Be My Strength

Go to him

Go to him

0When Kai Xin was drinking her heart out alone in AVENGE, she received a cryptic message from Layla asking her to meet her outside the bar.      2

She tried to call back but Layla's phone was off. Worried that something might have happened to her, she immediately went out.     

However, Layla was completely fine. She had a bit of drink in her but she was still sober enough to fend off the men around her.     

When she saw Kai Xin, she waved and shouted, "Ah! There is my favorite protege!"     

Kai Xin went over and Layla immediately wrapped her arms around her as she explained, "Someone called for a favor."     

The two went to the nearest late night diner to have a chat.     

The moment they sat down, Layla go straight to the point, "So, the idiot told me about what went on this morning with you two."     

Kai Xin shrugged as she continued to play with the fries.     

Watching her, Layla frowned, "Kai Xin, you need to talk to Du XiAn about what is bothering you. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to love."     

"I just..." sighed Kai Xin. She glanced out of the window before continuing, "I just cannot believe that he would suppress someone just to protect himself."     

Layla smiled as she thought, "Ah...This is easy..."     

She reached over to tussle Kai Xin's hair before saying, "Kai Xin, Du XiAn is not protecting himself."     

When Kai Xin glanced up at Layla, the latter continued, "You need to remember that Du XiAn is the President of an international conglomerate. Millions of people depend on him for their livelihood. This means that there are things that he cannot allow to happen. One of them is being threatened."     

She picked up the burger that had just arrived as she explained, "He is not protecting himself. He is protecting the company and those under it. Do you really think so little of your DX?"     

Kai Xin shook her head, "But I don't know what else to think."     

"Kai Xin, Du XiAn allow me to bother him not just because of the promise he made to me when we were young. It is because I help him to settle things that he cannot openly do himself."     

"What do you mean?"     

"He sent me the details of John's victims last night and told me to find good lawyers for them in case they want to pursue an action. A lawyer was already on standby outside of every houses you guys visited today."     

She took a bite of the burger before saying with a mouthful, "He would have allowed that Ms.Hu Fu to pursue a legal action if that is her real intention. However, I think you can tell that what she was trying to do was to extort money out of Du Corporation."     

Embarrassed by what she thought of him earlier, Kai Xin nodded, "But why wouldn't he tell me the truth?"     

Layla chuckled, "Because he's an idiot who prefers to pile on the work on himself than let you lift a single finger."     

Looking at Kai Xin who was showing signs of regret on her face, she continued,     

"In private, he is your DX and he would do everything for you. To the public, he is President Du of the Du Conglomerate. From the moment he was born, he is constantly told and reminded that he is responsible for the lives of millions of employees. That $5 million? It is a small sum for him but if news got out that he was blackmailed, can you imagine how weak he would appeared to his enemies?"     

Kai Xin glanced down into her cup of Coke and stirred the straw around as she thought about her mentor's words.     

Layla glanced out of the window behind Kai Xin and with a chuckle, she asked, "Seriously, how do you deal with such a clingy boyfriend?"     

Kai Xin frowned and turned around. What she was melted her heart.     

DX was standing there with a bouquet of daisies.     

He had a mask on but from the look of his eyes, and the way he kept putting and taking his hand out of the pocket, she can tell that he was a nervous wreck.     

When Kai Xin turned back to Layla, the latter smiled and pointed towards DX's direction with her chin before saying,     

"Go to him."     

Kai Xin immediately ran out of the diner. When the two saw each other, they felt a little awkward. After a while, Kai Xin took the first step towards him.     

"So..." said the both of them in unison.     

They chuckled when they heard each other.     

Kai Xin smiled, "It had been a while since we fought..."     

Holding the flowers in front of him, DX asked hesitantly, "Kara, are you still mad at me?"     

Kai Xin took the flowers and tiptoed to kiss him on the lips and over the mask, "I'm sorry I make such a big thing out of a molehill."     

Hugging her tightly, DX said softly, "I'm sure that it's not a molehill to you. If you want to talk about it, I'm here to listen."     

Kai Xin nodded as she hide her face against his chest.     

As the two of them got into the car, he nodded at Layla and silently mouthed, "Thanks"     


They went to Hotel W and when they arrived at the room, DX immediately led Kai Xin to the couch in front of the wall-to-wall window.     

He poured each of them a glass of red wine and gave a glass to her.     

Holding her in his arms, they laid there watching the bright moon.     

"DX… Have you known for long?" asked Kai Xin as she absentmindedly swirl the glass of red wine.     

DX kissed her on cheek before placing his chin on her head.     

"I have my suspicions."     

"Why didn't you ask?"     

"I don't think you'd tell me anything."     

Kai Xin took his free hand and in a low voice, she said, "I still don't."     

She wanted to tell him everything but there was this fear that was lodged in her throat. Every time she tried to say something, she found herself to be rendered mute. When she thought of giving him the letter in her bag, her hands would start to sweat.     

Deep down, Kai Xin knew that she was afraid of what he might think of her. She had seen it before.     

Some of her ex-clients were abandoned by their families when they finally found the bravery to speak.     

Even though it was easy to convince them, it was hard for her to convince herself.     

DX placed both their glasses of red wine down and rubbed her cold hands. Blowing warm air at her hands, he said,     

"How about I ask the questions and you just nod if it is a yes and shake your head if it is a no?"     

Kai Xin nodded.     

"Is your name Zhen Kai Xin?"     

She nodded.     

"Is your boyfriend's name Du XiAn?"     

She chuckled and nodded.     

"Is your boyfriend the most wonderful and best boyfriend in the world?"     

With a soft laughter, she turned to kiss him on the chin, "Yes, the best ever."     

He smiled when he heard her laughter.     

After a while, he started to get serious. As he looked into her eyes, he asked,     

"Did something bad happened to you?"     

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