Be My Strength

To bury something

To bury something

0Shaking his head, DX slowly made his way down to the kitchen. Mrs. Wong was sipping tea when he walked in.     2

She was so nervous she nearly spilled the hot tea on her laps when her fingers slipped. Luckily, she managed to tip the cup backwards so that it spilled on the table instead.     

As she wiped the table, she saw DX's pale face and asked, "Is there anything wrong? Is Ms. Zhen fine?"     

DX nodded as he took his seat. Somehow, something important was slipping away from his mind and his head hurt when he tried to remember it.     

Shaking his head, he asked for aspirins from Mrs. Wong.     

The woman immediately went to the first aid kit and handed him two aspirin and a glass of water.     

DX took them and waited 5 minutes. When he felt better, he thanked Mrs. Wong before they started to talk about the important matter.     

"So, about the orphanage name. Why did you choose the name Zi Han?" asked DX.     

It did not make sense for an orphanage to be named after an unborn fetus.     

Furthermore, if Han Ye's information was correct, when the name was changed, Kai Xin was only about 16 or 17 years old.     

She did not have either the power or the money to change the name of an orphanage.     

He suspected that there was someone who was pulling the strings behind this.     

Mrs. Wong sat back down at her seat before she started telling him the story, "Zi Han's Orphanage was originally named as Happy Home. Back then, we ran out of funding and the orphanage was about to close down. Just as we were worried about the placement of the children, we received a huge donation from a kind benefactor."     

"Do you know who the benefactor was?"     

Mrs. Wong nodded, "President Luo Yu Sheng of Luo Corporation. If I'm not wrong, he is the father of Vice President of the Country, Luo Han."     

"Alright. Please continue with your story."     

"Shortly thereafter, a young man appeared in the middle of the night. I remembered it vividly because the young man had a really unique look."     

"A unique look?" asked DX. He had his suspicions but he did not want to lead the woman.     

Mrs. Wong nodded and she gestured at her own hair as she replied, "He has grey hair. Not just one or two strands, but his hair is completely grey. It might be a wig, I thought back then. But when I saw his eyes - you know, the one that war veterans tend to have? It was as if he had seen evil in his life and even though he escaped from it, it haunts him…"     

The woman made a cross sign across her chest before continuing, "Anyway, I realized then that his hair must be real."     

DX's suspicion was correct. It was Luo Guang Ying, the black sheep of the Luo Family. There really was a connection between the man and Kai Xin.     

"Why was he here?" asked DX gruffly as he unconsciously clenched his fists.     

"To bury something…" answered Mrs. Wong solemnly.     


12 years ago, Mrs. Wong was unable to sleep and she stayed past midnight mending the children's clothes.     

It was raining heavily and as the time passed, the sound of the rain hitting the roof was making her drowsier.     

As she finally decided to call it a day, she heard a loud thump at the door.     

Rushing over to the front door, she hoped that the children remained asleep. Otherwise, she would have to forgo hers.     

When she opened the door, she was startled by the appearance of a well dressed man and an equally well dressed teenager.     

The first thing she noticed was the older man who was holding the umbrella for the teenager.     

When she looked at the teenager, she was shocked by the color of his hair.     

"He could not be more than 18 years old!" thought Mrs. Wong as she stared at him.     

The older man standing behind the teenager faked a cough. When Mrs. Wong looked up at him, he asked, "May we come in?"     

Mrs. Wong nodded and stepped aside, "May I know who you are?"     

"I'm a butler working for President Luo Yu Sheng." Butler Douglas introduced himself.     

He placed his hand on the shoulder of the teenager who was standing next to him and introduced him as well.     

"This is the grandson of President Luo, Young Master Guang Ying."     

Mrs. Wong frowned, "You said you are working for President Luo. How would I know you are telling the truth?"     

Butler Douglas took out his identification card and a picture of Grandfather Luo standing next to Young Ghost.     

The old man was smiling widely at the camera as he stood behind his grandson who had a solemn look on his face.     

"Alright then. Please forgive me, but it is not normal for someone to visit at…" Glancing at the wall on the clock, she continued, "...2 a.m."     

Butler Douglas bowed, "We sincerely apologized, but our Young Master Guang Ying wants to bury something here."     

That was when she noticed that the teenager was carrying a black wooden box that appeared to be really heavy.     

"I'm not sure if this is appropriate…"     

"President Luo wishes to fulfill every wish of his grandson. If you grant him this wish, you can expect a huge donation next month. I'm sure the money would help in getting the children here clothes and toys of better quality. Furthermore, a lot of the kids here required medical care. President Luo will cover all the medical expenses."     

Mrs. Wong's eyes went wide-eyed when she heard the offer. It was not because she was a greedy person but because Butler Douglas was right.     

Happy Home had a lot of disabled children who required extensive care and the medical expenses tend to eat up most of the donations.     

That was one of the reasons why it was losing the fundings.     

Their State Welfare Committee wanted to split up the children and transferred them to another state so that the burden could be shared.     

Despite what Butler Douglas said, she was not about to place the children's lives in danger when she did not know what was in the box.     

Looking at Young Ghost, she asked bravely, "What would you like to bury here, Young Master Guang Ying?"     

Young Ghost kept his eyes on the box. Just as Mrs. Wong was starting to think that he might be mute, he spoke up, "A life that was lost before it could even begin…"     

Mrs. Wong thought about his cryptic words and figured he might have lost a pet. Looking at Young Ghost who was holding the box tightly, Mrs. Wong gave up.     

With a sigh, she nodded, "Where would you like to bury it at?"     

Young Ghost looked out the window and when he saw the maple tree, he murmured, "There…"     

Mrs. Wong nodded. When she saw the heavy rain that showed no sign of stopping, she asked, "It's still raining outside. Would you like to stay here until morning? I can prepare a guest room for the of two of you"     

"No time…" said Young Ghost. He went to the kitchen that was connected to the backdoor. Once there, he placed the box on the table.     

"Douglas…" said Young Ghost.     

The man understood and asked Mrs. Wong to step outside with him while Young Ghost made his preparation.     

Thinking that the young master was afraid of being seen as sentimental as boys his age tended to be, Mrs. Wong agreed.     

Once the two left, Young Ghost touched the exquisite carvings on the box tenderly before he slowly lifted the cover.     

Inside the box was the body of a fetus that was sewn together and a set of baby boy's clothes.     

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