Be My Strength

Just kill me

Just kill me

2The moment he hung up the call, Grandfather Luo turned to Butler Douglas. In a shaky voice, he ordered the latter to clear his schedule and readjust all his meetings.      0

"Is everything alright, sir? What did Dr. Wong say?" asked Butler Douglas as he texted Grandfather Luo's secretary to relay his message.     

Grandfather Luo grabbed his cane that was hanging behind his chair, "Guang Ying...Get the car! We are going to the hospital now!"     

They dropped everything at work and went straight to the hospital. Despite everyone's advice, the old man burst into the operating theatre.     

For an old man who needed a cane, it surprised the nurses that he had enough strength to push the male nurses aside as he yelled, "LET ME SEE MY GRANDSON!"     

The doctor leading the team was Dr. Wong, an old friend of Grandfather Luo.     

He was about to shout at the person who was causing the racket that nearly distracted him when he realized that it was his friend.     

He nodded at the nurses who immediately stood aside to let Grandfather Luo in.     

When he saw the mangled state of his grandson's left hand, he fainted. When he woke up few hours later, Young Ghost was still in the operation theatre.     

In between the operation, Dr. Wong came out to talk to Grandfather Luo about Young Ghost's condition.     

All the bones in his left hands were broken to pieces. It took the doctors more than 48 hours before they can piece everything back.     

Grandfather Luo waited outside the operating room with Butler Douglas.     

His son claimed to be busy with his campaign and despite Grandfather Luo's scolding, he chose not to visit.     

"Dad, you are the one who wanted him to come back. He is your responsibility. I need to focus on my work now. Just send me a message of his condition."     

When he heard his son's cold reply, Grandfather Luo was so angry that he threw the phone down.     

His daughter-in-law dropped by once. However, her 15 minutes visit was mostly to plead for Young Luo Yin.     

As he was too heartbroken at that time, Grandfather Luo told her to leave first.     

With a dismissive wave, he said weakly, "We will talk about this later, Yan Xi."     

"Pa!" pleaded his daughter in law, Su Yan Xi.     

"Yan Xi!" snapped Grandfather Luo. He had enough of his daughter-in-law. She was here for 15 minutes and not once did she asked about the boy in the room.     

He was tired of her voice and all he wanted to do was to be left alone.     

He glared at her and pointed towards the direction of the operating theatre angrily,     

"Look at what your son did to his brother! I know that their relationship is bad but how can you try to plead for him?!"     

"PA! Xiao Yin is still a boy! They were only playing. I'm sure that Guang Ying must have angered him. I've warned Guang Ying before that his young brother has a bad temper, but he never listens to me!"     

"YAN XI!"     

Grandfather Luo could feel his blood boiling as he gritted, "Is it justifiable for Xiao Yin to destroy his brother's hand just because he has a bad temper!! What kind of things have you been teaching him! Douglas!!"     

"Yes, Master?" asked Butler Douglas as he stepped forward.     

"Get someone to send Yan Xi home, and arrange for Xiao Yin to leave the city! Send Xiao Tian away as well! Without my permission, they are not allowed to return to Imperial City! If their parents cannot teach them, then I will!"     


Grandfather Luo tapped the floor loudly with his cane and snapped, "Douglas, what are you still waiting for?!"     

Butler Douglas nodded as he escorted Mrs. Luo out of the hospital.     

Grandfather Luo glanced at the light coming out of the operating theatre. He was someone who always knew what to do. For God's sake, he built an empire for the Luo Family!     

Yet, at this very moment, he was unable to do anything for his poor grandson.     

He was angry at himself. He knew that his grandson suffered because of him.     

Grandfather Luo blamed himself for bringing the boy back. All he wanted was to keep his family together, but it did more harm than good.     

He hoped that his son would eventually come to accept Ghost but that idiot never did.     

When Butler Douglas came back, Grandfather Luo sighed as he directed the blame towards himself.     

"Perhaps Guang Ying's life would be better when he was living on a day to day kind of life with his mother."     

Not knowing what to say, the young servant merely stood there as he accompanied his master.     

When the doctors pushed an unconscious Young Ghost out, Dr. Wong stopped Grandfather Luo to talk to him about Young Ghost's condition.     

Hearing his friend's diagnosis, Grandfather Luo cursed and in his anger, he nearly fainted again.     

Luckily, Butler Douglas caught him or he would have injured himself.     

Sitting down at the chair outside the operating theatre, Grandfather Luo cried as he hit his own chest.     

According to Dr. Wong, even though the technology was advanced enough to heal the broken bones, his grandson would never be able to fully utilized his left hand anymore.     

In addition, once the bones fused together, he would have to attend years of physical therapy sessions.     

Grandfather Luo knew that Young Ghost was a talented pianist. In the beginning, the young boy would play for him whenever he asked.     

It was only recently that he showed reluctance in playing the piano.     

He recalled that there was once when he asked his grandson what he wanted to be when he grew up. At that time, Young Ghost smiled briefly and whispered to his ear, "A professional pianist. That way, even if we are not together, Ye Ye and Mama would be able to hear me play."     

Holding onto a shred of hope that Young Ghost would still be able to play, Grandfather Luo asked Dr. Wong about it. With a heavy heart, the latter told him the truth,     

"Given the extent of Guang Ying's injury, it would be considered a miracle that he can exert any strength at all in his left hand. I'm afraid that it would be quite impossible for him to play any instruments professionally anymore. At least, not with anything that required the use of his left hand."     

When the boy woke up and saw his grandfather by his bedside, the first thing he asked was his bandaged left hand.     

Unable to answer him, Grandfather Luo merely asked if he was hurting.     

"It hurt, Ye Ye..."     

Young Ghost was not an idiot. Tears welled in his eyes and it soon overflowed as the reality set in.     

Covering his eyes with his right hand, he cried as he knew that he could never play again. However, unable to hold it in, his cries got louder and louder.     

Ever since he left his mother, no matter what happened, no matter how lonely it was, he tried to live on as bravely as he could.     

However, as time passed by, it got harder and harder.     

His only solace was in music. Whenever he was playing, for a brief moment, he was able to escape the roaring silence that was in his mind threatening to consume his sanity.     

Now that it was taken away from him, he did not know how to live anymore.     

Turning to his grandfather, Young Ghost grabbed his sleeve and begged tearfully,     

"I don't want to live with them anymore! Please, Grandfather! Just kill me! Please just...just kill me…"     

Grandfather Luo's heart ached. It was as if someone was squeezing it tightly. It was hard for him to hear such words coming from a young boy's mouth.     

Reaching out, he slowly patted the boy's grey hair.     

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