Be My Strength

She's playing with me

She's playing with me

4Before they entered into the amusement part, DX took out two identical caps sunglasses and placed one set on Kai Xin.      0


She looked at her watch.     

"It's almost 5pm."     

"Still sunny," said DX as he pulled out a mask, "Do you want to wear a mask?"     

She shook her head, "I'm not as popular as you and it looks more suspicious if both of us wear one."     

DX agreed with her reasoning. If both of them were to wear masks, people might think that they were celebrities out on a secret rendezvous.     

For their first destination, DX took her to the Merry-go-round.     

For their second destination, they went to the spinning cups.     

For their third destination, he brought her to the bumper cars.     

Even though every rides were fun with him being there, Kai Xin soon noticed a pattern.     

"DX... These are all children's rides. Can't we go for something more exciting?"     

DX blushed and deflected her question, "Let's go try out the bumper cars again. You can take the red one this time."     

Before he can turned around, she pulled his sleeve and chuckled when she saw the beads of sweat forming on his forehead.     

"President Du! Are you afraid of rollercoasters?"     


However, when his face turned red, Kai Xin could not help but tease him again.     

"He's so adorable!" thought Kai Xin as she kept peeking at him as she dragged him along while looking for the scariest rollercoaster in the country, 'The Triple Bypass'.     

It was easy to locate it. They just have to follow the direction of the screams.     

"Since you are not afraid, let's go for a round."     

As they waited for the next round, they both glanced up at the screaming adults who were dangled upside down.     

"That looks fun," said Kai Xin as she glanced evilly at DX who had turned pale.     

"You-You sure?" asked DX nervously as he glanced at tracks. He gulped when the rollercoaster moved to one of the tracks that were almost vertical.     

She took his arm and smiled innocently,     

"Yeah, why not? A brush with death can be fun."     

He watched as the dreaded train arrived for the new passengers to get in.     

DX stood there as he stared at the deathtrap. He cursed himself. Coming to the amusement park was the worst idea he ever had!     

With a look of defeat, he turned to Kai Xin. To his annoyance, she was smirking as she tapped the floor with one of her foot.     

"Either you admit that you are afraid or we are going for a ride on that thing."     

"She's playing with me..." thought DX wryly. He finally admitted to the truth.     

Happy that he told her the truth, Kai Xin dragged him away from the area and they went to get some snacks.     

The two of them sat down at an empty bench in order to fully enjoy their cold drinks amidst the loud horrifying screams and laughters.     

"DX, why didn't you just tell me earlier that you are afraid of rollercoasters?"     

Embarrassed by her question, he avoided her gaze as he answered awkwardly,     

"It's unmanly."     

"To be afraid?"     

DX sighed. When he noticed someone looking over at his direction, he quickly pulled his mask up and turned the other way.     

He took Kai Xin's hand and led her to the another area before telling her about those people.     

"I doubt they can actually recognize you. Imagine that! President Du wearing a sweater with a bear on it?"     

She laughed as she lightly tapped on the picture of the bear before continuing,     

"...And walking around with unkempt hair and baseball cap? Eating from a stall in broad daylight? Ha! I wouldn't believe it if I'm not dating you!"     

DX pulled her into a hug and growled, "I'm not taking any chances. If they knew that I'm here, they would ruin the day for us."     

She giggled, "DX..."     


She looked into his eyes as she said, "You don't have to hide your fear from me. I don't mind that you are not completely fearless."     

He glanced down at her.     

When he noticed the chocolate stain from the ice cream she had earlier that were on the side of her lips, he pulled his mask down.     

Without saying a word, he lifted her chin slightly higher before he slowly licked it off her. His other hand that was rested on her waist moved slightly upwards.     

His movement aroused her desire and she started breathing quickly as she demanded for more.     

"Kiss me, Du XiAn!"     

He obeyed her command by kissing her deeply there and then. Just when they were lost in their own world,     


The sound of camera clicking caught their attention and Kai Xin quickly pulled his mask up to hide his face.     

They turned to the person taking the photo and scowled.     

DX growled when he saw the person and the group of children behind him.     

Even though they were wearing sunglasses, DX and Kai Xin were able to recognize them.     

It was Callum and the kids.     

In fact, the twins were eating corn dogs while they looked at their father through their disapproving eyes.     

"He told us he was busy with work," Lyle pointed out. His voice sounded bored as he exchanged looks with his brother.     

"Busy doing something else more like it," Jack added on before taking a bite of his food.     

Quinn rolled her eyes at them, "Give it up, you two. They are in love!"     

DX secretly gave her a thumbs up before turning to look at his brother.     

Callum grinned as he went through the photos he just took.     

He giggled as he thought to himself, "This would earn me good money."     

DX frowned and asked impatiently, "What are you guys doing here? Why aren't the kids in their respective classes?"     

"It's a holiday."     

"What holiday?"     

"It's a holiday when their Uncle Callum lost a game and was forced to take them out. You have horrible children, Du XiAn!"     

DX ignored the remark that he made about his kids. Instead, he glared at him as he questioned him, "You took my kids out without any guards?"     

"Obviously not. They are in disguise around here..." replied Callum with a nonchalant wave, "...somewhere."     

DX took a quick glance and the guards who were disguised sent a discrete hand signal to him.     

"At least you've some brain in juice."     

Callum waved the camera in front of DX, "If you are mean to me, I won't give you the photos."     

DX raised a brow at him. Callum pulled him aside and showed him the photos that he took earlier.     

Kai Xin and Quinn exchanged glances and giggled as they watched the two grown men huddling over a tiny camera.     

DX gave Callum a rare look that portrayed his approval.     

"Enlarge it and placed it in my bedroom, and over the bed. I want it done by tonight."     

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