you are President Du's man?" asked Lt. General Duanmu as he glared at the security guards who were standing nervously at their posts.     

Kai Xin shrugged as she replied, "I'm sure it was someone with higher ranks who told them to stop me."     

When he heard her explanation, he nodded and said, "You will go in with me."     

He held the door for her and after he closed the door, he looked at the guards. From their uniform, it appeared that they were from the Du Family's internal security team. As he stared them down, he thought, "Who could have done it?"     

He then said in a loud voice, "The man is coming in with me. Are you going to stop me?"     

The guards shook their heads nervously and they immediately opened the gate for his car.     

"No! No! Lt. General Duanmu, we would not dare to stop you."     

Without giving them another second of his time, Lt General Duanmu entered the car. He hated disloyalty the most and he made it a point to report to DX about his guards.     

As part of the Du Family's security team, absolute loyalty to the Head of the Family was necessary.     

If he allowed them to go scotfree, who knew what kind of trouble might arise in the future?     

While they were driving into the main door, Lt. General Duanmu introduced the occupants of the car to Kai Xin.     

His gaze landed on a young man and a teenaged boy who were sitting opposite them and said, "These two are my children. This is my eldest son, Duanmu ShaoWu and my youngest son, Duanmu ShaoYang."     

Kai Xin exchanged pleasantries with them. She then looked at the older man who was sitting next to Duanmu ShaoYang. His face was emotionless as he stared outside the window.     

Compared to when he was introducing his children, Lt General Duanmu's voice was filled with pride when he introduced the man, "This man here is my younger brother, Duanmu Wei-Yang."     

Kai Xin extended her hands towards the man and with a smile, she said, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Duanmu Wei-Yang."     

When there was no response from Duanmu Wei-Yang, Lt General Duanmu gently pressed her hand down and explained,     

"My younger brother had an accident when he was a kid. He could no longer move his limbs. Please don't be offended...You can call him Wei-Yang. Honestly, Mr. Duanmu Wei-Yang is quite a mouthful."     

Kai Xin nodded. In order not to offend Duanmu Wei-Yang, she averted her gaze to look outside and noticed the choppers in the sky.     

"The President has arrived..." said Lt. General Duanmu as he looked out the window.     

With a frown, he shook his head as he murmured disapprovingly, "That man is still the same. Always showing off..."     

"Do you know President Tong Lin, Lt. General Duanmu?" asked Kai Xin.     

"My father and President Tong are best friends since they were kids," answered Duanmu Shao Yang.     

She noted that all of them except Duanmu Wei-Yang were sitting with their back straights and thought, "I can definitely see the military teachings in them..."     

When they were at the lobby, Kai Xin thanked the Duanmus for their help before running off to the second floor.     

Unlike the guards who were at the outer gates, no one dared to stop her as she made her way up.     

Then again, the guards inside the mansion were elites from the upper ranks that were specially chosen by DX and Callum. They were less prone to bribes and treachery.     


"Han Ye...Where did you place my dress?" asked Kai Xin over the phone. She wanted to surprise DX and thus, she told Han Ye to help her snuck in the dress.     

"I've kept it in the walk-in closet inside President Du's room. It's hidden in a suit bag. You will see it when you entered the closet. I've also placed some jewelry and a small clutch for you."     

"Thanks! You are a lifesaver!" said Kai Xin before she quickly stepped into the room. She was about to enter the closet when she heard high pitched screaming from below the balcony.     

Curious, she went to take a look. To her surprise, she saw that Tian Le was facing off a boy while Caleb was sobbing.     


Tian Le was waiting for his turn at the racing zone when he heard Caleb's screams. Nervous, he quickly went over and saw a bigger boy picking on him.     

"I said give me the toy!" said the boy as he tried to snatch the Transformer out of Caleb's hand.     

His father promised to get it for him but he forgot about it. By the time they went to the store, it was already sold out.     

"No! Papa bought it for me!" yelled Caleb as he held onto the toy tightly.     

The boy punched Caleb, causing the latter to fell down on the floor.     

Even his hearing aid fell out as well.     

"Tsk!" sneered the boy as his friends gathered around him.     

He stepped on the hearing aid and laughed, "You should be kept at home instead of running around."     

Picking up the Transformer, he was about to walk away with his friends when Tian Le snatched it from him.     

Before the boy could register what had happened, Tian Le swung his crutch at the boy's stomach causing him to fall down.     

Angered, Tian Le shouted angrily, "Leave my brother alone!"     

Hurt and embarrassed, the boy started shouting, "Help me!!!"     

Even his friends started to shout for help. A     

guard and two maids came over.     

When they saw the two boys sitting down on the ground, they were unsure of what to do.     

They were told to let the children settle their own arguments and unless there was a necessity, they should not interfere.     

"Should we inform Young Master Xun?" asked one of the maids.     

The guard shook his head, "The Young Master is busy at the moment."     

The maids went to help the boy while the guard helped Caleb up.     

Caleb sobbed as he went to hug Tian Le with such an impact that he nearly destabilized the latter.     

"Are you alright?" signed Tian Le as he checked on his reddened cheek.     

Caleb nodded but he looked sadly at his hearing aid. He knew that it was really expensive and he felt bad about it.     

"Don't worry. It's not your fault." signed Tian Le as he patted the little boy's back.     

He then turned to the boy who was glaring at him and snapped, "Apologise to my brother this instance!"     

"Why should I?" yelled the boy.     

One of his friends whispered, "Yu Cheng, I saw these two coming in with a bunch of kids. My dad said that they are orphans..."     

The boy, Yu Cheng, laughed, "How dare you cross my path, you orphans..."     

"Give me back!" yelled Caleb when he saw his toy.     

Instead, the spiteful boy dropped it on the ground and stomped on it, "I'm. Not. Giving. You. Anything!"     

His friends gasped and one of them asked, "Yu Cheng! I thought you really want it?"     

"I'll just get a new one when it comes out," replied Yu Cheng. He then glared at Caleb and laughed, "But he could never afford a new one..."     

Luckily, Caleb did not hear him. His eyes were filled with tears as he looked at the broken toys.     

However, Tian Le was less forgiving. That was Caleb's favorite toy. The little boy brought it everywhere with him including the bathroom.     

He was about to move towards Yu Cheng when the guard stopped him.     

"Let me go! I'm going to beat the crap out of this rude kid!" yelled Tian Le as he tried to get away from the guard.     

"No fighting here," warned the guard.     

"What happened?"     

They heard an authoritative voice and turned.     

Two boys dressed in identical suits with different colored masks hanging off their neck looked at the bunch an indifferent gaze.     

"Young Master Lyle...Young Master Jack." greeted the guard and the maids.     

"What is happening here? I can hear shoutings from inside the mansion," said Lyle.     

He glanced at the broken toy near Yu Cheng and the little boy who was crying.     

The guard explained it. When he was done, Lyle looked at Yu Cheng coldly. Honestly, he had never fancy this cousin of his.     

He was rude and overbearing. Lyle decided to take this opportunity to teach him a lesson. He patted Caleb's head and said to Yu Cheng, "Apologise to the boy now."     

"Lyle, you can't be serious! He's just an orphan! You can't expect me to apologize to him! He probably stole the toy!"     

"He's my father's important guest, Yu Cheng...Should I call your father and let him know what you did?" asked Jack with a smile on his face.     

Yu Cheng clenched his fists together as he told himself that he cannot offend the two young masters or his father would skin him alive.     

He gritted and apologized tersely to Caleb. However, Caleb was still upset over his toy and ignored him.     

Once Yu Cheng and his friends were gone, Lyle got down on one knee and wiped Caleb's tears away, "Stop crying now. He had apologized."     

"He can't hear you..." Tian Le informed him as he pointed at the broken hearing aid that was on the ground.     

Lyle nodded, "Can you ask him to stop crying? I have the same action figure. I can give it to him."     

Tian Le signed it to Caleb but the latter cried even harder as he said, "Not same! Not the same!"     

"What's not same?" asked Lyle.     

Tian Le sighed as he explained, "That's the first present that Papa Du bought for him. It's his treasure..."     

Lyle nodded. He turned to Jack and said, "Call Dad to meet us at the kitchen. He can handle this."     

With a nod, Jack stepped aside to give his father a call.     

From where she was standing, Kai Xin felt so proud of Lyle and Tian Le.     

The former for taking charge of the situation and the latter for never backing down even though the opponent was bigger.     

With a smile, she thought, "Lyle's going to be just like his father..."     

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