Be My Strength

I will come for you one day

I will come for you one day

4Almost 20 years ago, when Little Ghost was reading quietly at the library, his stepmother came in and approached him.      1

Little Ghost was a little afraid of Mrs. Luo as she would always glare at him. In addition, everytime she spoke to him, her words were like swords.     

However, on that day, she was smiling as she offered him a platter filled with assorted cookies.     

Even though Little Ghost was suspicious of her change of behavior, he replied back with a smile.     

Afraid to offend her, he took the platter and slowly ate them as she watched on.     

"Guang Ying…" smiled Mrs. Luo as she gently patted Little Ghost's head.     

When Little Ghost looked up at her, she asked, "Do you want to see your mother?"     

Little Ghost stared at her before asking excitedly, "Really, Mrs. Luo? Do you know where my Mama is?"     

He was too innocent to understand the threat he posed to his brother. Hence, he lowered his guard the moment Mrs. Luo treated him kindly.     

She laughed softly, "Yes, I know where your mum is. Do you want to see her?"     

Little Ghost nodded quickly, "Yes, please. Please take me to my Mama, Mrs. Luo."     

When Mrs. Luo and Little Ghost walked down the stairs, Little Luo Yin saw them.     

He gave Little Ghost a look of disgust before turning to his mother and asked, "Where are you going with the little bastard, Mum?"     

"Don't call your elder brother little bastard. We are going out for a while and we would be back soon."     

He grabbed her arm and stomped his feet, "I want to go too!"     

"No! Yin, be good. We will be back shortly," said Mrs. Luo as she pulled her hand away from Luo Yin.     

Ignoring his whine, she offered her hand to Little Ghost who after staring at it for a few seconds, nervously placed his hand in hers.     

Little Luo Yin was jealous and he pushed Little Ghost away before yelling at him, "You bastard! You stole grandfather's affection from me, and now you want to steal my mum?!"     


Holding his reddened cheek that was starting to sting, Little Luo Yin stared at his mother. His expression was of shock.     

Even Little Ghost was startled by it.     

Mrs. Luo who had never even raised her voice at her son actually slapped him because of Little Ghost.     

"I hate you!" yelled Little Luo Yin angrily before he ran off in tears.     

"Ignore him…" said Mrs. Luo calmly as she led Little Ghost to the car.     

They drove for about 2 hours. Little Ghost was a little scared when they started to drive into an area filled with abandoned factories.     

He gulped as he thought nervously, "Is she going to kill me and dispose of my body here?"     

Mrs. Luo glanced at him from the rearview mirror and smiled, "Relax, we are just going to go see your mother…"     

"Yes, Mrs. Luo."     

As he looked out the window, Little Ghost thought, "The servants saw that I left with her. If she kills me, grandfather would get angry."     

With that thought, he felt better. Everyone knew that Grandfather Luo doted on Little Ghost the most.     

It irked Little Luo Yin when he realized that he was no longer the apple of his grandfather's eyes.     

It was so bad that Little Luo Yin made sure that he was shunned by everyone at the school they attended.     

When Mrs. Luo stopped right outside one of the factories, Little Ghost immediately got out of the car.     

Running into the factory, he was suddenly lifted up by a guard who was waiting by the door.     

"Let me down!" Little Ghost yelled as he tried to escape. However, the guard's grip on him was too strong.     

Mrs. Luo appeared and nodded at the guard who immediately dropped Little Ghost on the floor.     

"Ouch…" moaned Little Ghost as he rubbed his backside that was probably bruised from the impact.     

"Come with me, Guang Ying," said Mrs. Luo as she glanced him coldly.     

The warmth from earlier was gone and Little Ghost felt a shiver ran through him when he saw her eyes.     

He stood up and followed behind her quietly. They went all the way towards the end of the factory.     

When he saw a thin woman lying on the floor with a bunch of men standing around her, he froze.     

The woman was badly beaten and she was bleeding around her crotch area. Even though her face was covered with bruises, Little Ghost recognized her immediately.     

"Mama!!!" He cried as he ran towards her. He knelt down in front of her. He wanted to touch her but he was afraid that he might hurt her.     

Glaring at the men standing around them, he swore he would make them pay one day.     

Turning to look at Mrs. Luo, Little Ghost pleaded, "Please call the ambulance, Mrs. Luo! My mum is hurt!"     

Mrs. Luo walked forward until she was just standing next to Little Ghost's mum.     

Using her feet, she nudged the woman as she glanced at her with a look of repugnance, "She's still alive…"     

Little Ghost looked up at her. From her tone, he knew then that she orchestrated this.     

"Why?" asked Little Ghost as tears welled up in his eyes.     

"Because she is the bitch that gave birth to you," laughed Mrs. Luo. She placed her high heels on the woman's stomach and pressed down.     

The woman groaned in pain while Little Ghost immediately pushed Mrs. Luo's foot away.     

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" shouted Little Ghost as he tried to protect his mother with his body.     

"Xiao Ying…" The woman called out when she saw the familiar back in front of her. Her eyes were too swollen for her to see properly.     

"Mama!" Little Ghost cried when he heard her. With all his energy, he lifted her into his arms and cried, "Mama...You are in pain…Don't move."     

Despite her pain, the woman smiled because she could finally see the son she loved the most in the world.     

"Xiao Ying…-cough- Did you...Did you eat well?" asked the woman. Even though it hurt, she lifted her hand to touch her son's beautiful face.     

She wanted to make sure that her son was fine.     

"I did! Don't worry! Grandfather will save you!" cried Little Ghost as he rubbed his face against her hand.     

"I hate seeing this. Separate them," ordered the heartless Mrs. Luo.     

Two men stepped forward and one of them grabbed Little Ghost. The man dragged him a few meters away from his mother.     

"Let me go! Let me go!" yelled Little Ghost as he tried to get away from the man.     

Mrs. Luo grabbed his hair and smiled, "Now, Guang Ying...Call me mum. Let your mother hear that…"     

"NO!" Little Ghost glared at her. He had never hated anyone as much as he hated the woman before him.     

"You left me no choice…" She glanced at the man who was standing beside the woman who nodded and gave her a kick in the stomach.     

"STOP IT!" yelled Little Ghost.     

"Are you going to call me mother now, Guang Ying?"     

Little Ghost glanced at his mother through his blurry eyes. Swallowing his pride, he nodded tearfully, "Mother...Please let my Mama go…I beg you..."     

"Now, that's not right. You shouldn't refer to someone else as Mama when Mother's here." She nodded at another man who had a disgusting looking grin on his face.     

Little Ghost sniffed as he watched the man walking towards his mother. He had noticed him earlier. The man had a perverted look in him while he was watching his mother.     

"Guang Ying...You have been standing out too much. I need to make sure that you learn your place with one lesson," said Mrs. Luo. Her voice was kind but she was anything but kind.     

Little Ghost was confused by her words and the tone of her voice until he saw her turned towards the man and said, "Mr. Zhang, she's all yours."     

"Thank you, Mrs. Luo." The man smirked as he made his way towards the injured woman.     

Little Ghost's mum knew what was coming. They had been doing it to her every day and she no longer had the energy to cry or shout.     

Using her last remaining strength, she begged Mrs. Luo, "Please...Don't let him see...Please…"     

Mrs. Luo smiled at her, "I can't."     

The man who was holding Little Ghost earlier pressed him down so that he was kneeling and facing his mother.     

Little Ghost watched the man tore off the dress that his mother was wearing.     

Knowing what was about to happen, he yelled frantically, "STOP IT! STOP IT!"     

"Do it!" snapped Mrs. Luo.     

She laughed evilly as she told him, "Watch carefully, Guang Ying. This is what happens when you don't behave properly."     

As the man fondled her bottom, the woman cried out, "D-Don't watch...Xiao Ying...Close your eyes…"     

Little Ghost obeyed her and closed his eyes tightly.     

When he heard the grunt of the man and the painful voice of his mother, his tears could not stop flowing.     

The men and Mrs. Luo were laughing as they watched and all the voices were unbearable for Little Ghost's young mind.     

Trying to muffle the sound, he pressed his palms tightly against his ears.     

"Mama…" cried Little Ghost as he prayed that this was just a terrible nightmare.     

"Now this won't do. You cannot learn properly if you are not watching…" said Mrs. Luo in a playful manner.     

The man who was holding him down pulled his palms away from his ears.     

"Guang Ying...If you want your mother to stay alive, then continue watching. Otherwise, you'd never see her again…"     

When he heard her threat, Little Ghost forced himself to open his eyes.     

As he witnessed the brutality that was inflicted on his mother, he clenched his fists so tightly that his nails dug into his palms.     

Hot angry tears were flowing down his cheeks the entire time.     


By the time Mr. Zhang was done raping his mum, Little Ghost's palms were a bloody mess.     

Satisfied at the outcome, Mrs. Luo nodded at the man who was holding Little Ghost down.     

The man released his little captive who had lost all the feelings in his legs.     

Despite that, Little Ghost immediately crawled towards his mother.     

The woman cried as she turned her face away from him. She was too ashamed to see her son and she kept begging him to go.     

"Go away...Leave!"     

Despite her trying to push him away, Little Ghost hugged her battered body.     

He smiled sadly as he whispered to her, "You will always be my dearest mother no matter what...I will come for you one day...Wait for me…"     

Mrs. Luo rolled her eyes at the affection between mother-son duo and turned to Mr. Zhang, "She will be under your supervision from now on. Do whatever you want to her, but make sure you keep her alive…"     

After they took his mother away, Mrs. Luo grabbed Little Ghost's hair and threatened him, "Tell this to anyone and I will make sure she dies in the most gruesome manner…"     

Little Ghost nodded. He knew what the evil woman was capable of and he knew that based on his own strength, there was nothing that he could do now.     

He had to bid his time.     

As he stared at the back of the woman who was walking in front of him, he swore, "I'll kill you with my own hands one day…"     

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