Be My Strength

This is all your fault

This is all your fault

2When she heard Jane's story, Kai Xin was furious. She had warned Mo Shaoyun before and he dared to make such a move!      3

Angered by how he treated Jane, Kai Xin immediately gave him a call with the intention of cursing at him and his entire 18 generation.     

She glared at the phone as she mumbled impatiently, "Pick up, you jerk!"     

When he did not pick up after three tries, she called his office only to find out that he had been hospitalized.     

"Is he OK?" asked Jane worriedly.     

"I don't know. The person on the phone said that he got an asthma attack yesterday."     

Jane grabbed her best friend's arms and asked nervously, "Kai Xin, I want to see him! Can we go to the hospital?"     

"I want to see him too," replied Kai Xin with a malevolent look in her eyes.     

They took Jane home to clean up and make her eat before heading to the hospital.     

"I'm sorry, DX, " said Kai Xin when he held her hands as they waited for Jane.     

Jane was checking with the receptionist on Mo Shaoyun's room.     

With a guilty look, Kai Xin said, "I know you wanted to go on a normal date."     

DX shook his head before saying, "Helping out your best friend is normal to you right? So, it's a normal date. Don't worry. I just want to hang out with you without thinking about work."     

Ignoring the judgmental looks of the people around them, he hugged her while they waited for Jane.     

"They won't tell me. I think his mum might have warned them," said Jane sadly when she returned.     

Looking at her, DX said, "I'll handle this. You stay here with Kara."     

5 minutes later, he returned with the room number.     

"How did he do it?" whispered Jane when they were making their way to the room.     

"He's President Du. This kind of thing is nothing to him," replied Kai Xin as she glanced at the man who was walking behind them.     

She chuckled softly as she thought to herself, "Having a mean looking bear as guardian is pretty useful..."     

When they arrived at the room, Mo Shaoyun was watching the TV. There was no one else with him.     

He looked so lonely that Jane could not help but feel sorry for him.     

"Kai Xin, President Du... Can you guys let me go in first?"     

Kai Xin was about to disagree when DX stopped her.     

"Let them talk first..." said DX.     

She looked at Jane's hopeful face. Defeated, she sighed, "Go on."     

Jane rushed into the room and asked,     

"Are you alright? What did the doctor said?"     

Before he can reply, she checked on the chart hanging off the bed. After a while, she nodded,     

"You are fine. Luckily, it's not a major attack. Your asthma attack must have been caused by stress. The doctor noted that your blood pressure is a little high, so you need to be more careful about your food intake."     

Mo Shaoyun blinked as he watched her lips moved. He did not expect to see her here after yesterday's event.     

Jane sat next to him and took his hand, "Shaoyun, get well soon, alright? I don't like seeing you sick."     

He nodded as he reached out to touch her face. With a nervous smile, he asked, "Is this real, Jane? Are you really here?"     

When she nodded, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry..."     

Without a warning, he pulled her down and kissed her on the lips. When Jane tried to pull away, he stopped her as he continued to tease her with his tongue.     

Having forgotten where she was, Jane climbed onto the bed and straddled him as she responded to his kisses.     

"Ahem!" Kai Xin cleared her throat loudly as they entered into the room.     

Finally noticing that they were guests in the room, Mo Shaoyun, to her disappointment, released Jane's lips.     

He looked at Kai Xin and DX. With a sigh, he said,     

"If you are here to kill me, then so be it."     

Kai Xin looked at him with an indifferent expression.     

Initially, she had wanted to kill him but when she saw how he was towards Jane earlier, she was unable to give him a kick to the stomach.     

"What happened yesterday? Why did you break up with Jane?" asked Kai Xin impatiently.     

When Mo Shaoyun did not reply, she raised her voice,     

"She was drinking herself stupid at the bar alone! What if anything happened to her?!"     

With a frown, he turned to Jane and asked,     

"Is it true?"     

She shrugged as she laid down next to him.     

"Don't do that anymore."     

Jane looked at his eyes before she asked, "Mo Shaoyun... That woman?"     

Mo Shaoyun closed his eyes and sighed, "It is true. She is my fiancee. We got engaged last week."     

"Mo Shaoyun!" snapped Kai Xin. DX had to pull her back from ripping Mo Shaoyun's neck out.     

She glared at the man on the bed, "I told you not to mess around with Jane!"     

"Kai Xin, this is none of your business..." said Mo Shaoyun as he released Jane's hand.     

DX stared at him. Even though his voice was calm, there was a hint of threat when he asked, "What did you say to my woman?"     

Mo Shaoyun failed to realize that the man wearing the mask and teddy bear sweater was President Du.     

He gulped, "P-President Du?"     

"Why are you getting a fiancee when you have such a good girlfriend?" asked DX as he pulled a seat out for Kai Xin to sit on while he stood behind her.     

"I have...I have my own difficulties."     

Mo Shaoyun turned to Jane. He kissed her on the forehead and whispered, "No matter what, you are the only one in my heart."     

A second later, the door was swung open and Mrs. Mo stomped in shouting,     

"MO SHAOYUN!"     

She glared at the two unknown men besides her son's bed and when she saw Jane on the bed, she immediately went forward and pulled Jane down.     

Jane fell down and cried out when she hit her elbow against the marble floor, "ARGH!"     

"JANE!" yelled Mo Shaoyun.     

Before he can get down from his bed, Kai Xin went forward to help her up.     

She shot daggers at Mrs. Mo with her eyes before scowling at her,     

"What the fuck was that for?"     

Mrs. Mo looked at Kai Xin, who she failed to recognize, and laughed, "Shaoyun, my good son. Look at her. I told you she is not a good thing for you. You've just broken up with her and she is already with another guy."     

"Mother, please stop..." sighed Mo Shaoyun.     

He looked at his mother and with a exasperated look, he pointed out, "You promised that you won't bother her"     

"Shaoyun, this kind of slut is unsuitable for you. If she is carrying a child, how can you be sure that it would be yours and not other men's?"     

Unable to listen any longer, Kai Xin yelled, "Mrs. Mo! Watch what you said!"     

Mrs. Mo looked at Jane in disgust as she spat out,     

"This young fellow... I'll let you know that this slut has been sleeping around with guys since high school! If I were you, I'd be more careful about hanging out with a woman like her!"     

Mo Shaoyun coughed as he begged his mother to stop, "Mother, please!"     

"Shaoyun, wake up! Those nudes we found... She probably sold that for money!"     

"I didn't..." cried Jane as she looked at Mo Shaoyun. "I didn't, Shaoyun. That's not true! I have never cheated on you!"     

Kai Xin glared at Mrs. Mo and she cursed, "You shut your pie hole up! I've slept with many men as well! What is wrong with that?!"     

Mrs. Mo was horrified when she heard that. She glanced at DX who had been standing at the side quietly the whole time.     

Then she turned to look at Jane. With disgust reflected in her eyes, she sneered,     

"Not only are you sleeping around, you are now sleeping around with two gay men at the same time? Shaoyun, you-"     

Unable to take it anymore, Mo Shaoyun roared, "ENOUGH, MOTHER!!     

Mrs. Mo was taken aback by her son's attitude. Until he met Jane, he had never raised his voice at her before.     

She blamed Jane for her son's drastic change. A grocer's kid like her wanted to marry into their family? She would never allow that!     

Mrs Mo glared at Jane. She took a step towards her and tried to grab her but Kai Xin stopped her.     

Mrs Mo snarled, "This is all your fault, you slut. I know everything about you! INCLUDING THE CHILD YOU ABORTED IN HIGH SCHOOL!"     

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