Be My Strength

Don't ever let that person go...

Don't ever let that person go...

2DX was completely distracted as he sat at the dining table with the children.     

"Godfather, were you listening?"     

When he saw Quinn's little hand waving in front of him, he blinked and turned to her.     


Lyle looked at him worriedly as he asked, "Are you alright, dad? You seem a bit off today."     

"I'm fine," answered DX as he reached out to tussle both the children's hair.     

Then he turned to Jack who was staring at the pancake on his plates.     

"What's wrong, Jack? Why are you so down today?"     

Jack shrugged. He let out a heavy sigh before pushing his plates away and resting his head on the table.     

DX glanced at Lyle who merely shrugged.     

"I don't know what's wrong with him. He came back from his art class looking like that," said Lyle.     

"Jack, did something happened at the class?" asked DX. When Jack did not answer, he turned to Old Mo and said, "Call the teacher. If he cannot give me a good explanation, then get rid of him."     

"Yes, sir."     

Before Old Mo can dial in the numbers, Jack looked up and snapped, "No, don't fire Ms. Lily!"     

"Ms. Lily?" asked DX curiously. With his arms folded, he asked, "Your teacher should be Mr. Wong. Who is this Ms. Lily?"     

Jack groaned and hide his face, "She's the substitute teacher!"     

Old Mo gasped, "Oh...Young Master Jack has his first crush? This call for a celebration!"     

Jack blushed and glared at him, "I'm not!"     

DX laughed at the reason behind his son's hunger strike, "Jack, you missed your dinner because of a woman?"     

Jack blushed and nodded as he replied, "She's beautiful and kind, and she's a really good artist."     

"Well, she's probably too old for you."     

"But you are ancient compared to that man!"     

DX gave him a warning gaze and Jack immediately slumped back on his seat. Quinn could not helped but giggled at his misfortune.     

Lyle immediately placed his hand over Quinn's mouth and whispered, "Shh! If you make too much noise, dad would ban us to our room!"     

Quinn nodded knowingly and the two turned back to Jack and DX.     

DX shook his head at those two before turning back to Jack.     

"Jack, she's too old for you. She probably has a boyfriend."     

"She has a fiancee," said Jack dejectedly. He sighed loudly before continuing, "He came to pick her up earlier."     

"No!" gasped Quinn and Old Mo as they listened to the story unfold.     

DX patted Jack on the back and tried to comfort him by saying, "Jack, you are still young. You will find someone more suitable for you someday."     

Jack pouted and glanced up at his father, "But I don't want to be in my thirties only to find out I'm gay."     

'KA DONG!'     

Quinn loud laughter can be heard from the floor. She glanced at DX who shook his head at her and she immediately covered her mouth with her hands.     

However, she cannot stop herself from trembling. It was hard for her to stop herself from laughing!     

"Send the children to their room. I'll take Jack up later."     

Quinn pouted when Old Mo took her hand, "But we want to see!"     

"Now, Young Lady Quinn, if you don't follow me up, Master XiAn is going to call the maids. You won't want that do you?" asked Old Mo.     

Quinn shook her head vigorously. She tried to prank the maids earlier but when they caught her, they tied her up against her will.     

They only released her when she promised to behave. A shiver ran through her and as she walked out of the dining room with Lyle, she looked at Old Mo before whispering to him,     

"They are mean."     

Walking behind them, he nodded and replied in a soft voice, "Yeah, they only listened to the orders of two people here. So don't go around provoking them."     

Once they were gone, DX turned to Jack and said,     

"Jack, I'm not saying that it is wrong for you to have feelings, but you are still too young. Wait a while longer. It would be worth it."     

"Dad, don't you have a crush on anyone when you were younger?"     

DX shook his head, "I never found the owner of the other end of my red string until now."     

Jack looked at him with confusion written all over his face.     


"I'll tell you a story from when I was a teenager."     


14 years old Young DX was made to follow his father to a charity fair at one of the poorer districts of Imperial City.     

Young Layla had tagged along with him.     

When President Du Jin went to give a speech, she dragged Young DX all over the place and made him try all the snacks and played on the games.     

After being forced to sit on the Merry-go-round, Young DX finally had enough.     

When Young Layla said she wanted to visit the fortune teller, he raised his objection, "That's childish!"     

With her arms folded, she sneered, "Oh, is Young Master Du afraid that they would tell you that you are destined to be a grumpy and lonely old man?"     

Glaring at her, he said gruffly, "Let's go!"     

Young Layla giggled as she pushed him into the tent. Even if he did not say it, she knew him long enough to know exactly what he was afraid of.     

"Welcome! Would you like to have your fortune read today?" asked the young fortune teller when he heard the bell rang.     

He appeared to be in late thirties and too young to be dabbling in this kind of games.     

Young DX rolled his eyes as he thought, "They should be working instead of trying to lie their way through life."     

The man's white eyeballs scared Young Layla and she hid behind DX before dropping a few hundreds dollars into the donation box.     

When the fortune teller heard from his assistant, he smiled and thanked Young Layla for her generosity.     

Young DX felt bad when he heard the exchange. He did not know that the man was blind.     

"It's for charity after all." said Young Layla nervously as she peeked from behind DX.     

"Don't be afraid, little one. Take a sit. What do you want to know?"     

Young Layla dragged Young DX over and forced him to sit down.     

Once she sat down next to him, she asked, "We would like to know about our love life."     

The fortune teller touched Young Layla's hand and after a while, he smiled and said, "I see a woman...and a man holding a child with black and white hair in your life."     

Young Layla frowned, "A man and a child with black and white hair? But I'm..."     

Young DX stood up abruptly and interrupted her, "I told you that this is nonsense! Let's go."     

The fortune teller turned to Young DX. He grabbed DX's hand and stared past him.     

Even though he was blind, he can see things that no one else could.     

At that moment, he was observing the loose string of fate that was dangling from Young DX's hand.     

Young DX tried to remove his hand, but the man's grip on him was tighter than steels.     

After a while, the fortune teller frowned.     

He saw the invisible red string of fate that was tied to Young DX's ring finger. Normally, it meant that a person's destined one had arrived.     

However, what worried him was that there were drops of blood running along the string.     

It was a bad omen and he knew that blood would be either be shed by or for the young boy's destined person.     

Looking up as if he was staring into Young DX's eyes, with a heavy heart, he warned,     

"Young sir...The one who shared the same red string as you...Don't ever let the person go... or you'd regret it."     

Young DX sneered as he flung the man's hand away rudely, "I have enough of this hocus pocus!"     

Right before he left the tent, the fortune teller said out loud,     

"The person you are destined to be with is the first person you'd see the moment you walked out."     

Young DX rolled his eyes and left the tent with Young Layla right behind him.     

When he got out, the first thing he saw was a bulging belly.     

Looking up, he saw a beautiful young woman. In her arms was a toddler who kept playing with her hair.     

The woman smiled, "I'm sorry, but could you please move aside so that I can go in?"     

Young DX nodded and stood aside to let her enter the tent.     

Young Layla giggled as she teased, "Hey, that's your destined one. Shouldn't you say hi?"     

As they walked away from the tent, Young DX growled, "Don't be silly! I would never go for an older woman!"     


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