Be My Strength

I prefer another type

I prefer another type

4By the time DX went back to the room, Kai Xin was awake and she motioned for him to join her in the bed.      1

Obediently, he went and sit by the side of the bed. With a gentle smile, he asked,     

"Hey, beautiful...How are you feeling?"     

She groaned as she hid under the comforter, "What time is it?"     

"Almost 10 am. What's wrong?"     

A muffled voice came from under the comforter, "The sunlight...My eyes are hurting."     

He went over and closed the blinds. When he went back to the bed, a head peeked from under the comforter.     

"DX... About yesterday..."     

DX patted her head and said, "We will continue when you feel a lot better."     

She nodded. She covered her eyes as she asked wryly, "I probably look ugly now, right? I'm probably sporting eyes that looks like it belongs on a goldfish."     

"No. Never," said DX. He leaned forward. Pulling her hands down, he kissed the eyelids of her eyes before saying,     

"I've told them to bring up the cucumber slices along with our breakfast."     

"I have to get to work," said Kai Xin. She yawned as she tried to get out of bed.     

DX stopped her.     

"Don't worry. I've applied leave for you."     

With a frown, she asked, "Why? I can still work. There's still plenty of stuff that I have to clear off and-     

DX interrupted her by saying, "Let's go on a normal date."     

Kai Xin blinked and looked at him curiously.     


DX nodded, "Normal. Well, as normal as we can be. We have to disguise a little but it should be fine."     


DX went to check and came back with Head Manager Han and Jiang Cheng. They were each carrying a tray full of food.     

"Morning, Ms. Future Madam President," said the two in unison as they greeted her with a bow.     

"Morning. Did Du XiAn told you to call me that? Please don't."     

They turned to DX who was inspecting the quality of the food. Without looking at the men, he said,     

"Call her Ms. Zhen when you are talking to her. But keep in mind that she's your future Madam President."     

"Yes, President Du."     

"Leave the trays on the bed. We would be eating there."     

The two men obliged as they carefully placed the tray on the bed.     

DX dismissed them once they were done.     

He poured out a glass of milk and handed it to her, "Drink."     

"I haven't brush my teeth."     

"It's fine. You can brush later."     

Kai Xin sighed and drank the milk. She watched as he slathered a thick amount of freshly made peanut butter on a slice of toast.     

"Eat, "said DX as he placed the toast in front of her mouth.     

"I'm not an invalid," said Kai Xin with a pout as she tried to reach for the toast. However, he stopped her.     

"I want to pamper you."     

She tried to make reach for the toast again as she said, "You are always pampering me. Give me the toast!"     

DX caught her hands and locked them with one of his. With a grin, he placed the toast in front of her mouth and said, "I like pampering you. Eat now."     

Kai Xin opened her mouth obediently and ate quietly. She gave up fighting after a while. It was nice not having to lift a finger.     

Once the toast was gone, DX fed her with some sausages.     

"Is it good?" asked DX once she was done taking a bite of the homemade sausages.     

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she teased, "It's OK, but I prefer another type."     

"What do you want? I'll tell someone to get it for you."     

She placed a hand on his thigh as she said in a sultry voice, "The one I like...You are the only one who can give it to me."     


He was about to ask when he realized what kind of "sausage" was she talking about.     

When he saw that she was eyeing his crotch, he blushed.     

Knocking her forehead lightly, he pretended to scold her,     

"You little minx...Stop eyeing me like I'm a piece of meat!"     

Kai Xin laughed. She opened her mouth so that he can feed her with another bite of the sausages.     

He started to eat once she was done with hers. While he was eating, he made her laid down with the cucumber slices on her eyes.     

The cooling nature of the cucumber slices on her warm eyelids felt so comfortable that it caused her to fall asleep. By the time she woke up, another hour has passed.     

"Why didn't you wake me up?" groaned Kai Xin as she went to the bathroom to get ready.     

He chuckled as he sat there on the bed wearing nothing but jeans and a white T-shirt,     

"Just take your time. We have the whole day."     

As he was waiting for her to get ready, he went through his work emails and replied to some of the more important ones.     

After a while, he checked his watch and noted that she was taking longer than usual.     

Worried, he went to check on her.     

Knocking on the door, he asked, "Are you OK?"     

Kai Xin came out wearing her male attire. She was wearing a sweater with a little fox on it and a pair of jeans that was similar to what DX was wearing.     

She was adjusting her wig when she asked, "Have you seen my phone? I need to check on my messages."     

DX nodded and went to get her phone from the living room. While Kai Xin scrolled through the messages, he just stood there and watched her.     

When she frowned, he asked, "What happened?"     

"I need to go to AVENGE for a while."     

DX hesitated for a while before asking, "Why?"     

"Jane got drunk. I need to pick her up."     

She showed him a message filled with words that did not make any sense. In between all the gibberish, there was a word, "AVGenge".     

She tried to call Jane but she did not pick up her calls. Worried, Kai Xin said,     

"Let's go now. We'll pick her up, drop her off at her house and I'll do whatever you want, OK?"     

DX nodded, "Anything you want."     

They went straight to AVENGE. The bartender who was cleaning the cups pointed out to Jane who was sleeping on a couch. A blanket was draped over her.     

Kai Xin tried to pay for her drinks but the bartender refused to accept the money.     

"Boss said that on account of the money you spent here since the opening of this place, he will waive the charges for this lady's drinks. Anyway, I have to leave soon. Please wake the lady up and go so that I can close the place,"     

Kai Xin rushed over and tried to wake Jane up. After a while, Jane woke up.     

She held onto her head as she grumbled, "Urgh... My head....Stop spinning..."     

"What the hell, Jane? Since when do you drink on a weekday?"     

"Oh hey, it's my best friend. Why are you dressed like that? Is the man wearing a mask, President Du?" asked Jane.     

She waved cutely at DX and said, "You are less scary with your Teddy bear sweater."     

DX glanced down at the picture of a teddy bear that was right in front of his shirt. Since Kai Xin told him to wear it, he wore it without any hesitation.     

Kai Xin helped Jane up and she poured out a glass of cold water for her before asking,     

"Why are you drinking alone? Where's Mo Shaoyun?"     

When she heard the name, Jane froze. Glancing down at the glass of water in front of her, she said sadly,     

"We...We broke up yesterday."     


Knowing that Kai Xin would get angry, Jane said, "I've decided to end things with him. After all, there are plenty of fishes out there."     

Kai Xin frowned. She looked at Jane carefully.     

The lights were dimmed but she saw Jane's swollen eyes amidst the running mascara and eyeliner.     

"No. You wouldn't be drinking yourself stupid if you are the one who ended things. It's that bastard right?"     

Jane turned to Kai Xin and asked sadly, "Is it because I have gotten fat? Is that why he doesn't want me?"     

"What? You are not fat! Tell her, DX!"     

DX nodded, "Not fat."     

When Jane heard DX's response, she cried out, "Then why did he break up with me without telling me? Why did he get engaged with another?"     

Kai Xin felt her temper flaring up when she heard her. She asked angrily, "What did you say?"     

Jane told her about everything that happened.     

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