Be My Strength

Remember, I will always love you

Remember, I will always love you

4Before he went to look for his young master, Butler Douglas burned down the house to get rid of any evidence that might implicate Ghost.     

As he watched the house burning from above a hilltop, he did not feel any remorse or guilt for what he did.     

Instead, he felt relieved that he managed to arrive in time before his young master could do anything.     

Butler Douglas waited until the house was almost completely burned down before making a call to the Fire Department.     

There was no reason for other people to suffer any losses because of a bastard like that man.     

Truth was, Grandfather Luo had been sending people out to look for her but there was no clue.     

Butler Douglas used to tell Ghost that his mother was on holiday or was doing something.     

He was curious as to Ghost's lack of interest in the subject. Turned out, his poor young master had known for a long time.     

Butler Douglas cursed himself for never noticing anything.     


If he did not made this trip, he would have never known about the truth behind his young master's pain.     

When Ghost did not return to his presidential suite at Hilton, Butler Douglas decided to wait for his return. After all, the young master was really angry at him.     

So even though he was unable to sleep, he just sat at the lobby and waited patiently.     

However, after one night and afraid that Ghost might be in danger, Butler Douglas sent people out to look for him.     

It took him three days to track his young master down.     

Turned out, his young master spent all his cash on a flight ticket to Tokyo and had been sleeping in the streets for the past couple of nights.     

When Butler Douglas found him, Ghost looked more like an empty shell.     

Disheveled, he had sunken cheeks and he reeked of alcohol as he slept at a corner of the train platform.     

From the light bruises on his face, he must have gotten into a fight with some hoodlums.     

Afraid that his young master would run off, Butler Douglas approached him quietly.     

"Hmm-mm nnn~"     

He heard Ghost humming a tune softly as he rolled the empty can of beer on his stomach with right his hand.     

The latter's eyes were closed the entire time as if he was trying to sleep.     

Butler Douglas recognized the tune.     


When Grandfather Luo and him went to pick Little Ghost up that many years ago, the boy's mother was singing it to him as he slept with his head on her laps.     

Her eyes were so focused on her son that she did not notice the men walking towards her.     

When she finally looked up at them, there were tears glistening at the corner of her eyes.     

Butler Douglas noted her puffy looking face and thought, "She must have been crying the entire night...Why would she send him away if she obviously loves him?"     

Before she handed the boy over, she taught the song to Butler Douglas as she gave him the instructions on how to take care of Little Ghost.     

As she patted the sleeping boy's chest, she smiled ruefully at Butler Douglas, "He might try to act brave, but he gets upset easily. He would never admit it but my Xiao Ying is afraid of the dark, so please make sure that you never leave him alone in a dark place..."     

Grabbing her son's shirt tightly, she looked at her son's face while tears rolled down on the boy's cheek. With a choked up voice, she added, "...Please look after him for me."     

When Butler Douglas picked up the sleeping boy, Little Ghost's mum smiled and kissed her son's forehead before saying to Grandfather Luo,     

"I'm afraid he would get upset so I fed him some cough syrup to make him sleep. You promised that you would protect him for me. Please don't ever forget that..."     

Looking at the boy with tears in her eyes, she whispered, "Bye, my adorable Little Xiao Ying. Remember, Mama will always love you."     


Butler Douglas hummed the song as he walked towards Ghost.     

When he heard the humming, Ghost slowly opened his eyes. There was emptiness and confusion in his eyes when he looked up at Butler Douglas.     

"Mama...?" Ghost called out as he reached out towards the figure.     

Butler Douglas took his hand and helped him up before saying, "She's not here…Let's go home, Young Master Guang Ying…"     

Ghost did not say anything. He did not resist when Butler Douglas picked him up as if he weighed nothing.     

Granted, he had not eaten any solid food for the past three days and he probably lost a considerable amount of weight from the self-induced starvation.     

Butler Douglas brought him back to his room at one of the finest hotel in the city. Stripping Ghost of his smelly clothes, he placed his young master in the shower and helped to clean him.     

At his current state, Ghost was oblivious to what Butler Douglas was doing. It worried Butler Douglas when Ghost continued to show no reaction towards anything.     

Once the mud and grimes were off, the man took his young master to the bath that was big enough for two grown men. He gently lowered Ghost in before giving him a massage.     

"Young Master Guang Ying… Do you remember? Before Master sent you to Master Luo Han's house, you stayed with us at the current mansion. I used to bath you when you were a kid." said Butler Douglas with a chuckle as he massaged Ghost's shoulders.     

"You were always thinking of escaping, and you'd come back with scars and mud all over you. Even then, you refused to change. You hated all the new clothes that we bought you and you would only wear your old clothes. Master was frustrated! In the end, he ordered me to clean you up no matter what."     

Seeing that there was no response from Ghost, Butler Douglas continued to talk while he massaged his young master's left hand.     

"I remember clearly. Whenever the guards sent you back, you would just sit at the stairs and sulked. I had to pick you up forcefully and you always ended up screaming your lungs out. Boy! Did I suffered through multiple kicks to my..."     

He cleared his throat before continuing, "...Anyway, when I dumped you in the bath, you would always scoop the water and poured them out of the bathtub in protest. At first, you'd be angry, but then after your anger subsided, you'd laugh as you splashed around."     

Once he was done talking, Butler Douglas gently placed Ghost hand back into the warm bath before asking softly, "You have beaten me up badly...So...Can I please hear your laughter again, Young Master Guang Ying?"     

Ignoring him, Ghost continued to stare at the wall without any expression.     

With a sigh, Butler Douglas helped him out of the bath before patting him dry. After he placed a robe on his young master, he heard the latter muttered something.     

"Yes, Young Master Guang Ying?" Butler Douglas looked at Ghost with a smile on his face.     

"With one shot, you took away my chance to torture him..." said Ghost as he gave his butler a cold and detached glance before exiting from the bathroom.     

Ever since he found Ghost at the train station, except for the word "Mama", Ghost barely spoke a word.     

Butler Douglas had prayed for him to say something and yet, when he finally did it, Ghost's words hurt more than his punches.     

As he watched the man ate his dinner by the window, Butler Douglas thought about that day.     

"Am I wrong to pull the trigger?" thought Butler Douglas. Shaking his head, he scolded himself inwardly for being useless.     

For as long as possible, he wanted to preserve the innocence of his young master. To him, his young master was too kind in nature.     

Even though he was smart, Butler Douglas felt that his young master was more suitable to be someone who controlled things behind the back.     

In other words, a master strategist.     

Things like torture and killing should be left for someone him.     

Without saying anything else, Ghost finished his meals and brushed his teeth. After that, he climbed onto the bed and sat there quietly while he thought about everything.     

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Butler Douglas who was packing their clothes for their flight home tomorrow.     

Even though it had been three days, the bruises that he inflicted on Butler Douglas were still as bad as before.     

Ghost glanced down at the man's leg. Even though the butler tried to hide it from him, he was not that stupid to not notice the limp.     

"He's getting older…" thought Ghost as he watched the butler moved around the place. He failed to notice this before.     

Even though his body build remained the same, Butler Douglas had wrinkles now and he needed glasses to help him read.     

"Douglas…" Ghost called out.     

When he heard his young master, Butler Douglas immediately dropped everything and rushed over.     

Before Ghost can say anything, Butler Douglas shot him a series of questions, "Why? Do you need anything? Is it too hot? Is it too cold? Are you feeling sick?"     

He reached out to take Ghost's temperature but the latter stopped him.     

"I'm fine…"     

Sighing in relief, Butler Douglas bowed and asked, "Do you need anything from me, Young Master Guang Ying?"     

"Douglas...I am truly an orphan now, aren't I?" asked Ghost before he turned to stare outside the window.     

He then added, "No...Perhaps I have been an orphan for a very long time..."     

Taken aback by the question, Butler Douglas quickly composed himself before answering the question.     

"Don't think that way, Young Master Guang Ying. You still have your grandfather and me. Furthermore, the man said something about your mother escaping from captivity. Maybe she's still alive! We need to have faith in it. The moment we land, I'll send someone to search K Forest. Don't worry. No matter what, we will find her!!!"     

Ghost doubt they could find her and he knew that Butler Douglas was thinking of the same thing.     

Unwilling to get into an argument, he kept his thoughts to himself.     

Sliding down to a reclining position, he turned over and said gruffly, "Don't leave my side. I'm going to sleep now."     


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