Be My Strength

I went...home

I went...home

4DX carried the exhausted woman in his arms into the guest room at the orphanage. By the time he placed her on the bed, she was already deep in sleep.      4

Mrs. Wong who had just finished tidying up the room moved aside so that DX could tuck Kai Xin into the bed. As she watched him, she thought about how blissful Kai Xin was to have so many men who cared about her.     

DX sat down next to Kai Xin and without taking his eyes off her, he asked in a lowered voice, "Mrs. Wong, why is the orphanage named Zi Han's Orphanage?"     

Mrs. Wong was startled by the question. However, before she could answer, DX added, "Think about it properly before you attempt to lie to me. We will talk in the kitchen in about 15 minutes. Please leave us alone for now."     

Somewhat afraid of the brooding man, Mrs. Wong nodded and scurried out of the room. Along the way, she had to tell the children to leave their Mama Zhen alone.     

"Iz she ok?" asked Caleb as he looked up at her with a pair of big watery eyes. He saw Kai Xin being carried in earlier and he was worried that she might be injured.     

Mrs. Wong carried him up and as she led the children down the stairs, she comforted him, "Don't worry, Caleb. Your Mama Zhen is fine. She's just tired. So, we shouldn't play in the house or we would wake her up."     

Caleb nodded and he glanced over her shoulder towards the top of the staircase. When he saw his friend standing there, he whispered nervously, "Zi Han!"     

When she heard him, Mrs. Wong turned around but there was no one there. The kids were already out of the house by now. She looked at Caleb and asked, "What did you say earlier?"     

Caleb shook his head as he clamped his mouth shut. He was not supposed to talk about Zi Han. The kids would laugh at him again if they found out that he was still talking with his imaginary friend.     

Not thinking too much into it, Mrs. Wong took Caleb and placed him outside the house. Patting him on his butt, she smiled, "Go and play with the kids…"     

Once Caleb ran off, Mrs. Wong prepared some tea and snacks while waiting for DX to come down.     

Meanwhile, even though he was the one who wanted to talk to Mrs. Wong, DX was unable to pull himself away from Kai Xin. As he gently swept her hair away from her face, he thought about how tough her life had been for her.     

When it was about time, he bent down and kissed her on the forehead. He gently caressed her cheek before whispering lovingly to her, "From now on, you will have me by your side to protect you…"     

As if she was awake, Kai Xin gave him a "mmmm" before turning her body over.     

DX smiled. When he stood up, he saw the boy from before.     

Oddly enough, up until then, he had no recollection of the boy. However, the moment he saw him standing there, he remembered having met him before.     

DX even recalled that the boy was wearing the same clothes as before.     

The boy was standing by the door as he stared at Kai Xin with eyes that were filled with complex emotions. Even though he looked as though he was around ten to twelve years old, his eyes made him appeared to be much older than he was.     

When DX looked at Kai Xin and then back at the kid, he felt as if he was missing something yet he could not pinpoint what he failed to notice. Shaking his head, he exited the room and closed the door behind him.     

He then turned to look at Zi Han as he said sternly, "You brat. Where did you run off that night? I was worried about you."     

"I went...home," answered Zi Han sadly while he kept his eyes were still glued to the door.     

DX was about to leave when something caught his attention. He frowned when he noticed something from the collar of the kid's neck. Reaching out, he tried to touch him but Zi Han immediately took a step back.     

"Is that a scar around your neck?"     

Zi Han averted his glance as he touched the scar that was around his neck. That was when DX noticed the same scar around his arms and legs. From the placement of the scars, it appeared to have been caused by a pair of large scissors.     

Angered that someone inflicted such a serious scar on a child, DX demanded to know who the person was.     

Zi Han blinked at him and after a while, he smiled, "It's no big deal. It doesn't hurt anymore."     

"Who did it to you?" DX demanded to know. Somehow, he felt a strange urge to protect this kid. It was weird since they barely knew each other.     

"Forget about it. I won't tell you. Don't you need to talk to Mrs. Wong about something?" replied Zi Han as he leaned against the wall with his arms folded.     

"I will find out about it sooner or later…" said DX before he turned around. Just as he was about to head down the stairs, he heard the kid calling him.     

"Du XiAn…"     

DX frowned and turned back to face Zi Han. He was sure that they had never exchanged names before. Curious, he asked to confirm, "What did you just call me?"     

Zi Han smiled ruefully at him before turning his gaze back to the door.     

"Please let her know that I have never blamed her and that I would never have survived anyway..."     

DX glanced at the door for a second before asking, "What are you-"     

He stopped his thoughts mid-sentence because the kid was gone when he turned back to him. It was like before. The boy just disappeared into thin air. Confused, DX checked in the rooms in the hall but the boy was gone.     

However, when he exited the last room, he saw the boy standing right in front of the room where Kai Xin was sleeping in. He was touching the door and murmured, "I'm sorry...Mummy…"     

Even though he saw the boy's lips moved, but from where he was standing, DX could not hear what the boy was talking about. However, the way he stood and the way he placed his hand on the door reminded DX of Kai Xin.     

"Impossible…" thought DX as he slowly inched forward towards the boy.     

Zi Han turned to face DX. Knowing what he knew, Zi Han had a distraught look on his face as he said softly, "I'm sorry…"     

DX frowned and called out softly, "Zi...Han?"     

Zi Han smiled and gave him a nod before he disappeared into thin air. DX went wide-eyed as he questioned his sanity.     

Worried, he opened the door slightly and sighed in relief when he saw that Kai Xin was still sleeping peacefully on the bed.     

"Have I really been talking to a ghost?" thought DX nervously as he closed the door gently behind him.     

He tried to recall the kid's face but like before, it was slowly disappearing from his mind. The only thing that he could remember vividly about him was the smile.     

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