Be My Strength

Is President Du alright?

Is President Du alright?

4The next day, Mrs. Smith, Han Ye, DX and Kai Xin went to visit the victims of John.     

Along the way, DX could not stop smiling whenever he thought of what Kai Xin told him.     

Mrs. Smith whispered to Han Ye, "Is President Du alright?"     

Han Ye glanced at the rearview mirror and sat that DX and Kai Xin were sitting appropriately with a distance between them.     

Every now and then, DX would smile for no reason.     

In a hushed tone, Han Ye replied Mrs. Smith, "President Du's mind is not something mortals like us should question."     

Mrs. Smith looked up at the rearview mirror and saw that DX was back to his stoic self.     

She nodded as she said softly to herself, "Indeed, there are some things mortals should not know..."     

They spent the entire days going from house to house.     

When the victims opened the door, most of them were surprised by the appearance of DX at their humble abodes.     

They were even more surprised when he apologized for not knowing what had happened to them.     

"It's not your fault, President Du," said one of them while she looked down at her feet.     

"I was the one who hired him so I have to take on the responsibility," said DX.     

He glanced at Han Ye who handed her a cheque with $250,000 written on it.     

Thinking that he was trying to bribe her, the girl stared at the cheque in anger.     

However, before she can say anything, Mrs. Smith said, "President Du is not trying to buy your silence. This money is to help you out. You have been out of job since you resigned. No doubt you must have a lot of credit card debts."     

When the girl looked at Han Ye, he nodded and said,     

"President Du worries that even though you have left the company, you might still be suffering. Use the money to see a psychiatrist or to do some retail therapy. There's no string attached to it."     

The girl felt so grateful that she fell on her knees in front of him. He was right.     

She was unable to find any work and because of John who was blackmailing her, she ended up in a huge debt.     

DX helped her up and said in a kind voice that was unlike him, "Don't think too much of this. If you would like to return and work under Du Corporation, just let Han Ye knows and he would arrange everything."     

The girl nodded. She had never seen this side of President Du. Back in office, he rarely talked to anyone other than the Head of Departments and Han Ye.     

Everyone called him "The Iceman" behind his back.     

As she waved at the car that was driving away, she felt so guilty that she used to be one of those who called him "The Iceman".     

In the car, DX massaged his shoulder while he read through the profile of the last person they were going to visit.     

Seeing his action, Kai Xin spoke up, "Mr. Han, can you pull up the partition, please? I have something private to talk to President Du about."     

Han Ye nodded. He was glad that Mrs. Smith was in the car with him. At least those two would control themselves a little.     

Once the partition was up, Kai Xin took the documents away from him.     

DX looked at her curiously as he wondered what she was up to.     

She scooted closer to him. Once she was safely secured to the seat, she patted her shoulder and said sternly,     

"Sleep. You are tired. She lives at the outskirt of the city so it would take us at least 30 minutes to get there."     

Too tired to argue, he nodded and with a hand slipped behind her back, he rested his head on her shoulder.     

She took his hand and lightly patted it as she hummed Ghost's song to lull him to sleep.     

DX was so worn out from work that he fell asleep quickly. He did not even try to cup a feel like usual.     

As she watched him sleep, Kai Xin wondered what was in his mind.     

She took her phone out and took a selfie of him sleeping on her shoulder.     

When she looked at the photo, she blushed when she thought, "Damn, he's cute!"     

Feeling mischievous, she used a drawing app and drew a Hitler moustache on his face.     

Giggled, she reset it and drew a hilarious strongman moustache on his face.     

Looking at the photo, she had to bite down on her lower lip to prefer herself from laughing out loud.     

"Kara...You are mine.. "     

When she heard him, she immediately hide her phone away. However, he was still asleep and was merely sleep talking.     

"Yes, I'm here..." said Kai Xin softly as she gently patted the back of his hand.     

Glancing at him, she smiled and kissed his forehead lightly before whispering, "I'd never leave you..."     


At the house of the last victim where she stayed with her boyfriend, they experienced some problems.     

When Han Ye handed them the cheque, the boyfriend took a quick look before rudely placed it back on the coffee table.     

With a sneer, he said, "$250,000 for my dear Xiao Fu's pain? I don't think so."     

Han Ye exchanged glances with Mrs. Smith. They had expected this to come up sooner or later. Han Ye produced another cheque for $500,000.     

The man laughed and pushed it back, "Try again. For President Du to come here by himself, no doubt you are worried about the backlash on Du Corporation should there be leakage."     

DX ignored him and turned to his ex-employee, Hu Fu. With a calm voice, he explained,     

"Ms. Hu, this money is not to buy your silence. It's to help you out financially. If you want to take legal action, that is entirely up to you."     

Hu Fu exchanged glances with her boyfriend. She then turned to DX and said, "If you give us $5 million dollars, I would be willing to let the matter go."     

When Han Ye and Mrs. Smith heard her, they shook their head. Both of them knew that President Du hated being threatened the most.     

DX stood up and calmly tore the cheque into pieces. Reverting back to his cold and aloof persona, he said to the two, "I think we are done here today."     

Turning to Kai Xin who had been observing silently, he reverted back to a softer voice and said, "Let's go."     

As the four of them were about to leave the house, Hu Fu's boyfriend yelled, "Aren't you afraid that we would spread this out?"     

Without looking at them, DX answered coldly, "You can, but who would believe you? Besides, what can you do to Du Corporation?"     

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