Be My Strength

Why did you hit her?

Why did you hit her?

0"She probably went home," said Danny after he went to check around the house.      0

"I better go look for her, " said Little Kai Xin nervously. She ran into the rooms, all the while shouting for her sister.     

When she could not find her, she panicked.     

When she came out of the house after a second check, Danny said,     

"Calm down! She might be at home. Why don't you check first? If she's not there, then give us a call. We will look for her with you."     

She nodded, "Thanks, guys! I'll go home now."     

Little Kai Xin quickly ran all the way back home. By the time she reached home, she was covered in sweat.     

"An Xin! An Xin!" yelled Little Kai Xin as she kicked off her shoes before entering the house.     

True to Danny's prediction, she was at the living room talking and laughing with their grandfather.     

Their grandfather frowned when he heard the yelling. He was someone who preferred peace and quiet.     

Thus, he liked the little one in front of him more than his eldest granddaughter who had the tendency to be outspoken and boisterous.     

Angered that Little An Xin just left like that, Little Kai Xin went in and gave her a light push.     

When Little An Xin looked at her with teary eyes, Little Kai Xin started yelling at her.     


Little An Xin started to cry and hugged Grandpa Zhen's thighs, "Ye Ye, why is Kai Xin yelling at me?"     

Glaring at Little Kai Xin, Grandpa Zhen scolded her, "You little brat! Why are you yelling at An Xin?"     

"She just left without telling me! I was looking for her everywhere!" explained Little Kai Xin with a meek voice.     

She was afraid of her grandfather. He was someone who believed in caning and her mother was away at work.     

Glaring at Little An Xin, Little Kai Xin scowled, "I shouldn't have brought you out!"     

Little An Xin started to cry louder and she kept saying, "I told you! I told you that I want to go back but you ignored me! You told me to go back on my own!"     

Kai Xin looked at her incredulously, "No, you did not! You liar!"     

"I did not!" cried An Xin. She turned to her grandfather and sobbed, "Ye Ye, I did not! Kai Xin is lying!"     

Ached at the look of the tear covered face of his youngest granddaughter and the look of defiant on Little Kai Xin, he got angry and raised his voice.     

"Zhen Kai Xin. Who do you think you are? If your sister said that she had told you, then she had. You are always a wild child! You must have been playing too hard and did not hear her."     

Due to the commotion, Grandma Zhen and Kai An came out. Little Kai Xin immediately ran to her grandmother for comfort.     

Grandma Zhen frowned at her husband, "Why are you yelling at her?"     

She patted Little Kai Xin's back to comfort her while she glared at her husband, "Kai Xin is just a kid!"     

"She came back and yelled at An Xin even though it was her fault. Seriously, how did you raise that child?" complained Grandpa Zhen.     

Ignoring his comment, Grandma Zhen looked at Little Kai Xin, "My little baby, what happened? Tell grandma."     

Little Kai Xin told her everything. Once she heard the story, Grandma Zhen was conflicted.     

Both were her granddaughters. How can she picked side? In the end, she merely said to both,     

"No matter what happens, you are siblings. Such a small matter, can't you let it slide? Kai Xin, you shouldn't have shouted at your sister. An Xin, you shouldn't cry about such things. Both of you are at fault here."     

Knowing her mistake, Little Kai Xin looked down at her feet guiltily. She knew she was brash and had stepped out of line.     

However, Little An Xin refused to admit her fault.     

She saw her father's car coming back and ran out to meet Mr. Zhen.     

The moment he stepped off the car, she jumped on him and cried, "Daddy!"     

"My little treasure!"     

Mr. Zhen carried her up.     

As he gently wiped away her tears, he asked, "What's wrong, baby? Did someone bully you? Tell daddy."     

When he heard her story, he went into the house with her in his arms and scolded Little Kai Xin.     

"Kai Xin, why did you pick on your sister? Can't be nicer to her?"     

Feeling indignant, Little Kai Xin glared at Little An Xin.     

Angered by her defiance, Mr. Zhen slapped her lightly and snapped, "I'm talking to you! Since when did you become so disrespectful?"     

"Dad!!!" yelled Little Kai An. He rushed to his sister's side and pulled her away from his father.     

"Are you alright, Xin?" asked Little Kai An as he checked at her reddened cheek. He could tell that she was trying to hold back her tears.     

Stunned by the slap, Little Kai Xin just stood there. Even though her father yelled at her frequently, he had never raised a hand against her before.     

When she realized that the reason he slapped her was because of Little An Xin's lies, she got angry and stomped out of the house.     

Kai An called out after his sister, "Xin, where are you going?"     

"Going to die!" yelled Kai Xin angrily before she took off running.     

Kai An wanted to chase after her but Mr. Zhen grabbed his arms and stopped him.     

Mr. Zhen said angrily, "The brat would be back when she is hungry!"     

"What if she gets injured?" yelled Little Kai An as he tried to pull himself away from his father.     

When he realized that his father was serious about not letting him go after her, he glared at him angrily and snapped,     

"Why did you hit her?! Why are you always like this towards her?!"     


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