Be My Strength

Were you a child?

Were you a child?

3Not strong enough to face him, she turned back and looked at her feet before nodding.      4

"Is it...sexual abuse?"     

She nodded slowly.     

"Were you a child?"     

Kai Xin took her time before nodding. DX placed his arms around her and he tried to be strong but he was filled with rage.     

"Is it the reason why you moved to a girl boarding school?"     

Kai Xin nodded.     

"Is it your family?"     

She shook her head.     

"Someone you know?"     

She nodded tersely.     

Her own fingers had curled into a fist when she recalled their faces.     

He took a deep breath before asking,     

"Is your attacker...Shangguan Xing?"     

She looked down. For a long time, she did not say anything. Eventually, she nodded. She had never admitted it to anyone and she felt so ashamed to talk about it.     

DX's eyes were burning with fire as he tried to control his emotions. She was barely speaking and he did not want her to stop.     

He felt wetness on his hand and he saw that tears were falling down her cheeks silently. He leaned to the side to look at her.     

With his fingers, he gently guided her face so that he can see her clearly.     

"He- He.."     

Kai Xin found her words lodged in her throat. However, with her eyes closed, she forced the words out in between her sobs, "He. Not. One."     

DX frowned as he tried to understand her words. When he finally understood what she was trying to say, there was an eerie chill surrounding the room.     

"Are you… Are you saying he's not the only one?" asked DX. It pained him to even ask the question.     

She nodded stiffly before turning away from him.     

When he saw her nodding, he cursed angrily, "Fuck!"     

He noticed that her body was trembling and he thought that he scared her.     

Even though they were making good progress, he could not bear to watch her cry any further.     

Turning her body over, he patted her on the back as he comforted her with kind words,     

"It's OK. It's OK. I'm here now!"     

Kai Xin grabbed his shirt as she cried silently against his chest. When she said something inaudible, he asked softly, "What did you say, Kara?"     

He was so afraid of scaring her further that he made his voice to be so soft that it was almost a whisper.     

She hid her face against his chest as she cried louder, "No one was there! I kept crying and calling for help, but nobody came!"     

His hand stopped an inch from the back of her head when he heard her. It must have been scary for her.     

He could only imagine the pain that she went through both physically and psychologically.     

"I'm here, Kara… I'd always come for you…" said DX softly as he tried to control his own emotions. His voice was unstable as he thought about what had happened to her.     

With him there, Kai Xin cried harder. She had never shared her experience with anyone before.     

"I-I'm scared…" cried Kai Xin as she pushed herself away from him. With her slender fingers covering her eyes, she sobbed, "I'm scared that you'd hate me because of what I have done…"     

He pulled her hands away and said sternly, "Never! I'd never be someone who thinks like that! It's not your fault!"     

Kai Xin shook her head. She tried to pull her hands away from his grip as she cried, "You don't understand…"     

"Kara, I don't... "     

She pounded his chest as she threw a tantrum and yelled, "It's not that! It's not that!"     

She ran back into the bedroom and hide under the comforter. She cannot tell him the complete truth.     

No matter how much she prepared herself, there were things that she cannot bear to tell him.     

DX stood at the door, unsure of what to do. The lights from the moon shone on the trembling bulge underneath the comforter.     

He heard her muffled sobbing and it pained his heart. Slowly, he went to her and pulled the comforter away.     

She was curled in a fetal position and he gently rubbed her back as he said,     

"Kara, honey...It's OK if you don't want to tell me now. I won't force you. We will do it again next time."     

Kai Xin climbed onto him and nodded against his chest. After a while, she fell asleep from exhaustion.     

He hugged her throughout the night and when she had nightmares, he would hold her tightly and whispered comforting words to her over and over again.     

It was only when morning came that he left her side to order some breakfast for her.     

He also took the opportunity to text Han Ye.     

[ Go to her high school and get all the information on her, Lu ZiYan, and especially the bastard Shangguan Xing and the guy. I want to know all the details about all of them. Who they hang out with and who they talk to. Go to all the clinics and hospitals in every city she ever resided in and get me all her medical conditions. Make sure you personally talk to every clinic she might have visited. I want everything by next Monday!]     

After a while, Han Ye sent back.     

[ Yes, sir.]     

[We would be taking a day off today. Inform her firm.]     

[ Yes, sir.]     

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