Be My Strength

I was there

I was there

1"I'm glad she made it through," said Sima Erden right at the moment the waitress served them their food.     

They thanked the waitress and waited for her to leave before An Qi Yan said wryly,     

"Even though you told me that it might be a fluke, I could not help but think about it everyday. I tried to prepare myself for the possibility of it happening, but it didn't work...As a mother, even if I know beforehand, I would still feel the pain of losing my baby."     

"Qi Yan..."     

She wiped off her tears as she thought about that day. Maybe it was because of stress, Kai Xin came earlier than predicted and at that time, An Qi Yan was at home alone.     

"Her father was at another hospital welcoming his other daughter, and her grandparents took Kai An away for the weekend. No one was there. Not even you...I called you but you didn't pick up."     

Her words broke his heart. Even though he had initially wanted to keep it a secret, he told her,     

"I was there."     

When she looked up at him in disbelief, he continued wryly,     

"When I saw your numerous missed calls, I knew that you were in labor. I didn't know where you went so I ended up at the wrong hospital..."     

He chuckled ruefully at his silly blunder. Then he smiled sadly, "...By the time I arrived, you were already in the emergency ward. I tried to go in, Qi Yan! I did! But the doctor said that only your husband can be inside."     

An Qi Yan gasped when she heard him. For years, she held a small grudge against him for not being there for her.     

Sima Erden wiped away his tears. When he heard her screaming in pain, he had been so afraid that he would lose her.     

With a shaky voice, he continued,     

"The entire night, I was outside the room waiting...Praying that the child would have a longer lifespan. Praying that what I saw was really a fluke. When I saw the nurses rushed in and out... When I heard the anguish in your voice as you cried, I knew then that she did not make it."     

Seemingly ashamed, he lowered his head before saying, "I didn't know what to do so I just stood outside the room."     

An Qi Yan wiped away the tears and forced a laugh out,     

"Don't be so serious, Erden. That was so long ago. Thank God she eventually breathes. You know, I think she was just playing with me. After all, she was quite a mischievous little thing."     

Sima Erden laughed softly, "I bet she kept you on your toes all the time."     

"Yeah...If not for Kai An..." An Qi Yan stopped herself abruptly as she thought about another thing.     

He frowned when he realized that she stopped talking.     

"What's wrong? Did something happened?"     

An Qi Yan took a moment to control her emotions before continuing, "If not for Kai An, I would have lost her again."     

He reached out for her hand and An Qi Yan took it before he hit the glass of wine.     

"Qi Yan...What do you mean? Did something happened to her after that?"     

Temporarily forgotten that he could not see her physical body, she nodded.     

"Qi Yan?" Sima Erden squeezed her hand.     

She looked up at him, "Sorry, I was distracted...Kai Xin...She actually died twice before."     


16 years ago, the moment An Qi Yan arrived home, Young Kai An ran to her and told her everything that happened.     

All this time, Mr. Zhen was just sitting in front of the TV and playing with Little An Xin.     

When she heard that Little Kai Xin was still out there, for the first time in her life, she yelled at her husband,     


When he heard her shouting, Grandpa Zhen came out and admonished her,     

"An Qi Yan. Why are you shouting? It's improper. No wonder Kai Xin also behaved in such a manner"     

Ignoring his verbal jab, An Qi Yan pointed towards outside as she snapped, "Pa, look at the heavy rain! Kai Xin is still out there."     

Grandpa Zhen waved his hand nonchalantly,     

"That little brat is smart enough to find a shelter. She's probably at her friend's house. Kai An, give those kids a call."     

Young Kai An called all her friends but they said that she did not visit them.     

Shaking her head in disbelief, she glared at her cold husband, "If you are not going to look for her, then I'll go."     

Up until then, Mr. Zhen thought that he did not do anything wrong and that Little Kai Xin deserved to be punished.     

"No. That brat will come back when she's hungry. As your husband, I forbid you from going."     


Everyone gasped when An Qi Yan slapped her husband. She had always been softspoken and this was the first time she got angry.     

"Even if you care naught for me, she's still your daughter. You bastard!"     

She rushed out after she took an umbrella.     

Young Kai An followed behind her with his umbrella and he turned to look at his father, "I'll look after mum!"     

They went to the houses nearby and when they cannot find her, Young Kai An said nervously, "Mum, let's split up!"     

An Qi Yan agreed. She knew that Young Kai An would be careful and he was capable of taking care of himself.     

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