Be My Strength

My brave little warrior

My brave little warrior

1When DX arrived at the mansion, the first thing he did was to check on the children.      1

Jack and Quinn were asleep but Lyle was nowhere to be found.     

He checked the gaming room but he was not there either. When he saw Old Mo, he asked about his son's whereabouts.     

"Young Master Lyle was at the library earlier," answered Old Mo before he went about with his work.     

DX went to the library and found his son reading in front of the decorative fireplace.     

He leaned against the wall as he watched his son read. Every now and then, Lyle would adjust his glasses and yawn.     

Back then, Lyle would sleep on the couch while DX worked.     

Looking back, DX felt somewhat sad that Lyle and Jack no longer needed him.     

After a while, DX finally said something,     

"Great Expectations? Aren't you too young to be reading that?"     

Lyle froze for a second when he heard the voice. He was startled by his father's presence.     

However, he calmed down soon. Without looking up, he answered, "I couldn't sleep."     

"I haven't seen you in your glasses for a while."     

"I don't like to wear it outside."     

DX went to his son and handed him the letter, "Read this."     

Lyle took the letter and looked at his father, "What's that?"     

"A letter from the person you want to see."     

Lyle blinked. Once he registered what his father just said, he quickly turned to look at the letter. His name was addressed on the envelope.     

He handed the envelope back to his father and said, "Open it carefully."     

DX grinned wryly as he realized that he was being bossed around by his son.     

He picked up a letter opener and carefully opened the letter before handing it to his son.     

Lyle read the contents of the letter.     


To Lyle, my brave little warrior,     

I heard from your father that you have been constantly asking for me. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to gather the courage to pen this letter to you.     

I know that it was hard for you to accept the fact that I was gone when you woke up in the hospital.     

It was selfish of me to make such a promise to you when I have no intention of keeping it.     

Perhaps it would have been better if I have not visited you in the hospital.     

However, I would like you to know that the reason I left has nothing to do with you.     

The truth is, I was unable to face you because of how much you reminded me of what I could have.     

There were thorns in my heart that I was unable to remove and I know that it was cowardly of me to say this now, but I was afraid that if I was to stay near you, I would never be able to treat you as who you are.     

You deserve someone who would treat you as who you are and not as a replacement for someone else.     

Lyle, my brave little warrior, please believe me. Even if I am not there by your side, I was never far away. And I have definitely not forgotten about you.     

Your father and I, we talk about you frequently.     

Please do not blame him for not telling you about my whereabouts.     

Be good to your father. I will see you soon.     

PS: You will be surprised when you see me.     




Lyle was so happy that his eyes were soon filled with happy tears. With a wide smile, he glanced up from the letter to look at his father.     

As if he was afraid that this was a dream, he informed him using a hushed tone, "She said she would see me soon."     

"Really? That's great then. What else did she say?"     

Lyle carefully placed the letter back in its envelope while glaring at his father.     

Afraid that his father would attempt to steal his letter, he growled, "None of your business! This is mine!"     

The letter and its content belonged to him alone and he did not want to share it with anyone!     

Before DX can say anything else, Lyle ran out of the library.     

With a sigh, he mumbled, "It is obvious who is number one in his heart."     

As for Lyle, he was so excited about the prospect of meeting his mummy that he stayed awake for most of the night.     


Meanwhile, at a posh restaurant downtown, An Qi Yan waited patiently for her friend to appear.     

It had been more than 20 years since they last met and she only knew that he was back in the country because of a common friend.     

She nervously glanced at her reflection while waiting for him to appear.     


When she heard the waiters greeting someone, she turned to face the entrance.     


A man who was wearing the darkest sunglasses and using a white cane slowly walked into her line of sight.     

"It's really him..."     

Like a young maiden, An Qi Yan smiled nervously as she waited for him to make his way over to her seat.     

She tucked her hair behind her ears shyly. It was silly since he cannot see her but she could not help it.     

His white cane clicked everytime it hit an obstacle. She chuckled when the man refused help from the waitress.     

"I can find her myself."     

An Qi Yan watched as he slowly made his way over. Even after so many years, her heart still beat wildly whenever she saw him.     

When he arrived, she joked, "Did you get distracted by pretty girls again?"     

The man took off his sunglasses and when he looked up, his completely white eyes shocked the waitress that was pouring water into his glasses.     

Ignoring her soft gasp, he looked directly at An Qi Yan. He reached out with a hand and An Qi Yan purposely placed her hand nearer to his.     

When he found her hand, with a smile, he squeezed it once before saying,     

"You know you are the only one I can see."     

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