Be My Strength



2During the breakfast at Kai Xin's house, Ghost could not help himself but to keep a smile on his face.      4

"They are such a simple family..." thought Ghost as he watched the exchange between Kai Xin and her brother.     

Even though An Qi Yan would scold them every now and then for making so much noise at the dining table, her tone was friendly.     

With a smile, he watched as Kai Xin tried to steal back her portion of drumstick that Kai An stole from her.     

"Is this what a brother is like..." thought Ghost ruefully. He recalled a scene where he offered a piece of drumstick to his brother.     


That night, Mr and Mrs. Luo went overseas for a work related trip. When their grandfather heard that the parents left the boys in the care of the servants, he sent Butler Douglas to pick the kids up.     

As they were having dinner at their grandfather's house, their grandfather gave the last piece of drumsticks to Little Ghost and Little Luo Yin got upset because of that.     

"You can have it..." said Little Ghost when he noticed that his new younger brother was upset. With a smile, he placed the drumstick on Little Luo Yin's plate.     

However, instead of being happy, the latter got even more upset and he pushed the plate away with so much strength that it fell onto the floor.     

"I don't want anything that you touched before, you dirty bastard!" yelled Little Luo Yin.     

"Xiao Yin! Is that how you talk to your elder brother?" scolded Grandfather Luo.     

Angered at being scolded by his grandfather, Little Luo Yin took it out on his older brother by spitting on his face.     

When Grandfather Luo grabbed his arm and scolded him loudly, Little Luo Yin started to throw a tantrum.     

He threw things around as he cried, "It's not fair! I am your grandson first! Why do you only care about him now?"     

With that said, Little Luo Yin ran back to his room.     



The sound of notification made Ghost turned towards Kai Xin. She glanced at her phone for a second before checking the message.     

[ I'm outside your apartment complex. I've something to discuss with you. Are you at home now? ]     

Kai Xin glanced at Ghost before she typed a quick reply.     

[ I'm at home, but I'm about to go out now. Don't bother coming up. I'll see you in 10 minutes. ]     

A reply came back shortly after.     

[ Take your time. I'm in the BMW. ]     

Looking up at her family, Kai Xin said, "I have to go out now. Gho- Guang Ying, don't go back so early. Stay for as long as you need."     

Without waiting for any reply, Kai Xin quickly ran back into her room to get changed. When she was done, her mother was cleaning up the table while Kai An and Ghost helped her with the dishes.     

"Guang Ying..." said Kai Xin. She pulled him aside and whispered, "I'll take him away from here. You can leave later."     

He knew who she was talking about. However, he still asked, "What if I don't want to leave?"     

Instead of threatening to kick him out, she merely growled at him, "Then stay here and don't go out."     

Before she left, she pointed at him and playfully warned him, "Be good!"     

As he watched her leaving the house, a deep seated jealousy grew within him as a melancholy thought went through his mind, "Daisy...You kept saying that you'd never leave me...But how come I find it hard to trust your words?"     


Before Kai Xin could enter the front seat of the car, a muscular hand with long fingers pulled her into the backseat.     

She smiled when she saw his handsome face smiling down at her as she laid on her back. Without looking away from her, he managed to close the door.     

"What if I hurt bump my head or something when you pulled me in earlier?" asked Kai Xin as she tried to present a mean looking face.     

Ignoring her question, he leaned down and placing his hand on either side of her head, he locked her down before kissing her.     

Teasing her soft lips, he licked and sucked until her body buckled up slightly in anticipation.     

As he parted slightly to gaze at her flushed face, she took the opportunity to gasp, "Du... Xi... "     

Without giving her a chance to finish what she wanted to say, he placed a hand under the back of her head to support her.     

With her hands gripping onto his muscular biceps, she played along as his tongue started to dance around with hers.     

"Did he smoke..." thought Kai Xin as she tasted a hint of tobacco in his breath. However, given how aroused she was, she decided not to deal with it now.     

Kai Xin could feel the heat pooling around her crotch area and the slight tingling pain that indicated her arousal level was at max.     

Out of breath, she pushed him away slightly so that she could tell him, "President Du...I need..."     

Placing his hand over her crotch area, he pressed down. The scratchy jeans material against her sensitive part made her begged for a release.     

"Do you want me?" asked DX with a hoarse voice as he looked at her with eyes that wanted to eat her up.     


He pulled the collar of her T-shirt down slightly before sucking on it. While he was leaving a love mark there, his hand slid inside her shirt to get a feel of her rounded breast.     

When she moaned, it only served to heighten his desire for her.     

Furthermore, he noticed that her body had become somewhat insatiable as she demanded for more of his attention.     

When he felt a hardened part of him that was trying to burst out from his pants, he quickly pulled off her jeans.     

"Du XiAn!" Kai Xin yelled when she realized what he was about to do. "WE ARE IN A CAR! IN A PUBLIC AREA!"     

"It's heavily tinted..." said DX nonchalantly as he gazed at her wet spot on her underwear.     

Pressing his middle finger against it, he moved it around as he asked in a low voice, "Don't you want me?"     

Her mind wanted to tell him no, and that they were in public, but her body was saying yes!     

When she heard her own moan as he pressed against it, she groaned inwardly.     

Closing her eyes, she scolded herself, "When did I become such a pervert..."     

DX slipped his finger into the panty and played with her sensitive nub before taking it off as well.     


With a nod, she pulled him down and whispered, "Take me now..."     

Without waiting any longer, he unbuckled his belt and pulled it out. He was so hard that it twitched when it came into contact with the cold air.     

Pressing it against her, he slowly entered to allow her time to adjust. When she did not protest, he entered all the way.     

"Du XiAn!" cried Kai Xin when she felt the slight pain that she had learned to enjoy.     

As he rocked above her, all she could think of was how lucky she was to have him by her side.     

"Ah!" She yelped when his naughty hand travelled down to her buttocks and gave them a squeeze.     

"Du XiAn! What's wrong with you today?"     

He looked as if he had a lot of things to ask her but in the end, he decided not to say anything.     

Instead, he smirked as he gave them another light squeeze, "I see you have been exercising..."     

When she felt that she was about to come, she clung onto his shoulders as he moved faster.     


They both groaned in unison as they came at the same time. Finally out of breath, he sat up and pulled her up so that she was leaning against his chest.     

Placing his hand on her thigh, he lightly caressed it as he whispered, "I'd never let you bump that pretty little head of yours."     

She nodded. When she looked up into his eyes, she noticed the fatigue in him, "You skipped sleep again."     

"I have to finish my work as fast as possible to come home to you." said DX. In his mind, the words "or you might be snatched away" was left unsaid.     

Not knowing what was in his mind, she smiled and kissed him on the forehead before saying, "You know... I won't disappear just because you are away for a while..."     

However, she admitted with a sigh and a pouty lips, "Although... It gets lonely when you are away..."     

He leaned down and kissed her on the lips innocently before asking, "Do you want to go to the hotel? Or my house?"     

She blurted out almost immediately, "Hotel..."     

With a smile, he gave her waist a squeeze before nodding, "Let's go then."     

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