Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (8)

Twins Birthday (8)

4When they turned towards the voice, they saw a woman with a brilliant blue dress that shimmered underneath the lights.     

Even though her mask covered almost half of her face, the guests could tell from the exposed areas that underneath the mask was a beautiful face.     

Some of the guests were somewhat afraid of the powerful aura that was being emitted by the unknown woman and they responded by making a pathway for her to walk through.     

Even the children were mesmerized by her as she walked past them.     

She walked slowly towards the stage and the adults found it hard to take their eyes away from her.     

"Look at those legs..." murmured one of the guests to her friends as they wished they had the same height and those beautiful long legs.     


Some of the men were slapped by their wives when they could stop ogling at Kai Xin's chest.     

"Don't you think that this feeling feels familiar?" asked one of the male guests.     

When Kai Xin shifted her eyes to glance at him, he felt an unknown fear striking into his heart and he immediately looked the other way.     

Once she was on the stage, she stood up straight while she faced Old Madam Du and Song Qiao.     

In a loud voice, she said, "I disagree with the alleged engagement between Ms. Song and President Du."     

Old Madam Du frowned, "Who are you to disagree? Guards! Take her out!"     

When the guards moved towards her, they were stopped at their tracks by Kai Xin's cold glare and the aura she emitted.     

Seeing that the guards were not doing anything, Old Madam Du snapped angrily, "What are you waiting for! TAKE HER OUT!"     

The guards glanced at each other and took a step towards Kai Xin before they saw the cold glare from DX that rendered them frozen.     

"It's definitely the same!" thought each of the guards as they slowly took a step forward.     

They looked at Old Madam Du and bowed apologetically before leaving the stage.     

Even though Old Madam Du was the senior here, everyone knew that the one with true power was President Du.     

"Now that the guards are behaving properly, let's talk..." said Kai Xin in a bored voice.     

Caleb who managed to guess who the woman was called out softly, "Mama..."     

He reached out for her but DX stopped him and he placed his forefinger on his lips before shaking his head.     

The two watched on as the woman they both loved took charge over the entire situation.     

DX was wondering earlier if he should do something but even though it was a little juvenile, watching his woman defending her stake over him brought an inexplicable joy to him.     

"XiAn, who is this woman?" asked Song Qiao while her face paled out. She had not expected another opponent. After all, she had not gotten rid of the first one!     

Without looking at Song Qiao, DX shrugged, "Who knows..."     

"Old Madam Du..." greeted Kai Xin respectfully.     

Old Madam Du frowned, "I don't know who you are but how dare you disagreed with my son's engagement? Whose daughter are you? I need to talk to your parents and see how they raised such a woman."     

"I'm just the daughter of a simple businessman and his ex-wife."     

"Outrageous!" snapped the old woman. Her sentiments were shared by the adult guests who were watching from where they were standing.     

As they watched the unknown woman who stood with her back straight while facing Old Madam Du, the adults started to whisper among themselves.     

"A peasant? How did she get in?"     

"Does she not value her life?"     

"This will make a good show!"     

"I'm more interested in what President Du has to say..."     

The last sentence came from a man who was standing at the back. He had a disheveled look as he carried two little boys who struggled to escape from underneath his arms.     

When the guests turned back and saw who the man was, they immediately closed their mouth.     

"Dongfang Ying Zhe!" thought those who whispered earlier. Everyone knew that Dongfang Ying Zhe, or more commonly known as Dr. Phillip, was the black sheep son of the prestigious Dongfang Family and one of President Du's best friends.     

There were rumors that the patriarch of the Dongfang Family had excluded him from the line of inheritance when he chose to practice as a doctor instead of taking over the family's shipping business.     

When everyone suddenly stopped their whispers, Dr. Phillip smirked and asked, "What? Nothing else to say?"     

"I'm sorry. What did you say earlier, miss?"     

Because of her close proximity to the microphone, Song Qiao's voice was heard loud and clear by everyone in the East Wing.     

With a smirk, Kai Xin repeated her words. This time, she faced the guests and raised her voice so that everyone could hear her.     

"From here onwards, Du XiAn is my man! Other than me, he will not be with any other woman!"     

With a haughty manner, she added, "I hope all of you would stop stealing my man away from me!"     

"Who are you to decide that!" snapped Song Qiao as she stepped forward towards Kai Xin. She had waited too long for an unknown woman to come in and take her place as Madam President Du.     

Her behavior shocked everyone as the Song Qiao everyone knew was a graceful and kind woman who always spoke softly.     

Luckily, she caught herself before she did anything stupid in front of everyone.     

Pretending to be upset, she fell towards Kai Xin who immediately caught her. At that moment when her guard was down, Song Qiao pulled the mask off from Kai Xin.     

"Oops..." smirked Kai Xin. She had foreseen that something like this might happened and as a precaution, she put a thinner mask underneath the Colombina mask.     

However, what she did not realize was that Song Qiao managed to catch herself quick enough to scheme against her.     

At the position that they were in, no one could see them clearly and Song Qiao immediately cried out, "OUCH!"     

Old Madam Du panicked when she heard Song Qiao's cries and called out, "GUARDS! Protect your future Madam President!"     

Seeing the situation, the guards immediately went up the stage and separated those two. DX saw what was about to happen but he did not stop them this time.     

When the guards pulled Kai Xin away from Song Qiao, the two gave each other a brief glance. In that split second, Kai Xin knew that DX wanted her to figure out a way to get out of this.     

However, Lyle was worried about his mummy. He seriously thought that Kai Xin had hurt Song Qiao. He was afraid that the others would think badly of Kai Xin because of that.     

"NO! LET HER GO!" yelled Lyle before he rushed forward. He tried to pull the guards away from Kai Xin but someone lifted him up and placed him back behind DX where Jack was standing.     

When his feet were on the ground, Lyle did a back kick which was deflected by the man who carried him over.     

As soon as he recognized the man, Lyle snapped, "Han Ye?!"     

"Stay here. She can handle it," said Han Ye in a low voice.     

"But-" Lyle looked over. He cannot help but be worried about Kai Xin who was being held by the two guards.     

Leaning down, Han Ye pointed at DX with his chin before saying softly, "Do you think your father would just sit by if he has no confidence in his woman?"     

Lyle glanced at his father who appeared to be calm as he stood in front of them. Even though he was worried, he decided to trust his father's judgment.     

Song Qiao held her stomach as she complained, "It hurts, Ma!"     

"What's wrong?" Old Madam Du placed her hand on top of Song Qiao's stomach.     

Even though she did not openly accuse Kai Xin, when Song Qiao looked at her with eyes that were filled with fear, the guests had decided that Kai Xin was guilty of the 'assault'.     

When Song Qiao started to look paler than earlier, Old Madam Du panicked and told Old Mo to call the cops.     

Worried that things would escalate out of control, Song Qiao grabbed Old Madam Du's hand and shook her head.     

"I'm fine, Ma...I'd be fine after a while...I just need some rest..."     

Pretending to be weak, she asked the guards to support her so that she did not fall down.     

Furious, Old Madam Du glared at Kai Xin as she snapped at the guards, "What are you still waiting for! Throw the violent woman out of here!"     

Before the guards could react, Kai Xin violently shrugged her captors' hands off before turning around to face them.     

When one of the guards moved towards her, she used his momentum and threw him towards the other guard.     

Angered at being overtaken by a mere woman, the two guards were about to stand up and retaliate when they heard someone said, "I won't get up if I were you."     

It was Callum. When he saw what was happening at the East Wing through the surveillance camera, he immediately came over to join in the fun.     

The guards gulped when they heard the words that were laced with threat and pretended to be seriously injured so that they would not be expected to fight back.     

Since the guards no longer posed any threats, Kai Xin looked at Song Qiao and asked, "Why are you in pain, Ms. Song?"     

"What do you mean why? You hit her of course! You evil woman!" shouted one of the guests.     

"Yeah! How dare a shrew like you hurt our Goddess Song!" yelled another guest who threw a cupcake at Kai Xin.     

With her training, she caught the cupcake easily and without having to look, she tossed it to Callum who managed to catch it. With a smirk, he said, "Thanks for the cake."     

Kai Xin closed the distance between her and Song Qiao. With every step that she took, she enunciated each word loudly, "Ms. Song. Are. You. Sure. That. I. Hurt. You.?"     

For some reason, Song Qiao felt that an invisible boulder was being placed on her. She tried to take a step backward but she was unable to feel her legs.     

Afraid, Song Qiao called out, "Ma..."     

"ENOUGH!" yelled Old Madam Du. She felt a headache coming in and she wanted to settle everything as soon as possible.     

When she did not see her son's 'boyfriend' around, she felt relieved and thought that the two ended their relationship. Out of nowhere, another woman came out and disrupted her plan!     

She told the guards to bring Song Qiao to rest in the guest room on the second floor. After they left, she turned to Kai Xin and warned, "If I were you, I would leave immediately."     

"With all due respect, Old Madam Du...You are not me..." said Kai Xin before she sauntered over to DX.     

With one move, she pulled his tie and jerked him forward so that she could kiss him right in front of everyone else. Even though it happened before, her bold move still shocked DX nonetheless.     

A loud collective gasp could be heard from below the stage.     

"It's K!" gasped Naomi Nakamura. The Nakamura sisters had been waiting and looking around the entire night for their friend, 'K'. When they did not see 'him', they thought that K would not be joining the party and they were somewhat disappointed earlier.     

"It's really him..." murmured Naomi Nakamura. She had been looking at the photo of 'K' kissing President Du almost everyday. There was no way she could be wrong about this.     

Even though she was a little disappointed that K and President Du was in a normal relationship, at the same time, she felt happy that the man she pined for so long managed to find a strong woman who was not afraid of his mother.     

"I would never be able to act as she does..." thought Naomi Nakamura as she watched the scene unfold before her with a smile.     

After what seemed like an eternity, Kai Xin released DX and said softly, "How dare you get engaged to another woman..."     

With a smirk, he whispered, "As if I dare..."     

Kai Xin turned to Old Madam Du and said, "Du XiAn has agreed to be my man a long time ago. There is no way he would ever marry Ms. Song."     

"XiAn!" snapped the old woman as she stared at her son.     

With a nonchalant shrug, DX said, "Mother, you said this before. As long as my partner is a woman, you would be fine with it."     

Upon hearing her son's words, Old Madam Du went wide-eyed in shock. She stared at the strange woman before her and realized that she had fallen into her son's trap.     

Having nothing more to say, she threw her hands up in defeat. With an angry sigh, she turned and went back into the mansion.     

"Hey..." Jack called out to Lyle.     

Without taking his eyes off Kai Xin, Lyle replied, "Yeah..."     

Jack frowned at his brother's lackadaisical attitude and asked, "Aren't you worried? That woman and that man, K...They are stealing your mummy's position."     

Turning to his brother, Lyle smiled and replied, "They have always been the same person..."     

"What?" asked Jack. He was utterly confused by his brother's statement.     

Lyle laughed softly as he explained everything to his brother.     

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