Be My Strength

That's Mr.Ye to you

That's Mr.Ye to you

1Back at Ye Mansion, Ye Tian thought about the phone call from Song Qiao.      4

As he glanced down at the woman tied up on his bed, he thought, "A man named K?"     

He saw the photos on the magazines before but all the photos were either pixelated or it was only the man's back that was showing.     

He positioned himself into the woman's mouth and groaned when she took him.     

As he watched the woman's head moving up and down his length, he thought, "But he was obviously with Little Kai Xin... Could I have been wrong?"     

"Tian..." moaned the woman.     

Ye Tian frowned and snapped, "Don't call my name!"     

With a sigh, he pulled himself up and released her from her confinement.     

"We are done here today. You can leave. Take your money from the butler."     

The woman looked horrified and she grabbed onto his arm, "Ye Tian, have I done anything wrong? Why are you throwing me away?"     

Ye Tian grabbed her hair and tugged it hard until she cried out.     

He snarled, "I hate clingy woman like you."     

Dragging her to the door, he only released her hair after he pushed her out of the door. With a cold voice, he ordered, "Get lost! Guards!!!"     

The guards came in and immediately grabbed the naked woman.     

When they saw their Young Master standing there naked and unashamed about his thing, they quickly glanced down at their feet.     

"Young Master, this?" asked one of the guards.     

"Throw her out or play with her if you want. I'm done with her."     

"Ye Tian! You said you would love me forever!" yelled the woman as tears fell down her cheeks.     

"Do you actually believe someone like you can enter my family? You are just the daughter of a lowlife gangster. You should be happy that I even give you a glance."     

"Ye Tian, you bastard! My father would never forgive you!"     

"Let's see what he can do to me then."     

Glaring at the guards, he snapped, "What are you waiting for? Get the trash out of my sight!"     

The guards saluted and dragged the shouting woman out of the house.     

Ye Tian turned and saw his father watching from outside his study.     


Mr. Ye looked at his son with an indifferent expression as he said, "That's Mr. Ye to you, Ye Tian. Only call me father when we are in the company of outsiders."     

Ye Tian nodded, "As you wish, Mr. Ye."     

"Don't bring girls back here. If you want to play, bring them to your apartment," said Mr. Ye sternly before entering into his study.     

Ye Tian went back into his own room. As he stared at himself in the mirror, he saw that he was still hard and he quickly palmed himself.     

With a hand on the wall, he moved his other hand up and down the length until..."Fuck!"     

He groaned out loud as he cum. As he was not wearing anything over it, his cum sprayed all over the mirror.     

As he stood there with his hand bracing against the side of the mirror and with his breathing heavy, he saw the large scar on his chest.     

Tracing it with a finger, he smiled ruefully.     


The sound of things being smashed against the wall could be heard throughout the Ye Mansion.     

All the servants stood in fear outside the Master's study room.     

"Is the Young Master going to be alright?" asked one of the maids who had been working there since Young Ye Tian was born.     

"He would be fine..." replied another. However, her facial expression betrayed her thoughts.     


The loud scream startled them and they shrieked. The maids turned to look at the Head Butler nervously.     

"Head Butler Xu! Please save the young master! If this goes on, he would really die!"     

Head Butler Xu shook his head, "This is not the first time. Young Master Tian would be fine. Go prepare the first aid kit and get the doctor to be on standby."     

Inside the room, a Young Ye Tian struggled to breath as his father tried to choke him to death.     

Young Ye Tian begged in a hoarse voice, ""     

The previously immaculate study room was a mess with shards from the broken mirror and vase lying around. The books and documents were thrown all over the room.     

Just as he was about to lose consciousness, Mr. Ye released his hold on his son's neck.     

"How could you do such a heinous thing!" yelled Mr. Ye as he gave his son a punch to the face.     

With tears in his eyes, he gripped a broken shard of mirror and stabbed his son in the heart.     

"Argh!!!" yelled Young Ye Tian when he felt his skin being cut open.     

However, hearing his son's painful voice, Mr. Ye was unable to make himself push it deeper.     


Mr. Ye looked up and saw his son's teary eyes.     

Even though he wanted to kill the little bastard, he cannot do so with those eyes looking at him.     

That was his late wife's eyes that were staring back at him. He had a flashback to the day he lost his wife.     

"Protect Xiao Tian for me, Xuan Yuan..." cried Mrs. Ye as she laid weakly on the cold hospital bed.     

Mr. Ye had cried as he held onto his wife's hand. He nodded as he glanced at his newborn son who was wailing in the bassinet next to the bed.     

Mrs. Ye smiled weakly as she caressed her beloved husband's face, "Xuan Yuan, I love you but Xiao Tian is our son, don't forget that..."     

His wife's last words kept ringing in his mind, he roared and he eventually released the bloody shard of mirror.     

Standing up, he glared at his son as he adjusted his own shirt,     

"You will leave here tomorrow. No doubt your uncle will push down the news about the girl. I'll talk to them so that your cousin and the Shangguan boy would be send away from here as well."     

Young Ye Tian scooted away from his father before calling out to his father meekly, "Dad..."     

Mr. Ye slammed the table and snapped, "I told you a million times before! Don't call me Dad!"     

Young Ye Tian winced when he heard his father slammed the door behind him.     

He kept staring at the bathroom door that he did not realized that he was bleeding heavily.     

The maids finally peeked in and when they saw the state their Young Master was in, their hearts bled for him.     

While the doctor was tending to him, Young Ye Tian finally passed out.     


Ye Tian glanced at the sight of his ugly scar. Ever since that day, his father never raised a hand against him.     

All of a sudden, he laughed an eerie laugh out of frustration.     

He picked up his phone and ordered his men to find everything out about 'K'.     

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