Be My Strength

Money is not everything

Money is not everything

3When Kai Xin entered the private room, she saw her father, his wife, and her younger sister sat on one side of the table.     0

An Xin's fiancee, Thomas Ou was sitting next to her. Grandma Zhen was sitting between An Xin and her brother.     

"Kai Xin, you are here. Come, sit next to grandma. She won't stop bugging me about marriage," said Kai An as he waved at her.     

He quickly pulled her to the seat and took the seat next to her.     

"Grandma," greeted Kai Xin with a smile on her face.     

Then she looked at her dad and his wife, "Dad...Mrs. Zhen"     

Her father gave her a look that clearly showed that he was annoyed with her as he admonished her, "You are late again. Why can't you be early for once? And where are your manners? She is your mother."     

Used to his treatment, Kai Xin retorted, "What are you talking about? My mother is out with her friends now."     

Grandma Zhen tutted at her son and chided him, "Why are you scolding my baby granddaughter? Can't you be nice to her for once."     

"Mother, you are spoiling her!" said Mr. Zhen in frustration.     

Ignoring her son, she turned to Kai Xin, "Ignore your father. It's good enough that you can come. Let Nai Nai see you. It has been so long since I last saw you."     

She looked at Kai Xin's side profiles and smiled, "You are so much prettier now."     

Holding onto Kai Xin's hands, she patted them and asked in concern, "Is your work hard? You got thinner. Did you eat well?"     

Kai Xin shook her head, "Work is not hard and I always eat like a pig. How about you, Nai Nai? Are you happy at Uncle's place?"     

"Of course!" said Nai Nai. She glanced at Kai An before looking back at Kai Xin, "We just celebrated Xiao Bao's fourth birthday last week. That little fella is so energetic!"     

Kai An pretended not to understand the meaning of her glance.     

Grandma Zhen laughed as she searched through her handbag. She took out her phone and excitedly showed a picture of a young boy to Kai Xin.     

While Kai Xin was looking at the photo, Grandma Zhen smiled and said,     

"He reminded me of you when you were at his age. I can never control you. Your brother is easy. I just need to threaten him with the stick and he would quiet down but you were always so stubborn! Always climbing here and there like a little monkey!"     

Kai Xin chuckled as she helped her grandmother to put on her scarf so that she would not get sick.     

"Mum said that I inherited my stubbornness from you."     

Grandma Zhen laughed softly, "Qi Yan is still the same. How is she?"     

"She's fine. She- "     

Kai An interrupted her and excitedly informed his grandmother, "Nai Nai!"     

Kai An grinned as he informed her, "Let me tell you something! Xin, my baby sister here, actually got a boyfriend!"     

If he took his time, he knew that Kai Xin would definitely try to figure a way to stop him.     

"Really now?" asked Grandma Zhen. She clapped her hands together and asked a succession of questions,     

"Who is he? Is he a good man? Why didn't you bring him?"     

"Yeah, Kai Xin. You should have brought him along. Look at An Xin, she brought her fiance along to pay respect to Nai Nai," said Mrs. Zhen.     

"Yeah, sis. You shouldn't feel bad even if your boyfriend is not from a well-to-do family," added An Xin.     

Her fiance, Thomas, is from the Ou Family of Imperial City and she liked to flaunt the fact that she managed to get someone from an upper social rank.     

While not the richest, the Ou Family do have a considerable amount of wealth and prestige. That was the reason why her father wanted to meet in the Imperial City.     

The first was for him to meet with his children from the first marriage. The second was to meet with Thomas' family.     

"Money is not everything," said An Xin as she smiled like an angel in front of everyone. However, in her heart, she hoped to see Kai Xin's disappointed look.     

She tried to gloat about Thomas' background to Kai Xin previously but the latter had hung up in the middle of the conversation.     

Ignoring the annoying mother-daughter duo, Kai Xin turned to her grandmother,     

"Nai Nai, Kai An is such a busybody. Maybe you should convince him to get married soon..."     

Glaring at her brother, she scowled as she continued, "...So that he has someone to stuff his big mouth for me."     

Kai An immediately shrunk back into his chair. His face clearly showed his fear as he begged,     

"Please don't! I'm sorry!"     

Grandma Zhen laughed at the antics of those two.     

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