Be My Strength

If you make another payment

If you make another payment

2Meanwhile, in a studio located at the most expensive part of the city, Ye Tian poured out two glasses of red wine.     3

When he entered the bedroom with the drinks, he bumped into Song Qiao who was walking out from the bathroom with her hair tied up in a bun.     

"I was going to join you," said Ye Tian before taking a sip of the red wine.     

Without answering him, she dried her face on a clean towel before taking the other glass from him.     

Sitting down on the bed with his legs crossed, he smirked, "You used to love it when I scrubbed your back."     

"That was when we were together. Blame your family for attempting to overtake the Du Family without proper planning."     

Ye Tian laughed. Song Qiao was the only who had ever spoken to him in such a way. Well...One of two.     

"You know, instead of my cousin, you should marry me. At the very least, I would never divorce you."     

Ignoring his remarks, she asked curtly, "What have you managed to dig out?"     

With his hands caressing the side of her thighs, he smirked as he glanced up at her, "Payment first, my dear..."     

Blushing, she slowly removed the towel that was wrapped around her body.     

Ye Tian smiled when he saw her smooth naked body that was free of any blemishes.     

Pulling her forward, he licked her belly. His action caused Song Qiao to tremble and she reached out to grab onto his shoulders.     

"Qiao Qiao... Are you still a virgin?" asked Ye Tian before planting a kiss on the apex of her thighs.     

Her face reddened and she turned around, "Leave me alone, you jerk!"     

"Why don't you jerk me off?" Ye Tian smirked as he touched her buttocks.     

Song Qiao hissed when his hand slipped lower and touched her right at the wet spot.     

Placing a kiss on the top of her buttocks, he said, "You know, I can help you with that. I'm more virile than President Du."     

"No! I must go to him as a virgin or he would never trust me!" Song Qiao protested as she tried to push him away.     

Ye Tian pulled her down roughly onto the bed. Before she could escape, he locked her arms above her head and kissed her.     

Even though she resisted at first, she eventually gave in to him. She moaned as he pinched her nipples and fondled her roughly.     

He took her hand and placed it firmly against his bulge, "Qiao Qiao..."     

When she felt the hardened part of him twitched, she could not help but to caress it.     

"I knew you miss it!" smirked Ye Tian as he slid his hand down to her crotch. Nervous about his plan, she stopped him.     

"Xiao Tian...No…"     

He lifted her legs and placed them over his shoulders before grinning, "I will just serve you like how you used to serve me."     


Instead of joining everyone at the field, Little Ye Tian skipped the school event and walked around the halls.     

After all, with his left hand tied up in a sling, he was unable to compete with others.     


When he heard the cries of a kitten, Little Ye Tian felt curious.     

Pets were prohibited in the school and the guards usually get rid of any strays that wandered into the school compound.     

"Meow!!!!!!" A sudden sharp cried from the kitten startled him.     

Following the noise, he entered into one of the classrooms.     

A little girl was standing there by the window. In her hand was a kitten whose legs had been broken.     

She had a smile on her face as she gently rubbed the kitten as if she was trying to relief its pain.     

"Poor kitty," said Little Ye Tian out loud.     

Despite saying so, he had a smile on his face.     

Hearing his voice, the girl dropped the kitten and took a step backward.     

"I didn't! It's not me!"     

"Relax," said Little Ye Tian with a smile. He picked up the kitten from the floor and placed it on one of the desks.     

The little thing was meowing weakly. It would probably not survived any longer.     

As he caressed the body of the kitten, he pouted, "It's almost dead."     

"I didn't do it!"     

Little Ye Tian went to the girl and dragged her to the desk.     

"You have to finish what you started," warned Little Ye Tian. He tightened his grip on her wrist so that she could not escape.     

"No!" shouted the girl as she tried to escape.     

"I won't tell."     

"No! My dad would kill me!"     

He took her hand and forced her to place it over the kitten's neck.     

"Do it or I'll tell the teachers," threatened Little Ye Tian with menacing voice.     

The little girl trembled at first.     

However, as she stared at the kitten who was struggling to breathe, she slowly wrapped her little fingers around the kitten's neck.     



The little girl smiled when she heard the crack that ended the kitten's life.     

"Good job. Remember, if you are going to play with something, you must know when to end the game," lectured Little Ye Tian as he watched her dropped the body onto the desk.     

He took the lifeless body of the kitten and without any remorse, he placed it inside one of the bags that were in the room.     

"Someone's going to be in for a surprise," said Little Ye Tian with a smirk.     

He took the little girl's hand and take her to the cafeteria.     

"Why did you do it?" asked Little Ye Tian once their food was placed on the table for them.     

The little girl shrugged, "For fun, I guess."     

"What's your name?" asked Little Ye Tian.     

"Song Qiao."     

Little Ye Tian smiled innocently at her as he offered his hand to her, "I'm Ye Tian. You and I are probably going to be best friends."     

She shook his hand before asking, "What happened to your hand?"     

Ye Tian stiffened. However, he managed to hide it by giving her a smile.     

The only difference was that his smile was a little sad.     

"I got injured when I was fooling around."     

The truth was, Mr. Ye got angry at him the day before and in the chaos, he accidentally broke his son's hand.     

Little Song Qiao looked at him and asked meekly, "You won't tell anyone, right? My dad will kill me if he finds out that I did something unladylike."     

"Don't worry about it," said Little Ye Tian as he reached over to pat her head.     

When he saw her torturing the kitten with a smile on her face earlier, he knew then that he had found an interesting new playmate.     


Song Qiao grabbed the bedsheets as she arched her body upwards.     

"Tian!" cried Song Qiao as she climaxed for the fourth time.     

Even though they could not have sex, Ye Tian knew the ways to get her to climax using his fingers and tongue.     

They had been going for hours and he had no intention to stop anytime soon.     

Weakly, she cried out as another wave rippled through her, "Ye Tian... Enough..."     

He finally released her. As she sprawled out on his bed, he grinned, "Qiao Qiao, you are getting older. You used to be able to withstand more than this."     

She ignored him as she tried to catch her breath.     

While she was resting, Ye Tian went to his desk and took out a file.     

He threw the file on her laps and said, "You will find everything about K inside."     

Song Qiao flipped through it. When she saw the real identity of K, she gasped, "Zhen Kai Xin?!"     

"Yup, Ms. Zhen. The one who is currently working for Du Corporation."     

She gripped the file tightly. As she stared at the picture of Kai Xin, she cursed, "Fuck! That's why she looked familiar!"     

"Wow...The prim and proper Ms. Song used the F-bomb!"     

"Shut up, Ye Tian!"     

Ye Tian grabbed her hair and violently kissed her. She struggled and to escape, she bit his lower lip.     

"Ouch! You meanie!" Ye Tian growled at her as he touched his swollen lip.     

"Do something about this!"     

"Don't worry. I'll handle this..." said Ye Tian. Glancing down at his stiffened member, he smirked, "...If you make another payment."     

With a groan, Song Qiao pulled him down so that he was sitting down. She got down to her knees.     

Before she began to blow him off, she asked, "Promise you will get rid of her?"     

"Mmhmm," replied Ye Tian as he guided her head towards his crotch.     

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