Be My Strength

How was the sex?

How was the sex?

3When DX got back into his car, he saw a red rectangular object on the floor.     

He smiled and picked up the familiar object, "That careless woman..."     

Knowing that her clients might call at anytime, he decided to bring it back to the restaurant for her.     

Just as he was about to enter the restaurant, the phone "ding" and a faint light glowed in notification.     

He took a quick glance at the screen and saw a message :     

[Daisy, our baby misses you. He wants to see his mummy. Visit soon. - G]     

With his eyes closed, DX's fingers tightened angrily around the phone.     

Thoughts of Kai Xin cheating on him was running wild in his head.     

DX hissed to himself, "No!"     

Glaring at the phone, he wanted to smash the phone against the wall.     

However,  he managed to calm himself down.     

He patted his heart as he thought to himself, "It must have been a mistake. Kara would never do such a thing to me."     

Besides, the message was addressed to someone named Daisy. It must have been a mistake. It must be so!     

As he was about to open the door, Kai Xin came rushing out and bumped straight into him.     

From the looks of it, things had not went well at the dinner.     

Without looking up, she murmured an apology.     


DX frowned when he saw her flushed face and watery eyes.     

Finally lifting her head, Kai Xin smiled sadly as she went straight into his arms.     

"My dad's a jerk."     

Hugging her tightly, he rubbed her back as he asked her gently, "What happened?"     

"Just Mr. Zhen being Mr. Zhen," said Kai Xin with a sigh. She wrapped her arms around him for comfort.     

DX glared at the door. If the man was someone other than her father, his fist would have connected with the man's face.     

She glanced up at him and asked, "Why are you still here? I thought you left a while ago."     

Handing her the phone, he said, "You dropped it in the car. I was worried that something urgent might happen."     

She took the phone and quickly scanned through the messages. DX saw her frowned for a second.       

"Did you see anything here?" asked Kai Xin while she batted her eyelashes at him innocently.     

DX shook his head and asked, "No. Why? Is there anything I shouldn't see?"     

To distract her from thinking further, he asked mischievously, "Is there a naked photo that I should see but you have yet to send to me?"     

Sighing in relief, she playfully slapped him on the chest and joked, "What is good about a photo? You have the real thing."     

"That is true."     

He kissed her on the forehead before asking, "Since you are obviously bored of your dad, should I send you home?"     

While she was thinking about it, he thought to himself, "Please say yes. Please say yes, Kara."     

It was silly but he had a bad feeling about this.     

"No. I'm good. You should go back to Jack before he starves to death. I will be going to get a drink at AVENGE."     

Disappointed at her answer, DX did his best to maintain his smile.     


Kai Xin took a cab and went straight to AVENGE.     

Since it was a weekend, the place was crowded. When the bouncer saw her, they recognized her as a regular and allowed her to skip the line.     

"This way, Ms. Zhen," said one of the bouncers as he opened the door for her.     

Kai Xin grinned at him, "Thanks, Will."     

This infuriated those who were in line and they shouted,     

"Hey, that's not fair!"     

"We've been waiting for hours!"     

"She's not even dressed up!"     

Kai Xin glanced at them for a second before rolling her eyes at them and walked into the bar.     

When she reached the roon, she saw Ghost playing pretend with the stuffed puppy     

The moment he saw her, he turned the stuffed puppy's head to face her and said happily,     

"Oh? Mummy is finally here."     

Ghost giggled as he placed the stuffed dog down on his laps.     

Kai Xin raised her phone and asked, "What do you mean by mummy?"     

"Well, you brought him into my world. Naturally, you are his mummy," said Ghost. He caressed the stuffed puppy's fur as he said, "...By the way, his name is Crash."     

Rolling her eyes at him, she sat down at the couch.     

"What do you want now?" asked Kai Xin.     

"I'd be going to Japan for a few weeks. Do you want any souvenirs? Don't hold back for me. I'm rich."     


"You sure? You don't want any toys... or vibrators?"     

Annoyed, she picked up a pillow and threw it at him.     

"Who needs a vibrator when I have a live one now!"     

The smile on Ghost's face fell when he heard her.     

Turning away from her, he said sadly, "I guess you guys are official now."     

"I... I've decided to give him...and us... a chance."     


She fidget with her fingers for a moment before asking, "Can I tell him about us?"     

Ghost whipped his head back and snapped angrily, "NO! DON'T YOU DARE BETRAY US!"     

"Fine, I won't! Calm down! I just thought he might be able to help us."     

Ghost snarled, "I don't need his help!"     

Kai Xin sighed in frustration over his stubbornness.     

She understood Ghost's reluctance of letting someone else coming into their group. After all, it had been the three of them all along.     

However, she hoped that one day, he would be able to accept DX as well.     

Changing the channel on the screen, she tried to change the topic by asking, "Where's Phantom?"     

Ghost shrugged, "There was a fight at the bar earlier. He's probably cleaning up the mess now."     

Kai Xin nodded, "He's so capable that sometimes I forgot about his condition."     

"He's better than most 'perfect' people."     

Kai Xin agreed. She had never seen Phantom being down or sad about his own condition.     

She used to take advice from him when it comes to dealing with the children from the orphanage.     

While she was watching Ghost playing with Crash, she accidentally saw the bite marks on Ghost's neck.     

With a smirk, she asked, "How was the sex?"     

Following the direction of her eyes, Ghost moved his hand to his neck and grinned sadly, "Great."     

"I doubt she thinks the same way," teased Kai Xin.     

"I'm blessed by the Gods. She loves this...," sneered Ghost as he crudely pointed to his crotch.     

He barked out a laugh before continuing,     

"Besides, she got paid thousands to sleep with this great one. She should be happy. After all, she probably gets paid twice."     

"They sent her?" asked Kai Xin while kicking off her shoes.     

He shrugged. As he played "fly high" with Crash, he said, "Guess they were checking up on me. She would probably go back and report to them that I am still the same."     

He frowned in disgust as he thought about the woman he bedded earlier. He had to shower twice to get rid of her cloying smell.     

To throw his enemy off his track, he would sleep with anyone.     

He had endured it for the past 20 years and he would keep enduring if it meant the total downfall of his enemy.     

"The entire Luo Family must be exterminated..." thought Ghost as he gripped Crash's head tightly.     

Somehow, Kai Xin felt that the trip to Japan was about something else and not solely on vacation.     

She saw the crazy gaze reflected in his eyes and started to have a bad feeling. Leaning over, she grabbed Crash from him and motioned for him to look at her.     

When he turned to look at her, she said confidently, "We will get them one day, Ghost. Don't do everything by yourself, OK? Talk to me if you need help."     

Ghost looked down at his feet and nodded. However, he knew that he was lying.     

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