Be My Strength

Still as childish as ever

Still as childish as ever

4After dinner, Mr. Luo asked to talk to Ghost privately.      1

Ghost glanced at his grandfather and nodded so that his grandfather knew that he was fine with talking to this father alone.     

They went into Ghost's private library which was filled with toys and manga.     

"Still as childish as ever."     

Picking up a robot that fell from the shelf where it was displayed at, Ghost glanced at his father for a second before saying, "You told me to stay stupid. What's stupider than an adult who plays with toys?"     

Mr. Luo glared at his son, "I know that you went to Du XiAn's birthday party."     

Without breaking a sweat, Ghost placed his robot down before asking nonchalantly, "So?"     

Mr. Luo stared at the back of his son.     

"You have never attended any parties without your grandfather for the past decade. It can't be a coincidence that the first time you went alone, something happened to the Shangguan Family."     

Ghost turned around to face his father. With a polite smile, he said, "I have no idea what you are talking about, sir."     

Mr. Luo squinted his eyes as he looked at his son carefully. Despite what people perceived of him, no one knew his sons better than he does.     

All of them were exceptionally smart and this included Ghost, the bastard that he had with the simple minded woman.     

In his heart, he was cursing at the woman that gave birth to his son, "That stupid woman! She should have aborted the baby!"     

He walked towards his son and poked him at the chest roughly before threatening him,     

"If I find out that you have anything to do with it, I would make sure that you receive your punishment."     

Now that he was no longer a child, Ghost no longer felt as intimidated as before. Using a voice that he had never used against his father before, he replied,     

"Are you saying that I have not been punished enough? I feel that it is already a severe punishment just by having your tainted blood in me."     

Angered by the way his son spoke to him, in one swift movement, he grabbed Ghost's shirt and lifted him up.     

He was caught of guard when Ghost stared directly at his eyes instead of avoiding it as usual.     

The pair of eyes that were filled with fear previously were no longer there. Instead, as he stared back into his son's eyes, Mr. Luo felt as if he was looking into the eyes of a predator.     

For some unknown reason, the realization scared him and he loosened his grip.     

Throwing him onto the couch, Mr. Luo warned Ghost, "Don't you forget who is my heir. If you know what is good for you, you would stay out of Xiao Yin's path!"     

There was a moment of silence before Mr Luo made his way to the door.     

Before he left the room, Ghost asked in a seemingly confused tone, "Dad...Have you ever acknowledged me as your son?"     

The look that Mr. Luo gave him told Ghost everything that he wanted to know. It was a look of disdain, of disgust! It was the same look that Mrs. Luo and Luo Yin gave him.     

As if he was speaking to someone that was utterly beneath him, Mr. Luo spat, "Never! You are just something that the bloody woman kept to disrupt my life!"     

With that said, he went out of the library and slammed the door behind him.     

Ghost sat in the dark for a while before laughing maniacally, "Good! I'm not even a human to you! I'm just a thing!"     

Staring at the door with hatred burning in his eyes, Ghost mumbled to himself, "Since you are not my father, then I don't have to hold back in destroying you..."     

After everyone left, Ghost went back to his room to finish packing his bag for the trip to Japan.     

Suddenly, he heard a knock coming from outside his room.     

"It's open!"     

The door was pushed open and Butler Douglas bowed before saying, "Young Master Guang Ying, may I come in?"     

Without taking a break from folding his clothes, Ghost nodded.     

As he watched Ghost clumsily folding his clothes and stuffing them into the Louis Vuitton luggage bag, he asked, "Do you need help?"     

"I'm old enough to pack my own clothes, Douglas."     

He nodded, "Very well..."     

There was a moment of silence broken only by the sound of things being moved around, when suddenly, Butler Douglas asked, "What about Japan?"     

His voice was filled with uncertainty as he was afraid that it might set Ghost off.     

Ghost's hand stopped moving as he turned to face his butler. He had never mentioned anything about Japan other than he was going to go there for a short trip.     

However, from the tone of his butler, it appeared that his secret was out.     

After a long pause, he asked tersely,     

"Douglas...When did you find out?... Does Grandfather knows?"     

Butler Douglas took Ghost's left hand and gently massaged it while answering the latter's questions.     

"I know about the man that you have been looking for and I know the reason why you are going to Japan to find him. Don't worry. Master do not know anything.     

Looking into Ghost's eyes, he continued, "You might not believe it, but from the time you first came to live with us, I have only one Master and that is you."     

Ghost thought about his words. Butler Douglas had been nothing but kind and respectful towards him ever since they met.     

However, he was unable to fully trust him. After all, he worked for the Luo Family. Turning back to the clothes that were folded and laid out on his bed, he murmured, "Good..."     

As he continued to packed his stuff, Butler Douglas noticed the knife that was partially hidden underneath the clothes.     

Before Ghost can stop him, he swiftly picked it up.     

"Give it back," growled Ghost as he glared at the man.     

"I would not let you do this."     

With a swift kick to the leg, Butler Douglas fell and the knife fell out of his hand. Picking it up from the floor, Ghost glowered at him,     

"A blood debt must be paid with blood..."     

He stared at the knife in his hand for a moment before placing it into his luggage bag. With an emotionless tone, he murmured,     

"This path has been set for me ever since you people dragged me away from my home."     

Butler Douglas stood up with the help of the bed. He felt proud that the Young Master that he brought up was stronger than him now.     

Yet, he cannot help but be worried about him. He was the one who raised Ghost for almost two decades. To him, Ghost was the closest thing he had to a son.     

With a bow, he pleaded, "Young Master... Please think carefully! You shouldn't stain your hands! Let me do it for you!"     

Ghost clenched his fist as he gritted, "Douglas! Stay out of this!"     


Meanwhile, back at the Luo Estate, Luo Yin was having a meltdown in his room.     

His mother came in upon hearing the commotion. She tutted when she saw the thrashed room.     

"After all these years, you are still unable to control your temper. Luckily you did not explode in front of your grandfather!"     

"How dare that bastard smirked at me!" yelled Luo Yin as he threw a decorative crystal bowl onto the floor. "I'm the heir of the Luo Family! Not him! Me!"     

Mrs. Luo smiled as she tried to calm her son down.     

"Of course you are. You are the only legitimate heir of the Luo Family. No one can take that away from you! Definitely not the bastard sons of your father!"     

Luo Yin glared at his mother angrily. She always said that but he knew that his grandfather does not care about legitimacy.     

If he did, he would had never brought the bastard back!     

"But Ye Ye! He loves that bastard more than me! Argh!!!"     

In anger, he threw a framed photo against the wall. It was one of the photos that he took with his grandfather when he was still a kid.     

Until the bastard came, he was the favorite grandson!     

Glaring at the broken frame on the floor, he cursed. He had his grandfather wrapped around his pinky! That bastard took everything!     

Ghost even made his grandfather transferred him another city. Clenching his fist, Luo Yin cursed at his older brother and prayed for his death.     

Mrs. Luo sighed as she watched the manifestation of her son's anger. She gently took his hand and sat him down on the bed before saying,     

"Your grandfather doesn't love that bastard more than he loves you. He was angry because of what you did to Guang Ying before. His anger would have been gone by now. Be patient. Mum will make sure that the little bastard do not accept anything that is not his."     

When Luo Yin heard that, he grinned as he thought evilly, "That's right. With her in our hands, that bastard would not dare to do anything."     

Mrs. Luo smiled kindly at her son as she continued to comfort him.     

"Xiao Yin, listen to Mum. Marry one of the Nakamura girls. You don't have to love her or anything. It's just a political marriage. Once you get the Nakamura Clan support, your Ye Ye would definitely hand the company to you. At that time, you can do whatever you want."     

As he listened to his mother, Luo Yin nodded. The political marriage and his mother's side of the family would strengthened his position in this household.     

He decided to give the Nakamura girls a chance. His mother would never be wrong.     


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