Be My Strength

Please don't take it seriously

Please don't take it seriously

4Due to the lack of work at Du Corporation, Kai Xin spent the next few days working at the firm and meeting with potential clients. When she finally went back to Du Corporation, she saw that Song Qiao was sitting inside DX's room. She appeared to be discussing something with DX and Callum.     

When she saw DX smiled at something Song Qiao said, Kai Xin frowned slightly. She was so focused on the woman that she did not notice that DX was typing on his phone.     

Shortly after, she received a message from him.     

[ Stop staring. There's nothing going on with us.]     

She looked up from the phone and saw that he was standing in front of the see-through mirror. The way he was standing was as if he was observing his employees. Those who were chatting earlier immediately went back to their own cubicles.     

His mouth was moving as he replied something to Song Qiao. When he was done, he gave Kai Xin a wink and with his back facing the two that were seated at the couch, he mouthed, "Go."     

Feeling somewhat defiant, Kai Xin stuck her tongue out at him briefly before heading back to her seat. Instead of allowing her imagination to run wild, she focused all her energy on her work.     

Taking out a stack of documents from the safe, she cracked her fingers and started reading the case files.     

Eventually, she was so engrossed in her own work that she totally forgot about the time. It was only when she felt someone tapping her on the shoulder that she stopped reading and looked up from the files.     

When she saw the person tapping her shoulder, she gave a little sigh of disappointment. Ki Hong pouted when he saw her expression.     

"Zhen Kai Xin, what the heck is with sigh!"     

"What do you want?" asked Kai Xin with a bored tone.     

He grinned at her, "It's lunch time! Stop working so hard! Let's go for lunch...You are buying!"     

When she heard the last sentence, she frowned, "Why am I buying?"     

"Cause I'm new here! Don't you know? You must be nice to your new colleague!" said Ki Hong right before he dragged her out of her cubicle.     

As she was protesting against the way he manhandled her, she saw that Song Qiao was waiting at the private lift with DX and Callum. Some of their colleagues were waiting for the lifts as well.     

Maybe it was because of DX' presence, but there was barely any conversation going on. Instead, less than covert glances were directed towards the three. When they stood together, it felt as if they were from a different world.     

When DX saw her, he was about to say something when Callum beat him to it,     

"Ms. Zhen, we are just going for lunch with Old Madam Du."     

"President Shenlong... I don't know why are you telling me this, but OK...Please enjoy your lunch," said Kai Xin with an indifferent tone.     

"Where are you going for lunch, Ms. Zhen?" asked President Du with his eyes slightly narrowed.     

His question surprised those who were waiting at the lift as they turned to look at Kai Xin. It was the first time they heard President Du asking someone such a basic question. The President Du that everyone knew was never one for small talk.     

Even though her face appeared calm, but underneath her mask, Kai Xin was glaring at him as she thought,     

"What the hell! Is he trying to announce to everyone about our relationship by asking a question like that?"     

Thankfully, Ki Hong was there to answer for her and thus, saving her from the trouble of thinking up a good reply.     

"Ms. Zhen graciously invited me to lunch. We are going to the traditional Japanese restaurant down the road."     

The moment Ki Hong said that, the private lift arrived. Before he entered the lift that had just arrived, DX said,     

"It was unfortunate, Ms. Zhen. I was going to ask you to join us for lunch so that we can discuss your future work arrangement."     

Since there were lots of eyes watching them, Kai Xin decided to reply in a tone that was perfectly polite, "If you are free, we can discuss it later in your office, President Du. I'm sure it would be a lot better than discussing it over lunch."     

He gave Ki Hong a quick glance before nodding curtly, "Very well."     


Kai Xin and Ki Hong watched as the door to the private lift closed. The moment it closed, the waiting area was filled with noisy chitchat.     

Ki Hong grinned as he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "President Du is so cool! I can't wait until I'm like him. Did you see how everyone was so afraid to speak because of his presence? So powerful! So domineering!"     

Kai Xin smirked, "Stop fangirling over him. As if you could ever be like him."     

With his arms folded, he said proudly, "Nothing is impossible you know. You should really dump your boyfriend and hang on tight to me before it's too late."     

She laughed at the thought of what DX would do if he knew about this conversation. With his temper, he would probably hang Ki Hong up for days over a boiling vat of oil.     

With that image in mind, she cannot help but to give her friend a wry look as she scoffed, "Let's go. The lift is here, Mr. Nothing-Is-impossible!"     


In the lift, Song Qiao thought about the employee named Kai Xin. Somehow, she felt as if they have met before.     

If she was the daughter of someone of importance, there was no way Song Qiao would forget her.     

"Qiao Qiao, what are you thinking about?" asked Callum.     

"That girl earlier...Is she your friend? I have been here before but I have never met her..."     

"Errr..." Callum glanced nervously at DX before answering her, "She's just here to help out for a while. But we got to know each other better after the incident with John. She was the one who caught him."     

Song Qiao nodded slowly as she finally understood why Callum was friendly to her.     

Smiling at him, she asked curiously, "Callum, is it possible that you like her? Is that why you felt the need to explain things to her?"     

Callum gulped as he glanced at DX. The latter was really an expert at pretending to be dumb.     

He shook his head and denied, "She's just a colleague. There's nothing between us!"     

"If you really like her, I can help set you up. Otherwise, before you know it, Mr. Ki is going to snatch her away from you. Did you see how he looked at her earlier? He's obviously into her."     

"No! Please don't!" begged Callum. His face turned pale when he noticed the subtle threat from DX. However the more he denied, the more Song Qiao believed that he liked the girl.     

Callum could tell what was in her mind and he pinched his glabella helplessly as he prayed, "Please don't get me killed!"     


Over the lunch, Ki Hong and Kai Xin two talked about their childhood and what happened after she moved away. Well, most of it anyway. Kai Xin did not tell him the absolute truth about the reason why she left.     

"You know, I'm surprised to find you there," said Ki Hong as he picked up a piece of sashimi.     


"You don't remember? It was when we were kids..." He pointed his chopsticks at her with a disapproval look.     

"Huh?" Kai Xin picked up her cup of green tea as she looked at him curiously.     

"You said you would marry me if I become someone like President Du."     

When she heard him, she choked, "What?!"     

"Why do you think I chose Du Corporation over other companies?"     

"Because it's Du Corporation?! One of the largest company in the world?"     

With a smirk, Ki Hong said proudly, "With my ability, I could have joined any company I want. I chose Du Corporation because I wanted to learn more about President Du. His demeanor, his habits...Everything that I cannot learn from magazines...Anyway, I was going to search for you once I have settled down."     

"OK, I don't remember ever saying that, but if I really did said that, it was probably in passing. A joke! Please don't take it seriously."     

Ki Hong sighed ruefully. Of course she did not remember.     

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