Be My Strength

I won't tell anyone

I won't tell anyone

2On the way home from the amusement park, Kai Xin kept yawning and despite her attempts to stay awake, she fell asleep.     0


Young Kai Xin was in the middle of biology class in her new school when a wave of nausea engulfed her.     

Unable to hold it in longer, she immediately dashed for the washroom.     

Young Jane who had been her lab partner at that time ran after her.     

"Are you alright?" asked Young Jane as she knocked on the door.     

She heard heaving sound coming from inside the cubicle and she worried that Young Kai Xin might be seriously sick.     

"Kai Xin! Are you alright? Should I call the school nurse?"     

There was no reply except for the heaving sound.     

After a while, she heard flushing and Young Kai Xin stumbled out of the cubicle.     

Her face was pale as she went to wash the taste out of her mouth.     

"I'm fine."     

Despite her assurance that she was fine, Young Jane was worried about her.     

"That doesn't sound fine. You need to go to the nurse."     

"I'm probably stressed out from the change of environment. It's no big deal."     

Young Jane took Young Kai Xin's slender hands in her pudgy ones and tugged, "Kai Xin, let's go to the nurse. What if you have caught the flu or something worse?"     

Young Kai Xin shook her head and she pulled her hand away from Young Jane. She dragged herself out of the washroom.     

"Jane, I'm fine. It's probably something I ate. I'd be going back to my room to rest. Please help me tell the teacher that my period is here."     

"Are you sure?"     

"Yeah, go."     

Even though she was worried, Young Jane nodded and ran back to class.     

However, instead of going to her room as she said, Young Kai Xin went straight to a nearby pharmacy.     

She had a bad feeling and even though she kept telling herself that it was impossible, she still bought a pregnancy testing kit.     

The moment she got home, she went straight to the toilet.     

A minute later, she came out with the stick in her hand.     

As she held the stick in her hand, she paced around nervously. Fear washed over her as she thought sarcastically to herself, "I can't be that lucky, can I?"     

Two minutes later, she looked at the testing stick and she felt the world closing in around her.     

Two lines.     


For the next few hours, Young Kai Xin laid down on her bed as she stared at the ceiling.     

Her mind was a blank and she did not know what to do.     

"4 months..."     

She had been so stressed out that she did not realize that the last time she had her period was 4 months ago.     

Even though she noticed that her stomach was getting rounder, she had thought of it as normal weight gain from stress eating and all the food she ate fact when Jane dragged her out for late night eating sessions.     


Young Kai Xin buried her face in her pillow as she thought about what to do next.     

She cannot tell her mother or her brother about it. When she thought of calling her father, she knew that he would just blame it on her.     

"Nai Nai?"     

She pulled out her phone from her pocket only to toss it onto the bed a second later.     

Grandma Zhen would definitely want to discuss it with Grandfather Zhen. Young Kai Xin knew how much her grandfather disliked her.     

If news were to spread about her getting pregnant out of wedlock, he might even disown her.     

She took out the envelope filled with cash that her mother gave her for her monthly expenses.     

Counting the money inside, she sighed, "$300 dollars."     

Including her own savings, she had about $700.     

"How am I going to take care of a child with $700?"     

Young Kai Xin slapped herself lightly and shook her head.     

Looking down at her stomach with a sorrowful expression, she rubbed it gently as she thought, "What am I thinking about... They would know... "     

She did a search on abortion. According to Google, she can only abort legally if she had made a report on the r*ape.     


Young Kai Xin yelled out in frustration. This was not supposed to be her life. She was supposed to be doing stupid stuff with her friends and not worrying about pregnancy.     

Someone knocked on the door and called out for her, "Kai Xin. It's me, Jane."     

Young Kai Xin immediately closed her laptop before answering the door, "What's up?"     

"I'm worried that you'd be skipping meals again so I brought you some lunch and your bag as well."     

She took her bag and the pack of takeaway before moving aside to let her in, "Thanks."     

As she sat on her bed, Young Jane asked, "Are you feeling better now?"     


Kai Xin replied half-heartedly as she poured the soup out into the bowl. She placed a pack of instant rice and the soup into the microwave before asking,     

"Is there any homework today?"     

"Quite a lot.." replied Young Jane. She took out a piece of paper that she kept folded in her pocket and handed it to Kai Xin.     

Young Kai Xin copied it down into her school diary.     

"Can I use your toilet?" asked Jane.     

Without thinking clearly, Young Kai Xin replied, "Yeah, sure."     

A second later, she panicked. She had left the pregnancy stick on the basin!     

"Kai Xin... What's this... " asked Young Jane as she walked out with the testing stick.     

As if she was afraid that someone might hear them, she asked in a hushed tone, "Are you...Are you pregnant?"     

Young Kai Xin grabbed the stick and hid it behind with the silly hope that Young Jane would forget everything about it.     

However, it was impossible as Young Jane continued to ask questions,     

"Is that why you vomit earlier? Because of morning sickness?"     

Terrified that she might say the wrong thing, she snapped, "No! Please leave!"     

She pushed Young Jane out of the room and locked the door. As Young Jane knocked on the door nervously, Young Kai Xin had a breakdown.     

She leaned against the door as she cried silently. She closed her ears and whispered, "Please go...Please! Just leave me alone! I don't... I don't want to see anyone..."     

The knocking stopped. A moment later, she received a text message from Young Jane.     

[ Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. Just let me know if you need any help.]     


"Kara! Kara!"     

Kai Xin was jolted awake. She looked around and saw DX watching over her worriedly.     

"Where are we?"     

"Outside your apartment. Are you alright? You were crying."     

She touched her face. True enough. It was wet.     

"I'm fine..." She mumbled as she wiped off her tears using the back of her hand, "...Just a nightmare."     

Hearing her explanation, DX took out his phone and dialed, "I'll arrange a psychiatrist for you."     

Kai Xin sighed and reached over to take the phone from him. Just as the call connected, she hung up.     

"DX, I don't need a psychiatrist. I'm fine now."     

"But you are having nightmares!"     

It was fine when he did not know but now that he knew what happened to her, he felt as if he had to do something for her.     

She reached over and placed her hands on his cheeks.     

"DX...I'm fine...Really!"     

She leaned over and gave him a light peck, "...So, don't worry about this, okay?"     

He was unable to help himself but looked at her with sad eyes.     

She hugged him and said in a hushed tone, "DX, I told you the truth because I want you to know. I don't want you to look at me as if I am a weak woman. Please..."     

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