Be My Strength

This is not my home

This is not my home

0Mr. Luo glared at him, "Xiao Yin. Mind your words."      4

Without taking his eyes off Ghost, Luo Yin shrugged, "I'm just joking with Big Brother Guang Yin."     

However, his words caused Mr. and Mrs. Luo to be on their guard and they placed the bowl of soup that they were about to drink aside.     

They asked Butler Douglas to take the soup away by complaining that it was cold.     

Used to their behavior, Ghost glanced down at his soup and smirked. Naturally, given everything that they did to him before, their guards were up against him.     

To lower their guards, he drank the soup and took a bite out of every dishes on the table.     

Once they saw him eating without a care, they felt stupid at their own reactions. When Butler Douglas came back with the hot soup, they drank it happily.     

Grandfather Luo noticed the tension that was brewing in the room. Before it could escalate further, he cleared his throat and directed the conversation back to the earlier topic.     

"About finding Xiao Yin a girl...How about one of the Nakamura sisters?" asked Grandfather Luo as he scratched his goatee.     

Looking at Luo Yin, he added, "They come from a highly reputable family and both sisters are capable enough to help you out in the future."     

Luo Yin wrinkled his nose when he heard of the choices he had, "No way. Xing was supposed to marry a Nakamura. How can my wife be someone who is compatible with the fallen Shangguan Family?"     

Turning to his mother, he acted like a pampered child as he gave her the puppy dog eyes, "Right, Mum?"     

"Yin, you stupid boy. The Nakamura is a strong family. Marrying someone from the main branch would boost your standing in society, " said Mr. Luo as he glanced disappointedly at his son who cannot see beyond his nose.     

Being in-laws with the main branch of the Nakamura Clan would do more good than harm. The Nakamura Clan was famous for their philanthropist act and it would definitely help in boosting his popularity among the people.     

Without waiting for his son's opinion, he glanced at his wife and said, "Set up a meeting for them."     

Horrified at the thought of a blind date with the Nakamura sisters, Luo Yin snapped, "Dad!"     

Ignoring his son's protest, he continued eating.     

When Luo Yin turned to his mother, she shook her head and told him to control himself.     

"No way..." Luo Yin slumped back onto the seat. His father never listened to him. When he noticed Ghost, he felt a wave of anger rising within him.     

"It's all his fault..." gritted Luo Yin under his breath as he thought about the first time he met Ghost.     


20 years ago, Little Luo Yin and Little Ye Tian were playing football at the Luo's private field behind his estate when his grandfather came for a visit without any notice.     

When he saw the Rolls Royce pulling onto his driveway, Little Luo Yin kicked the ball aside and ran to the door.     

Along the way, he kept yelling excitedly, "Ye Ye!!!!"     

Not willing to lose, Little Ye Tian ran behind him as he shouted, "Gong Gong!!!", over and over again.     

When their grandfather got out of the car, they hugged onto his thighs and asked mischievously,     

"Ye Ye, when did you come back? Dad told us that you won't be back for quite some time!"     

Little Ye Tian placed his face closed to the tinted mirror as he asked, "Gong Gong! Did you get us anything?"     

"Yeah, Ye Ye! Did you get us any toys?"     

Grandfather Luo laughed and patted the two hyperactive boys on their head, "Don't you two have anything to say to me other than asking for presents?"     

The boys glanced at each other and smirked before shouting, "WE LOVE YOU!!!"     

"Good boys! I've brought you something better, " said Grandfather Luo as he signalled Butler Douglas to open the door on the other side.     

When a boy stood out and walked towards Grandfather Luo nervously, the latter stood behind him as he introduced him to the boys.     

"Xiao Yin, this is your older brother," said Grandfather Luo as he looked at the boy with delight. Little Luo Yin frowned when he heard his grandfather.     

The old man then looked at Little Ye Tian and said, "Xiao Tian, Guang Ying is younger than you. Even though your surname is not Luo, you are still my grandson and thus, Guang Ying will be one of your younger brothers as well."     

"Ye Ye..." Little Luo Yin glanced at the boy and wrinkled his nose in disgust. He had never seen such a dirty kid before.     

His hair was so long that it almost touched his shoulders. Little Luo Yin glanced at his shoes and smirked, "What? You can't even afford proper shoes?"     

Little Ghost glanced down at the pair of shoes his mother bought him not too long ago. Due to their financial circumstances, the shoes were supposed to last him for a while. Hence, she bought him a pair that was one size bigger.     

He had not understood why Little Luo Yin was smirking at him but still, Little Ghost suddenly felt as if he was inferior to the boys. Ashamed, he kept his eyes on the ground.     

As Grandfather Luo took him inside, the boy glanced around. Everything looked so much bigger compared to his house.     

Suddenly afraid of the strange place, he hugged Grandfather Luo's arm and whispered, "Ye Ye..."     

"Yes, my dear boy? Ye Ye is here."     

"I want to go home...I want to see my Mama..."     

When he heard that, Grandfather Luo snapped, "This is your home now, Guang Ying. Don't be silly anymore!"     

Little Ghost was shocked when Grandfather Luo snapped at him and he immediately took a step backward.     

Glancing down at his shoes, he tried not to cry as he apologized.     

Grandfather Luo sighed and patted him on the shoulders before saying,     

"Guang Yin, you are the eldest son of our Luo Family. Obviously, you would have to stay here. Remember, this is your home now."     

Dejected, Little Ghost nodded. However, tears were welling up in his eyes as he stubbornly thought to himself, "This is not my home..."     

When Little Luo Yin and Little Ye Tian saw their grandfather acting all kindly towards Little Ghost, they were upset. They were sitting down at the couch as they followed the movement of Little Ghost and their grandfather with their eyes.     

"Xiao Yin, you are so dead..." whispered Little Ye Tian.     

"What do you mean?"     

"You are no longer the only heir," teased Little Ye Tian. When he saw the frown on Little Luo Yin's face, he smirked, "Better start working harder or you might really lose your inheritance."     

Knowing that his cousin was right, Little Luo Yin could not help but to develop hatred towards the strange boy.     


Back in the dining room, as his parents talked to his grandfather, Luo Yin glared at Ghost who continued to eat without any care in the world. When Ghost noticed that his brother was looking at him, he taunted Luo Yin by giving him a gentle smile.     

When they were younger, Ghost would trembled whenever their grandfather stepped aside. Even when their grandfather was there, Ghost would do his best to avoid looking into the eyes of Luo Yin or his parents.     

He did not like this version of Ghost. He preferred the one who cried whenever he threatened to beat him up.     

While he sipped from his glass of red wine, Luo Yin thought angrily, "Luo Guang Yin... You are just a dog that my grandfather picked up from the street... How dare you behave as if you are the owner! I'm the true owner of this family!"     

When he saw Ghost's left hand jerked as he tried to pick up the fork on his left, Luo Yin grinned as he thought, "Know your place, you wild bastard...or else!"     


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