Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (6)

Twins Birthday (6)

3When the guests at the West Wing saw President Du sauntered in with a child on his arms, they started speculating whether there would be a third heir to the Du Empire.     

"Look at the boy. He can't be more than 6 years old. I think my granddaughter would have a chance with him...." said one of the guests to his friends.     

"No way. How can the heir of the Du Empire with someone of your level? Obviously, one of my granddaughters would be more fitting."     

Another woman laughed when she overheard the conversation, "You guys, we don't even know how is the boy related to President Du. I'd prefer to bank my daughter's happiness on one of the twins. Young Master Lyle would be the best choice for my girl..."     

This kind of whisperings went on for the next few hours.     

While the others were talking behind his back, DX's attention was on the wife the ambassador of Greece. A charitable woman, Mrs. Alexopoulus had been organizing charity events for various causes throughout the world.     

In fact, at the moment, DX was discussing with her about the money they managed to collect from a charity that he organized previously with her help. Due to the issue with Shangguan Xing, he was reluctant to leave Kai Xin alone and he had to pass everything onto Mrs. Alexopoulus. Thankfully, the woman was experienced enough to handle everything on her own.     

"Without your sponsorship, the charity would not have been as successful as this, President Du..." said Mrs. Alexopoulus as she raised her glass of champagne at him before taking a sip.     

DX gave her a smile as he adjusted Caleb so that he would be seated securely. He glanced at Caleb to make sure that he was doing fine before returning back to the conversation.     

'Mrs. Alexopouslus, without you, there would be no charity of this sort. I was pretty swamped with work and if not for your offer of taking the planning off me and Han Ye, the charity might have to be postponed. The ambassador is lucky to have a kind and capable wife like you..."     

When she heard DX praised her, she giggled softly. After all, she was still a young woman. She then looked at Caleb who was staring sleepily at her before smiling, "This is a good boy. If it's my son, he would have shouted his lungs off demanding to be released from his confinement."     

During the entire time when DX was walking around and making conversations with various guests, Caleb did not complain or make a fuss. Instead, he just looked around the surroundings while resting his head on DX's shoulder.     

With a pat on Caleb's back, DX smile at the woman. When he heard waves of laughter, he noticed from the corner of his eyes that Layla was chatting with some of their old friends.     

"Please excuse me, Mrs. Alexopoulus, but I need to talk to the other guests," said DX.     

"Well, I have been taking quite a lot of your time. I understand. Please go ahead while I go check on my naughty boy, " replied the woman. With President Du's status, it would be unfair to expect him to stay with one guest for the entire party.     

"Oh, look! It's the big man himself!"     

DX glared at his friend, Javier Tan who was slightly drunk and was talking at the top of his voice. Javier was a good man but whenever he got drunk, he tended to be quite unruly.     

"I think you have enough..." said DX before he took the glass of wine out of the man's hand and passed it to one of the servers.     

"Heyyy!" Javier Tan pouted as he watched the server walked away with his drink. He then glared back at DX, "You are still as mean as ever!"     

DX ignored him and turned to Layla, "Have you seen Phillip around? I need to talk to him about something..."     

"I think he is in the East Wing. He brought his nephews and I'm sure you know how hard it is to take care of those two..." said Layla with a wry grin.     

Dr. Phillip brought his nephews to an event before and those two hellions broke an antique marble statue that was worth more than $5 million. Even though Dr. Philip's family could afford it, they forced him to pay out of his own pocket since he was the one who did not keep an eye on those two properly.     

Layle glanced at her Cartier watch before adding, "It's almost time for the twins to cut their birthday cake. You'd probably see him then. Maybe you should station some guards nearby in case that two escape from their uncle..."     

DX nodded. Truth be told, he was surprised that Dr. Phillip would bring those two kids out after what they did the last time. After all, the man cried when he received the massive bill from DX.     

"Stop talking with Layla and entertain us, Du XiAn!" Javier Tan stood between DX and Layla as he glanced at Caleb, "Who is that kid?"     

He tried to touch the little boy when Caleb slapped his hand away before turning away from him.     

"Good job, Caleb..." said DX as he patted the boy's back. He then turned to Javier's older brother, William Tan and his wife, Tiffany Tang.     

"William, Tiffany...This is Caleb...He's the boy I talked to you previously..." said DX before he tapped on Caleb's back to get his attention.     

The two exchanged looks before stepping forward to take a good look at the boy. When he looked at those two, his angelic and innocent face caused Tiffany Tang to swoon. She immediately signed to her husband, "He is so adorable..."     

Caleb cocked his head before smiling at them. He then signed back, "Thank you."     

It took those two by surprise. They looked at DX who said, "A sickness rendered him deaf years ago. He is still learning how to speak verbally but his caretaker said that he can sign pretty well for his age."     

Tiffany Tang introduced herself and her husband to the little boy who in return, introduced himself back.     

"Damn...I think you found my brother a new kid..." said Javier Tan to DX as he watched his brother and his sister-in-law signing back and forth.     

When William Tan glared at him, he immediately raised his hands and said, "Fine! I'll shut up!"     

Layla chuckled and with her hand hooked in the crook of his arm, she said, "Come on, Javier. Don't get upset. This pretty sister will take you to get some food..."     

DX ignored those two and focused on the others. Since Caleb managed to find someone that he could talk to, he thought that he could place the little boy down. However, when he tried to do so, Caleb yelped and hugged his neck tightly.     

"What's wrong?" cooed DX as he rubbed Caleb's back.     

Tiffany Tang signaled to Caleb but the little boy ignored her. Luckily, she was not offended by him. Instead, in a flat voice, she said, "He's probably afraid of strangers. It's fine. We will take this slowly."     

Suddenly, William Tan pretended to cough, "XiAn, your mother and one of your potential fiancees are walking toward us..."     

DX sighed before turning around to greet his mother and Song Qiao.     

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