Be My Strength

Did I hurt you?

Did I hurt you?

1Kai Xin's lips twitched as she tried to stop herself from smiling.     

Since DX was trying to be threatening, she should play along.     

With a pout, she asked hesitantly, "What are you going to do to me, President Du?"     

He flipped her over so that she was facing the table and slowly lifted her pencil skirt.     

With one hand caressing her buttocks, he leaned down on her and pressed his hardened bulge against her.     

She gasped when she felt his desire.     

He whispered, "I think you've forgotten who is your boyfriend..."     

Hearing his husky voice so near to her ear, Kai Xin felt the wetness pooled in her underwear.     

She tried to push herself up but DX was stronger than her and he had one palm pressed against her back.     

With a nervous voice, she said, "Erm, President Du...We are in the office, and it's still early."     

"You should have thought of that when you tried to make me jealous."     



When she heard her own voice, Kai Xin immediately clamped her mouth tight to stop herself from crying out loud again.     

Glaring at him, she hissed, "No spanking! At least give me a warning first!"     


He spanked her harder before saying, "You didn't give me a warning when you touched my Head of Accounts."     

"Aumm!" cried Kai Xin when he spank her other buttcheek. Luckily, her hands muffled her voice greatly.     

When he caressed her reddened buttcheeks, Kai Xin moaned. The coldness on his palms on her hot reddened buttcheeks felt like torture.     

"P-President Du..."     

Using his legs, he pushed her legs apart and ripped off her panty.     

Kai Xin gasped, "Du XiAn!"     

When she called out his name in anger, it only excited him more. With a grin, he put the panty into his pocket.     

"Let's discuss on your behavior today," said DX as he unbuckled his belt and pulled the hardened part of him out.     

Leaning down, he kissed her neck.     

Kai Xin moaned, "Don't leave a mark..."     


"They'd know it's you."     

"Then let them know!"     

Even though she cannot see him from her position, she knew that he was upset about having to hide their relationships.     

Placing a hand on his broad hand that was on the desk, she said, "We will. After the twins birthday. For now, I want to keep it a secret."     

DX groaned.     


Another spank before he flipped her over.     

Her cheeks were as red as her cheeks from the other end as she fought not to cry out from the stinging and yet oddly pleasurable pain.     

There were tears pooling in her eyes and thinking that she was in pain, DX felt bad.     

He caressed her face with the back of his hand as he asked softly, "Did I hurt you?"     

She shook her head and in a soft voice, she admitted, "It felt good."     

Hearing her said that made his heart raced and he leaned down to kiss her hard.     

Kai Xin reciprocated. As she wrapped her arms around his neck, she moved her legs so that they were wrapped around his waist.     

"Take...Take me, Du XiAn."     

With a growl, he adjusted her bottom and entered her in one swift movement. The heat from her core made him even harder than before as he took her right there on the desk.     

She moaned softly when she felt the fullness of him in her.     

When he moved, Kai Xin wanted to relax and just let the voice out but she knew that she cannot do it here.     

So, as he quickened his pace from above her, she pulled him down and kissed him on the lips.     

"K... Kara..." moaned DX as he felt the tightening.     

In a ragged breath, Kai Xin gasped, "Just let go..."     

DX groaned when he felt her clenched against him tightly.     

Following her instruction, he let go of his reservation and he felt himself pumping into her as he closed the distance between them.     

When the tremor passed and he regained his energy, he went to the washroom and took out some towels with him.     

By the time he came out, with his pants properly buckled, she was still lying on the desk with her face flushed from the earlier activity.     

"You lazy minx..." teased DX as he parted her legs to clean her up.     

Kai Xin sighed blissfully as she felt the cold towel against her heated area. Glancing down at him, she smirked,     

"Well, you have to clean up the mess you make."     

He slapped her thigh lightly before kissing at both her inner thighs. With a grin, he said, "Gladly."     

Once he was done, he carried her to the couch and spooned there with her.     

It was tight but he loved the couch because she had nowhere to escape to.     

Caressing his arms, she asked, "What's wrong with you today?"     


"You are in such a hurry."     

DX took her hand and kissed it at the wrist. He could smell her fresh daisy scent.     



"I think... for the first time in my life, I'm feeling a little insecure."     

Kai Xin wriggled and turned over so that she was facing him. She kissed him gently before asking, "Why?"     

DX sat up with her in his laps before saying, "You are making me insecure."     

Hearing his words, Kai Xin felt hurt and she murmured, "I'm sorry."     

She tried to stand up but he pulled her back down and tightly locked her within his embrace.     

"No!" DX frowned, "I don't mean it that way!"     

He gently tucked a stray hair behind her ear as he explained his words earlier, "Kara... I've never felt this way towards anyone before..."     

Looking into her eyes, he admitted, "...Not once did I feel insecure or have to worry about someone leaving me. Even the twins' mother. When I was with her, I don't have any feelings like the ones I have towards you."     

"DX, I -"     

He interrupted her by kissing her hard and did not allowed her to breath until the very end when they were lying down on the couch with him on top of her.     

She gasped and tried to breath as she shot a glare at him. He felt a little different today.     

As she stared into his big sad eyes, she thought, "Was he really that affected by Ki Hong?"     

"Kara... My Kara... You'd never betray me right?"     

Kai Xin frowned and lightly slapped him on the cheek, "What are you talking about?"     

DX was stunned by the light slap and he stared at her.     

She pulled him down so that he was completely resting on top of her. With his head on her resting on her chest, she whispered,     

"I think, the truth is that...from the moment you asked me to give us a try, I have already decided that you are mine forever."     

DX pushed himself up to look into her eyes.     


Blushing, she glanced at him coyly and said,     

"Du XiAn... I love you."     

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